What did you accomplish today?

God knows I loved it when my dad would get home from work in his pick up and yell at the kids hey want to go get an ice cream, so the group of us would all jump in the bed of the pick up and off we'd go to Thrifty's for ice cream LOL.

So you get an emphatic yes from me!

Annie....we were raised much the same at different times. My parents bought my brother a Subaru Brat in high school. The car came with factory rear facing seats in the bed. I literally rode in the back of that little truck in every scenario imaginable...... FUN

Ugliest lil truck/car ever made though....lol
Annie....we were raised much the same at different times. My parents bought my brother a Subaru Brat in high school. The car came with factory rear facing seats in the bed. I literally rode in the back of that little truck in every scenario imaginable...... FUN

Ugliest lil truck/car ever made though....lol
LOL yeah farm families :) raise tougher kids or you just bury them and produce a new crop next year!
So I should put him in the bed of the truck? .....and I shouldn't let him steer the last country mile late at night on occasion?
It's fine to do all that. I guess. I grew up like that. I don't let my kids ride in back on the road. Never know when someone will hit you.

My dad was always very strict about seatbelts. I guess pulling kids and babies out of wreckage will do that.

I've noticed with my kids though that my dad isn't the safest person. We were playing with firecrackers one day and he was letting my four year old, at the time, play with them and he asked if he could light them. My dad said yea and told him to get a burning stick out of the fire to light them. I was like dad that's kind of stupid to tell a four year old that.

I do thungs like let my kids sit in my lap and steer and what not.

I just meant that cellphones and driving don't mix. I just got done spending about $1200 in new parts for my car. All new suspension, brakes, steering and bushing/bearings. I'm going down the road and my phone rings and I'm digging for it and look down at the seat and as I look back up I'm running out of the road heading towards a big brick mailbox. Lol. I would've cried if I totaled that car after all that work.
My grandfather was cool, when he got home at night, I would sit on his lap and we would smoke his pipe.
I still love the smell of pipe tobacco. He died when I was about 5.

Just lit a fire, going to braai some beef espetadas and bacon and cheese sausage.

It is also a public holiday and the start to the last long weekend of the year.
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i used to sit in my dads lap and steer....i think there were seatbelts in the truck, he used them to hold the seat cover on.....
Ahh, the old days. My dad was a commercial pilot; in the early 50's he worked for a small Calif based airline. Mom worked, so lots of times Dad would take me to work with him on flights. I was 3 yrs one time and he brought me into the cockpit and let me steer the plane, apparently I jerked the yoke and put the plane into a steep bank. Two years later he went to work for a major airline, fun and games were over LOL
It's fine to do all that. I guess. I grew up like that. I don't let my kids ride in back on the road. Never know when someone will hit you.

My dad was always very strict about seatbelts. I guess pulling kids and babies out of wreckage will do that.

I've noticed with my kids though that my dad isn't the safest person. We were playing with firecrackers one day and he was letting my four year old, at the time, play with them and he asked if he could light them. My dad said yea and told him to get a burning stick out of the fire to light them. I was like dad that's kind of stupid to tell a four year old that.

I do thungs like let my kids sit in my lap and steer and what not.

I just meant that cellphones and driving don't mix. I just got done spending about $1200 in new parts for my car. All new suspension, brakes, steering and bushing/bearings. I'm going down the road and my phone rings and I'm digging for it and look down at the seat and as I look back up I'm running out of the road heading towards a big brick mailbox. Lol. I would've cried if I totaled that car after all that work.

I will admit the cell phone is my worst habit. I drive these country roads so much I get complacent. They say people are more likely to die in a wreck close to home. I believe that.

Have you smoked some Bubba yet?
Ahh, the old days. My dad was a commercial pilot; in the early 50's he worked for a small Calif based airline. Mom worked, so lots of times Dad would take me to work with him on flights. I was 3 yrs one time and he brought me into the cockpit and let me steer the plane, apparently I jerked the yoke and put the plane into a steep bank. Two years later he went to work for a major airline, fun and games were over LOL
When I was about five the husband of the woman that baby sat me and siblings was a farmer and often drove a combine near where we lived. He would let me ride in his lap. By time i was 10 I could run it myself.

Used to you could drive here under the legal age as long as it was from farm to farm.
That's why I don't work out, I'd hate to lose it. Knowing me I'd lose it quick, I misplace everything.

I know the feeling, as I get older I forget where I put things. I mean, just in the last 9 months or so I've managed to misplace 50lbs of blubber AND my diabetes, I'm buggered if I know where I put them, can't find them anywhere, I swear I'd forget where I put my bollocks if they weren't kept in fecking big bags.
That's why I don't work out, I'd hate to lose it. Knowing me I'd lose it quick, I misplace everything.

You're a smart man Sunshine. I know lots of people who lost there virginity after working out....... Tough losing anything with the economy the way it is.

Good night friend .......and everyone else who might read this very knowledgeable post I just posted.
Family vacations consisted of cross country driving marathons with us 3 kids lounging on pillows & blankets in the back of an early 60's Plymouth station wagon.
at least you had a station wagon, we had a fucking pinto hatchback. drove from fargo n.d to yellowstone one year, then next year we went to Bampf, 2 adults, a 10 year old, and a 6 year old....then the year after that my mom told my dad if he wanted to do that shit again, get a van....so for the next 5 years we went everywhere in a van.....still sucked, but anything was better than the pinto
and she had my other sister, so we had a baby in the van.......