QWET and how I did it. Suggestions welcome.

We winterize non polar extractions like BHO but not ethanol, because it picks up minimal non polar waxes.
You dewax in butain i do the same once i see the color if its blond i keep the color and slab it up. If its dark it is not worthy for the shelf in clinic so if their is enough ill slab it up for terps trappin in vac oven cold trap behind then disolve in ethenol for the next step straight catchin fractions after another dewax sesion i dewax twice before putting it in round bottom flask
Also got a sick desighn for a sick as cold trap i see that the original weight going in oven and trap combined doesnt add up to original weight i also smell the vacuum as it pulls on the oven though cold trap i still smell terps coming out of the pump though the oil into the air the orginal desighn is not good enough to trap all the terps and solvents. I got a desighn in my head or mabee 2 together might work better but at 600$ from bhogart thats a lil crazzy for me so ill add to the first cold trap ill post pics when i buy another welder.
Ill go into detail im tring to get the permit for distilling but ill go into detail as soon as i do i stoped because i just found out its not legal to distill ethenol... So i will document the process as soon as i do. But you guys are rocking it#!!
Its legal to distill as long as its not for sale or consumption. If you can prove its not for drinking you are fine.

The atf has an application for a fuel permit but requires you cut it by so many percent with something non consumable.
Let me add that owning a still itself is not illegal.

The production of ethanol varies by state. A lot of the laws refer to unlawful trafficking in ethanol. It would be wise to check local state laws.

That is open to interpretation. I've personally watched police leave someone alone because they were making fuel and could prove it.

I will agree that getting the proper license is the right thing to do to cover your ass.

I personally wouldn't be worried if its not for sale and you can prove what you are using it for.
Like cannabis, there are federal laws involved, so read it yourself and vet it carefully or seek professional legal advice. As I read them, there appears to be some wiggle room on stills under a gallon and used in laboratories.

Having LEO ignore laws is highly dependent on the officer and the DA whom prosecutes. When they arrive for what ever reason, they are trained to look for violation of laws that the DA can prosecute.

The bottom line is that the feds want their taxes and to get a license involves the fire safety folks whose agenda includes our own safety, as well as those around us and the first responders to "events." They therefore have a list of requirements for a distillery, which includes non residential zoning.

If you have already paid the taxes on the liquor, recycling it is ostensibly viewed differently than distilling it from mash. It cost money to prosecute and house violators, so scale no doubt would come into consideration.

I notice whiskey pot and reflux stills readily available on line and at brew stores, leading me to believe small personal use operators are not a high priority for the feds, but until the laws are changed, that could turn around 180 degrees in a heartbeat with a change in attorney general or their priorities.

For instance, based on the reaction to BHO home explosions, and how it has sensitized the public, as well as the legislators, consider the effect of a few home still explosions.
I can't begin to tell you how many micro moonshine stills there are in the buildings of Manhattan NYC.
You don't have to, I can see how many are sold in these here hills! It is a growing cottage industry that will continue to grow until ATF jumps in with both feet and then just move under ground again.
I know this is an old thread, but I'm about to do a run with this skunkpharm QWET tek and thought I'd ask about winterizing here:

after 3-4 minute wash in freezer>>

1st>> strain through a mesh strainer / 73-25micron filter
2nd>>freeze overnight
3rd>> strain through 25 micron filter into pyrex dish
4th>>small fan + low temp heat mat to evap

scrape it up and mix it into PG/VG blend, emulsifying with rotary tool.

Sound good to yall?

Update: gonna run through a dry ice incorporation.

Got my trim in ziploc in small cooler with dry ice. etoh is also in the cooler for about an hour to get down to about -40C.

12 minute wash with gentle agitation each 3 minutes, all carried out in the cooler box.

strain through 25 micron filter into pyrex dish

begin evap immediately.

The theory is that carrying the wash out at such low temperatures makes winterizing unnecessary / carries out winterizing at the same time as washing. it also means you need to use a slightly longer wash. the low temperatures effect the solubilities of the desirable cannabinoids as well as the polar molecules we try to eliminate with winterizing.

Will let yall know the results when its done!

be easy,

Update: gonna run through a dry ice incorporation.

Got my trim in ziploc in small cooler with dry ice. etoh is also in the cooler for about an hour to get down to about -40C.

12 minute wash with gentle agitation each 3 minutes, all carried out in the cooler box.

strain through 25 micron filter into pyrex dish

begin evap immediately.

The theory is that carrying the wash out at such low temperatures makes winterizing unnecessary / carries out winterizing at the same time as washing. it also means you need to use a slightly longer wash. the low temperatures effect the solubilities of the desirable cannabinoids as well as the polar molecules we try to eliminate with winterizing.

Will let yall know the results when its done!

be easy,

I don't know much about what your doing but, I'm going to be watching this thread. I'm interested in seeing your results.
I know this is an old thread, but I'm about to do a run with this skunkpharm QWET tek and thought I'd ask about winterizing here:

after 3-4 minute wash in freezer>>

1st>> strain through a mesh strainer / 73-25micron filter
2nd>>freeze overnight
3rd>> strain through 25 micron filter into pyrex dish
4th>>small fan + low temp heat mat to evap

scrape it up and mix it into PG/VG blend, emulsifying with rotary tool.

Sound good to yall?

Should work.
Worked out great: super clean blonde hash that still tastes nice and can be dabbed. got 6g out of 30g frozen trim, gonna mix it into 30mL of e-juice.

I let the lowest little popcorn buds go for another 7 days to mature a bit more and am going to make some full melt bubble. They're wicked frosty lil nugs so I'll expect a small but delicious yield. probably have about 21g so i'll be looking for 2ish g back.

I don't think anything beats the taste of well done bubble hash.

