What did you accomplish today?

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The Great Wall of Peppers is set! Will be adding container pots, no room left in walls. But all kinds of room along the walls, baby. Picked up some lettuce earlier. He has staked Bush Steak tomatoes that are big already.View attachment 4130603
Would look good in my big white pot. I'll go back tomorrow, a little bit each day.
I'm slowly getting stuff out of the greenhouse and into the garden. Got some biguns taking up room. 20180502_200948.jpg
I think it's just the main blower fan, as the loud noise is there even when the condenser isn't engaged...

That's interesting since it's kept inside, I wonder why it happens? Maybe when the thing runs for a while and stops, the bearing cooling down condenses moisture inside and since it sat for so long there was enough time for oxidation or etching from condensation to build up to ruin the bearing surface? I know one of the main reasons for bearings going bad is contamination from dirt, dust, water etc., and it's not dirt or dust since you're fastidious.

Sucks that it happened man, hope the fix goes smooth so you get setup quick again.
That's interesting since it's kept inside, I wonder why it happens? Maybe when the thing runs for a while and stops, the bearing cooling down condenses moisture inside and since it sat for so long there was enough time for oxidation or etching from condensation to build up to ruin the bearing surface? I know one of the main reasons for bearings going bad is contamination from dirt, dust, water etc., and it's not dirt or dust since you're fastidious.

Sucks that it happened man, hope the fix goes smooth so you get setup quick again.

Thanks, man. Tech just left, took all of ten seconds to confirm bad bearings. He's coming back to install a new motor next week, hope it doesn't get into the 80s before that. Sears is the only retailer I've bought from that sends techs to your home, the other retailers tell you to bring it back and they simply replace it. They say it's cheaper for them that way than sending a tech, no wonder Sears is in trouble. Better this way for me, I didn't relish the prospect of uninstalling, hauling, and reinstalling a 15k btu ac by myself...
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Turned on my large AC unit yesterday for the first time in 2018, and it had a rough time starting up as the fan didn't want to move. As soon as it did I heard that dreadful, distinctive sound of bad bearings. Super loud and grindy. It happens to me with almost every modern unit, I rarely get two seasons out of them. I ALWAYS get the longest third party warranty they offer, in this case a 5 year in home repair warranty where if they can't fix it, they deliver and install a new unit at no charge (I just bought this motherfucker in 2016). The warranty was almost half the cost of the ac unit, but totally worth it, dude already had to come out last summer to take it apart and vacuum it out, something us mere mortals can't do or it voids the warranty. A tech is coming today, so I had to move trays of clones into the grow space and shop vac up all leaves, and make sure all grow related stuff is put away. Always stress and drama when repair people are scheduled to come over, but that is the grow life in an illegal State. The tech is going to turn it on for 30 seconds and declare it fucked, then order a new one for me. They can't simply take my word for it and need a tech to confirm. Sigh...
Taking the covers off and spraying then out and spraying the motor out helps a lot.
So as busy as I am i met a guy today that builds cars and takes them to auctions like barret Jackson.

We get to talking and the guy took my number and I may have a job offer.

Not sure what to think about it. It will be big money but im sure it will be like you see in tv. He said sometimes a couple or three weeks on frame off restorations.

I may take it if he calls.
So as busy as I am i met a guy today that builds cars and takes them to auctions like barret Jackson.

We get to talking and the guy took my number and I may have a job offer.

Not sure what to think about it. It will be big money but im sure it will be like you see in tv. He said sometimes a couple or three weeks on frame off restorations.

I may take it if he calls.

Good luck. I hope it's a good offer and works out for you.
Just fuck off with that. There are places I don't even let my wife stick her finger.

There's nothing to worry about with it, unless you feel a hand on each shoulder.

Never had to have my prostate checked, but I was given a good tip once. Just before the doc does the dirty, reach round and grab his nuts whilst saying "Now this isn't going to hurt me, is it".....
There's nothing to worry about with it, unless you feel a hand on each shoulder.

Never had to have my prostate checked, but I was given a good tip once. Just before the doc does the dirty, reach round and grab his nuts whilst saying "Now this isn't going to hurt me, is it".....
Unless there is something amiss with the prostate, it's not painful. That said, it's horribly undignified
Unless there is something amiss with the prostate, it's not painful. That said, it's horribly undignified

My doc once asked me a question after I told him how badly I sleep and how I would have to get up to go to the bathroom every night. He seemed disappointed when I told him that involved my bladder being at bursting point, always between 2 and 4am, so even he had to admit there was no need to finger me.

They say one of the best ways to prevent prostate problems is regular ejaculation, so get yourself a younger woman like wot I did or get those forearm muscles built up, you know it makes sense.