how to grow mushrooms the easy way

Are spores legal?

First time I did shrooms in late teens I had spores from cow shit I found in a field for a year it was in a envelope and in fact I think I left it outside in something and it grew 3 shrooms dont remember if it was rice or something u put, my father showed me.

Shit I might make a little box like yours dude if my quest for some real E doesnt work, just kinda afraid of shrooms, my bad trips have always been on shrooms so im weary
yes i knew u ment spores exept 4 3 states its legel to own spore prints for microscopy perposes
And these are? Meh whatever, maybe if I cant find E Ill have better luck finding cow shit if I head out of city for a trip. First shroom spores I got like that frow a shroom I found on cow shit lol
Also remember your diet is extremely important to your mental and physical health. Your body is like these plants we grow. Feed it the proper nutrients/fresh water on schedule and it wont stear you wrong!

Best of luck my friend.
Thanks. Yes that's the approach I'm taking. Dr are trying to get me on meds Im Trying to take less. I've been pretty well balanced, my mom passed away just over 2 years ago, along with my grand father and 2 uncle's. Been a rough couple of years. But I'm coming around it's crazy what our minds and behaviors can do over time. I just haven't been myself. Things are getting better though that's for sure. Wish it didn't take me so long or I was better at dealing with things like that. Oh well one day at a time. Thanks again though I appreciate it.

Wishing you only the very best brother.
Lol! I really enjoy your can-do instruction. Thank you for sharing. I now know a little on how to grow a magic mushroom,ehh!

I'm very glad. I never presumed this thread would go through the contortions it has. I figured by now no one would even try this method. I have been a long time student of drug lore, I don't know why, but it fascinates me and as a consequence, challenged me to discover the truth. This applies to growing mushrooms as well as the wives tales over lsd, meth, Coke and all the others. Mushrooms and growing them have a huge legacy of misinformation. I hope I managed to dispel some of it. I have heard "the caps are stronger". (assays indicate that they are, as a rule, about one or two percent stronger). Each "strain" of cubensis yields a different high. ( wijury is still out). Micro environmental conditions are a major pinning trigger. (it isn't). That good sparkly stuff at the base indicates strength (nope, that's vermiculite). Pf tech is the easiest (nope, it is just the oldest method promulgated by a genius who sought ways to sell his $10 each syringes, claiming that one must use a whole syringe for each little jar). He was busted finally when he began to send growing instructions with each syringe. Before him, spore prints were the only way to go and hobbyists all needed to master agar techniques and isolation. Um. Substrate variations will affect potency (they wont). There are variations in potency in "strains". Save for penis envy there is no real variation in potency. It is suspected that the slower the mycelium grows, the stronger the fruit. Ive not experimented with any of the psychoactive sorts of mushroom in many years having no need for them at my age but I never found slower growing "strains" any more effective. This is not the forum to publish the results of ten years work on a flavorful, high temperature fruiting, high yield oyster mushroom that eats palm fronds but my work on that continues. Im in the mid 70's.
Hardware -

1 case of quart jars (wide mouth) $18.00
1 32 qt pressure cooker - $80
1 mister - $1.00
1 bottle anticeptic spray $5.00

Baggies (quart freezer bags)
Aluminum Foil

25 lbs popcorn $20.00
Bottled water $ 6.00

2 quarts vermiculite $10.00
1 small brick fine coir $15.00

2 syringes full of whathave you - $20

You did way too much work to pull a pftek grow. You harvest way more if you take them out the jars and put them in a clean aquarium or better yet get a big rubber tote fill it with sterilized agar and inoculate it. I'm talking pounds.
Hi all. Anyone reading in 2019? I'm a total newbie is the original post still the way to go these days for a first timer?

Can I grow golden teacher with this method?
I've never personally experienced any strain to really be more potent than another. It's pretty much just the fresher the better. They degrade over time. Hell, they're best before you even dry them if you have the stomach for it. If you need something way more potent, you should eventually just move to a different genus-species like the panaeolus varieties. One little stem and you're one with the universe. Back so many years ago, PF tek was just the way we were teaching all the newbies to do it. It's how I cut my teeth, and it really was pretty easy. But I guess that's not how the kids are doing it these days. Grains and bulk... *shrug* it's pretty easy, too, and the results aren't all that different. Except back in the day, my roomie would get upset that I'd have bags of composted horse manure in the freezer.
I'm going from incubation to grow chamber today, and am a bit confused on lighting. I'm planning on using a single 23W CFL inside of the cabinet for 8 hours a day.

Is that enough light on time? Is that enough/too much light?