What did you accomplish today?

I have been a busy bee. All winter I sat on my ass on RIU growin my plants and now the landscaping season has kicked off to full gear. HEres a couple pics of this last jobsite I was at. Before and after angles aren't quite the same but you get it.IMG_1546.JPG IMG_1571.JPGActually those angles are perfect I retract my statement.IMG_1549.JPGIMG_1573.JPG A good half my wall is missing from these pics but drystack rock wall is my favorite thing to do. I'll stack rock on days off. No concrete, road base, or cut stone. Completely natural rock sealed with gravity. It would have taken half the time if we weren't training a couple new guys. It always makes me feel bad when I have to rip down huge sections of wall lol.
I hit a deer i was in arizona on the phone coming back from prescott it jumped out of the shrubs rolled right over my wind shield took out both front lights and no where to pull over 2 lbs in car i drove got pulled over was shitting my heart out i paniced told cop just hit a deer he seen the deer hair in hood crevesses and he drove infront of me to the next gas station what a jental man who would have thought!!! That was classic!!! Man cops are cool sometime :) could this be true :) not saying hahaha what do you think!!
I had a cow moose run across the road in front of my truck (@60 mph - me, not her) & I slammed on the binders even though I knew she had made it.
Her calf was seconds behind her & I bumped him with the front corner of the truck totally fucking up the left clip & lights.
It was knocked off it's feet for just a second, jumped up & followed Mom.
I had a cow moose run across the road in front of my truck (@60 mph - me, not her) & I slammed on the binders even though I knew she had made it.
Her calf was seconds behind her & I bumped him with the front corner of the truck totally fucking up the left clip & lights.
It was knocked off it's feet for just a second, jumped up & followed Mom.
i lived in Mn for a long time, but i was lucky, never hit a deer or a moose, but saw a few get hit, semis fuck up deer and keep going, but unless they're really lucky, a moose will still fuck one up. cars are just obliterated, seen so many getting towed with the front ends all smashed in, windshields cracked, roofs caved in....you'd think after surviving long enough to get that big, they would have figured out the loud fast things that stay on the weird dirt are bad.......
annuals are pretty, but they make me sad....i try to stick with perennials, just planted some lillys and hostas

Lol. Oh, I have lilies. I have lilies everyfuckingwhere. They spread like poison ivy. And when I want to cut some down like right in the way of my lawn mower, the wife freaks out.

I'm not liking lilies as much these days. But they are nice when they stay where you put them.