Well-Known Member
You make no sence miracle grow you have zero control over, it's a set base NPK with no variables your expertise means nothing with MG. How does you being a good gardner give better results with MG. Maybe a good Gardner using a 3 part or even a 2 part can altar the NPK ratios are produce different results. Mabey then the person would have something to do with the results, but this is not possible with MG its a total noob product in it self. And for the most part MG is not formulated well for senisitive MJ plants. It's formulated around roses, cati, tomatoes. It's one thing to critize the cost but to tell people AN sucks as a product is false info. And i think your still thinging of 5 years ago when AN was more than anything on the market. Every other company has expanded to 10+ additives and there costs have increase to what AN used to cost.I never said it didn't work, i said it was overpriced bottles of water and when you use them as directed, your buds taste like shit. AN just fucking sucks, sorry if you don't want to hear it. If you can't grow with MG, It isn't the nutes, it's the gardener. ASK any real gardener. when you buy a lambo, you get what you pay for, A very bad example.