Why are there so many Trump supporters on RIU?


Well-Known Member
In fact we'd prefer that they not feel at home here.
Nah, I welcome listening to their arguments.
Some are amusing, and others insightful as to how Trump voters really feel, which can be disturbing at times (most?), but without the morons that support Trump/GOP/KKK/Nazis, this forum would be boring as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I went to his site. Listened. Proved my case. Low cognitive activity required. I heard people laugh so at least somebody thought his schtick about a helicopter suicide was funny.

So, you like comedians that you don't require you to think. Like a ten year old.
When did I insult you? Please point it out so I can try to understand your need to insult me. As a leftie, one of your prime directives is to accept diversity. How about diversity of thought? Is that not included?


Well-Known Member
When did I insult you? Please point it out so I can try to understand your need to insult me. As a leftie, one of your prime directives is to accept diversity. How about diversity of thought? Is that not included?
are you gonna start talking about how the jews in the holocaust just lost in the "marketplace of ideas" now?


Well-Known Member
Just following in the footsteps of lord and saviour Obama.
What the fuck does that mean?
Where were you 10 years ago when this country almost went belly up after 8 fucked up years of Republican rule, that left us with two fucked up wars, massive debt, Wall St shitting the bed, the highest unemployment and foreclosures rates since the Great Depression, and you have the ball's to bitch about Obama, who saved this country essentially, and left Trump with a healthy economy.
Yea, your right, Obama was a fucking savior, now we'll see how that cocksucker Trump leaves this country, and so far, the future doesn't look too bright.


Well-Known Member
it's actually economic status. people in poverty commit more crime regardless of race

are you saying there is some quality about melanin which predisposes one to violence, white?
Not true, poor Asians commit much less violent crime than poor blacks. Also, pitt bulls are dangerous and violent, even if they come from good homes...


Well-Known Member
you can't even spell "pitbulls" correctly and you think you can contradict decades f studies that prove that crime is most closely associated with economic class, and not race?

Try comparing murder rates in China and Africa, plenty of desperately poor in both places....
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Well-Known Member
Trudeau is the laughing stock of the world and his approval rating is free-falling in Canada. The guy is a vacuous, nutless fool who has driven the economy into a 30 billion dollar deficit. He'll be gone in 2019 and sanity will be restored.

Regarding the globalists, people have different opinions about their motivations. Some say religious - based on the writings of Helena Blavatsky. I cannot confirm this and I don't put much thought into it.
Are you angry because Trump created a much biglier deficit so much easier? Jealous much?


Well-Known Member
But you do, if they are brown.
here you are confused

liberals support a diverse society. that means we do not discriminate against others for things they cannot change, like their skin color or sexual orientation

labeling your racist hatred with a shitty, stupid euphemism like "diversity of thought" fools no one and does not mean we will not discriminate against your abhorrent and abject stupidity.

do you understand this or should i draw you a picture?