day 1 of flower????

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
I♥BUD;3570323 said:
NVM? I don't understand brother. I hope that info help. Even for outdoors, those flowering times the breeders give us are just guildelines, not exact dates. Keep that in mind. Peace, Love, Unity, & Respect.
sorry, nvm = never mind
haha.. thats wht people seem to say on msn

yes its definetely helped thanks


Active Member
I'm gonna start adding these Disclaimers to my posts, to avoid arguments. LMFAO!


*I hope I don't offend any breeder's out there by posting these emails. This is for the SOLE purpose of people's E-JEW-MAH-KAY-SHION(EDUCATION FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T EDUCATED, LOL. JUST KIDDIN PPL. SMILE!). It does NOT mean that we are actually growing any cannabis. Unless it is allowed in our country:weed:.

Hai xxxxxxxx.(once again my name is IRRELEVANT:shock:)

the correct answer would be from the moment you switch from 18/12 to 12/12.
Of course the stated flowering times are indications. You might want to flower a
couple of days longer or shorter, depending on your circumstances .

Good luck.

Ceres Seeds Amsterdam
PO Box 10213
1001 EE, Amsterdam

I have 6 plants that i just switched to a 12/12 schedule a week ago..about 2 weeks ago, some of the leaves at the bottom of the plant started to show signs of dryness..some of the leaves have now dried out completely (about 4 per plant) the top leaves look green and alive though.. What should i do?? Keep flowering them on a 12/12 schedule?? How do i save them from dieing..any advice would b helpful, thanks


Active Member
I have 6 plants that i just switched to a 12/12 schedule a week ago..about 2 weeks ago, some of the leaves at the bottom of the plant started to show signs of dryness..some of the leaves have now dried out completely (about 4 per plant) the top leaves look green and alive though.. What should i do?? Keep flowering them on a 12/12 schedule?? How do i save them from dieing..any advice would b helpful, thanks
I'm sure people will chime in..... But if I were u I would post this question in the Plant Problems threads. And further advice, before u get a wrong "Diagnosis" from someone, u need 2 provide MORE info then what u have. U didn't mention 1 essential thing about ur growing.
A) How are u growing and/or what medium are u using(soil/hydro/coco)?
B)What size containers, if ur using 1?
C)What is ur pH, PPM and/or EC?
D)What nutes ur using would also help?????
E-1) What is ur Temperature in ur grow room, and under ur canopy?
E-2)What is ur Relative Humidity?
F) What is the wattage of ur lights, and the distance from ur canopy?

I can go on , and on. My point is NONE of us are there looking at ur plants, so there's more than 1 thing that can cause ur plants to do that.
Now if u wanna listen to the 300 answers ur gonna get, and do all 300 remedies, ur gonna have 6 dead plants soon! A bunch of people on ghere answer thinking they know EVERYTHING, and ur the 1 that suffers, brother.
Truthfully, it can be ANYTHING from nute burn, not enuff nutes, to Calcium Def, to Root Bound(if ur in a container). As I said, ur gonna get a bunch of answers that aren't right. So take my advice, jot down any info u can give us, and I would post this in Plant Problems. Hope someone there can help u bro.
im growing indoor with organic soil on 3 gal buckets. i was using some 8-5-5 plant food. the temperature of the room is pretty low, probably in the 60's. and im using a 600 watt light. as for the ph and relative humidity, im not sure because i dont have anything to test it with. its my first time growing, and was intending for personal use. i came across 6 clones and decided to grow them so i dont have all the equipment. i did discover on all 6 plants that theres some white mildew on about half of the leaves..can this be the primary problem of them dying?? and if so, how can i get rid of it?? thanks for the help..


Active Member
im growing indoor with organic soil on 3 gal buckets. i was using some 8-5-5 plant food. the temperature of the room is pretty low, probably in the 60's. and im using a 600 watt light. as for the ph and relative humidity, im not sure because i dont have anything to test it with. its my first time growing, and was intending for personal use. i came across 6 clones and decided to grow them so i dont have all the equipment. i did discover on all 6 plants that theres some white mildew on about half of the leaves..can this be the primary problem of them dying?? and if so, how can i get rid of it?? thanks for the help..
Dude I would post these ???? in Marijuana Plant Problem. A bunch of people will give u answers, trust me. Just go to Marijuana Plant Problem, and start a thread.


Well-Known Member
Thats not correct. You start flowering when you see first signs of sex. pistils(hairs). Just because you switched the light cycle does not mean your plant is flowering. Some plants will show sex in a week, while others may take up to 20 days. This is a common misconception. If the package of seeds says 8-10 weeks flowering, the breeder means from the start of budding not 12/12
Damn right.


Well-Known Member
what about for an outdoor grow?
That's right, outdoors you know it's flowering when the sex shows it's self.
LOL . Yeah ur right they didn't write that. I am a 36 year old kid! Here's their email add. Write them urself Smart ass.
If u got the balls email them. then be a man and come back and apologize for thinking Im some lil fuckin kid playing games. I did this to help people understand what breeders do. Furthermore, pistils play a big part in harvest there smart guy. If ur trichs are ready..... SO ARE UR THE FUCKIN PISTILS. If ur trichs are ready, and ur pistils are white, something isn't right. U DIP SHIT! U have to take ALL of the signs(trichs/pistils/flowering swelling) into consideration when harvesting. And since they didn't write me that email, then why do they post the SAME EXACT INFO ON THEIR WEBSITE(look at the pic I posted below). HERE ENJOY THE FACTS. This is taken DIRECTLY from Greenhouse seeds website. Next time u talk out ur ASS make sure u got facts to back them up like I do.
View attachment 659500


Well-Known Member
Wow, way to bump an ancient thread.

So, which breeder doesn't use 12/12?
I know I got some good bud right now haha
Old school breeders don't, u know there was a time before indoor. Lol
I'd guess that most breeders also take outdoor into consideration, so if a plant finishes in late Sept. Early Oct. It's usually considered a 8 week strain indoor... in my location plants usually show there sex around mid August. And finish about the first day of Oct.
Which would be 6 weeks and 5 days so that gives a 2 week stretch period. So most breeders probably are saying from switch....
But as a plant it isn't flowering untill it's reveals sex. And the stretch has stopped.
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