First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow

mr west

Well-Known Member
did u miss the ladybug sex??? lmao. you went straight for topping and not fimming, or did u try fimming and mess it up?


Well-Known Member
haha your funny west
I was pinching it, and decided that i wanted more side growth instead of one big cola cause i wanted to eventually clone her. So i cut da bitches head off and placed the top in some water to see if it will grow roots or not. Don't think there was enough room to get roots but we will see.

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol why do i make u laff? i might be stoned but it was a seriouse question lmao, i find it hard not to top mine lol.


Well-Known Member
i knooo..... but i love DWR's big bang man. and two tops dun mean that the yeild from them will be more then jus one big fat massive.....COLA lol


Well-Known Member
Had a sucky issue with water, seems while I was out the Von Eerie decided to get heavier than Von Dross and tip the Container the rockwool is in to one side. Causing Von Eerie's cube to dry out. I am watching closely to this issue as one of the fan leafs is almost completely dried out. But have noticed since I fixed this and added more waterings on the timer that it is getting increasingly healthier with every minute.

Here is Von Eerie 2 and a half days after topping. Nice new growth coming in despite recent watering mishaps.

And Here is the most recent photo of Von Eerie trying to recover from being deprived of water for however long..... Sorry bub babies. Wont happen again.

-Mister Nice GUY



Well-Known Member
Ok here is what's goin on with the Bubblicious babies.
Von Dross has showed true colors and is Female for sure.

I was going to top it again but decided not to and just low stress train it. Here are a couple of shots from that.

After a few minutes of lst one leaf has turned up towards the light. Impressive plants.

Here are some pictures of Von Eerie who hasn't showed sex yet but hopin for another girl.
Clipped most of the damaged foliage and the topping job seems to be workin flawlessly.

Here is a shot of the healing process after I did a pinch job not too long ago. Looks awesome eh, it all arcs together and shit.

And another shot of all the foliage it has grown since topping.

And a final pic from the cam's final positioning for live-ness =)

I am so high right now lol, made some cookies earlier and they is kickin in and I just found out the plant von dross i thought was male is female!!!
-Mister Nice GUY

