Trump supporters are detached from reality. Who wouldn't investigate...

Reports that a foreign nation is backing a presidential candidate. Obama would be derelict if he didn't. What's so hard to understand Trump supporters?
Exactly that, they spew the Mantra and wear the dreadful red hats, it’s an outward display of inner emptiness, most of them devoid of any reasoning or analysis, imo it’s an IQ thing, as riu has demonstrated
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It is always fun to watch the left meltdown when Ithey run out of defense. This whole thread just screams that the DNC is screwed We know it but we are in denial and cannot admit it. I mean even the author of this thread just tried to justify breaking the law because Obama thought maybe without any evidence..... Quote....
New Reports that a foreign nation is backing a presidential candidate. Obama would be derelict if he didn't. What's so hard to understand Trump supporters?
My guess is they (the tRUmp camp) asked someone patriotic with a conscience to join or consult the tRUmp campaign. They observed crimes being committed and contacted the FBI. The orange turds army of morons grasping at straws again lol.
Trumps supporters are detached from reality, but the dems are ok uh? Obama had trump wiretapped during election.. Hillary screwed over Sanders via the DNC.. you know Sanders should have won and probably would have beat Trump.

Most of the Bernie supporters are so pissed off that he just shrugged it off as party politics that most of his supporters are now trump supporters.

The DNC / democrats are a mess. If you can't see this then maybe you are detached from reality. Maybe time to turn off CNN.
My guess is they (the tRUmp camp) asked someone patriotic with a conscience to join or consult the tRUmp campaign. They observed crimes being committed and contacted the FBI. The orange turds army of morons grasping at straws again lol.
Yeah let's just make shit up Are you kidding me who's in denial again?
Reports that a foreign nation is backing a presidential candidate. Obama would be derelict if he didn't. What's so hard to understand Trump supporters?
Exactly, which is why I'm sure you support Trump putting an FBI spy into the democratic candidates camp in 2020. Would be irresponsible not too given how poorly the DNC and Hillary protect their email servers.