One candle = 1/4 lb co2 per 12 hours

Your lack of a 140+ IQ is showing all threw this bullshit thread yet here you still are.
Maybe you should post yet another lameass candle picture?
Cheers :)
Lack of IQ showing "threw" this thread, eh?... Let me help you with some basic math, dim-witted troll. A 440 cfm fan moves... 440 cubic feet per minute... Damn, lost you, huh?... That will recycle a 10 x 12 room every three minutes or so... still with it retard?... k. That's too fast to boost co2, you got about a minute and a half half life... so, in that situation, if you wanted to think about co2 enrichment, abstract thought, which you're obviously not good at, but if you were to... think... about it, the the temp high would be valuable info... to someone with half a brain... not you...
Oh, another OG hater! How, buddy? You quoted that quote of mine like there's something wrong with it. What?

How the hell do you not already realize you are a complete and total loser? It actually doesn't matter what quote of yours I use from this entire thread. Everytime you post you prove you not only do not have a clue, you have some very serious issues. Not the kind that come from being "too smart".

Cheers and goodluck in life :)
How the hell do you not already realize you are a complete and total loser? It actually doesn't matter what quote of yours I use from this entire thread. Everytime you post you prove you not only do not have a clue, you have some very serious issues. Not the kind that come from being "too smart".

Cheers and goodluck in life :)
100% troll. Your entire contribution.
Unlike the troll with serious mental issues who started this bulshit thread.....
Fine, I'll bite, troll who has already displayed he can't spell or add in this short thread alone, and proven some sad IQ insecurities.. What's your spin? Why is it bullshit? Burn the house down? toxic? what?.... Oh, wait a minute. I don't give a shit. You can go ahead and have the last word. Trolls gonna troll.
You’re really thick. It’s not the candle that anyone is afraid of. The fact is that leaving the candle burning unattended is irresponsible and something that an idiot or child would do, that’s all. Sleeping with a candle lit is a good way to increase your odds of dying soon.

I think that these people:

Have a vested interest in selling candles, and they think that your idea is stupid too.

The more you struggle to be right, the more stupid you reveal yourself to be.
Word. My father was a dod firefighter and would whoop our asses if we left candles burning unattended. He personally pulled children and adults dead from candle fires.

Even in glass. That can be worse. The glass gets hot and shatters and wax goes everywhere and catches fire.

I would trust a small gas burner out of a grill over a candle. The burner gan be mounted in place with a cover.

I'm with you. Burning unattended candles is a bad idea.

It's amazing at the dumb stuff people do like jack a car up and crawl under it without backup and get crushed.

I've also known a number of people that were very book smart and tested well but couldn't put it to use in everyday life very well.
I have contemplated, and utilized, candles for CO2 supplementation in prior grows. I used small candles in containers, and they increased the ppm in my tent significantly. I used them in the winter so that the increased temperatures were beneficial. I cannot say that I was worry-free, but they performed well.
I didn't have a problem with soot, but I didn't use them for long. The CO was not a concern, as plants can metabolize CO and the minuscule levels were negligible. I did find that the constant replacement of candles was a chore. I tried a few other methods of CO2 generation.
I have used yeast and carbohydrates, but the odor and mess were a strong deterrent. I used a Coleman lantern, which was much better, but the heat was an issue. I considered using exhaust fumes from my pellet stove, but the logistics were prohibitive. I finally settled with bottled gas.
The CO2 cylinders work great with a timer if your environment has a large gas exchange. My exhaust fans run continuously to remove heat and water. Bringing the CO2 ppm up is a challenge. I use an infinite cycle timer set for 5 sec bursts every 5 min. This elevates the ppm up to 500 at the foliage before it is sucked out. It's not optimal, but it's safe, economical, minimal maintenance, and worry-free.
I can see using candles for interim CO2 elevation, if watched carefully. I would recommend investing in a tank and regulator; the benefits outweigh the detriments. But I'll tell ya that the stench from the yeast metabolism of carbohydrates, either aerobic or anaerobic, permeates clothing, your neighborhood, and even your burps will smell like bread. :) ( - I warned you about the yeast...just say "NO".)
Why not just brew wine in your grow room? Little sugar, water and yeast.

They make those c02 bags now.

I make wine anyways. Maybe a 55 gallon drum worth? Lol.

Serious though. I bet a 5 gallon bucket produces quit a bit. No added heat and run the room sealed.

So it's either waste money on a candle or make something I can use like wine.
Word. My father was a dod firefighter and would whoop our asses if we left candles burning unattended. He personally pulled children and adults dead from candle fires.

Even in glass. That can be worse. The glass gets hot and shatters and wax goes everywhere and catches fire.

I would trust a small gas burner out of a grill over a candle. The burner gan be mounted in place with a cover.

I'm with you. Burning unattended candles is a bad idea.

It's amazing at the dumb stuff people do like jack a car up and crawl under it without backup and get crushed.

I've also known a number of people that were very book smart and tested well but couldn't put it to use in everyday life very well.
Can we be somewhat real here? I post these pictures because what the hell are we talking about? These are designed to 1. light the candle 2. walk the fuck away... Do you guys really think the votif candles of america are being watched?! Seriously, what's the average time the average votif is watched?? It's a tea candle, have you ever been to a spa? We've had candles for 10k years. It's a desk waterfall, a candle in a cup of water or lantern. it's fine in your living room, what is this magical growroom threshold where it becomes C4? Zero sense. Ancestors would be ashamed, climbed out of the muck, harnessed fire, now you're pumping 1000 W and can't fathom a candle? What about your forefathers, just before electricity? What's cute on grandma's table is a gross hazard? If had to admit it, the truth is glaring, billions of candles and little water falls are sold each year and people aren't burning up. This was never meant to be some ode to candles, it wouldn't have to be if people weren't making mountains out of molehills. They are safe if you put any thought into it at all, designed to be safe, produce co2. Period.

Why not just brew wine in your grow room? Little sugar, water and yeast.
That is a viable option, but you might have to consider the temperature of the grow room. Most of the beers and wines require a lower fermentation temperature than the grow room. The CO2 production will be significant for the first 3-4 days of fermentation, but then it will taper off as the ethanol percentage to sugar ratio reduces the metabolism and colony population. In addition to that, the increased temperature will produce off flavours, and the drink will be skunky...
Why not just brew wine in your grow room? Little sugar, water and yeast.

They make those c02 bags now.

I make wine anyways. Maybe a 55 gallon drum worth? Lol.

Serious though. I bet a 5 gallon bucket produces quit a bit. No added heat and run the room sealed.

So it's either waste money on a candle or make something I can use like wine.
No reason not to make wine. It would be a healthy jolt of co2. Why not add a waterfall next to it. Or not. I got books in my rooms, little couch, have some lemonade or tea... I'm not getting all this either or thing, I'm really not. People can't do both? Or do both with a tank?Or no CO2? Or a bunny, or chickens, if that's the space they have and want to do?.. I do not get the hate. Mention a candle can burn 1/4 of co2, it's like a religious front. But all good, I know there is a lot of information in this thread I had to go to a lot of different places to gather, that wasn't in one place. Now, for someone else, who isn't looking to hate, a lot of it is it one place.