Greenpoint seeds!!

Well I always enjoy my ratio with what I'm doing. I just confirmed 9 fems out of a pack of 11 cackleberry. Not quite 90% but I don't think my runs of consistently high female ratios are pure luck and coincidence over many years. When I was new to this, I was reaching 50/50 or worse like most grows I see here. I am willing to just call it luck so it doesn't cause another shit storm on this forum.
I read heat mats cause higher males but again didnt know if it was bro science haha
For about the first week of a cannabis seedling's life, the seed is neither male or female (could be argued that it is both simultaneously until observed to be otherwise)
If this were true, genetic testing on early sprouts would not work. I am pretty sure its a legit service that determines your week or weeks old seedlings sex.
edit: should have read the rest of your comment, I think you said exactly that.
Let me let you in on a little secret:

For about the first week of a cannabis seedling's life, the seed is neither male or female (could be argued that it is both simultaneously until observed to be otherwise). This would hold true for several more weeks until the pre-flowers begin to show. However, you could pony up for a sex test and learn the seedling's sex after that first week!

This isn’t true. The plant’s sex is determined as soon as fertilization occurs.

Sexual dimorphism doesn’t first express until about a week, but that doesn’t mean the plant was in some sort of gender fluid state before that. A plant’s sex is already determined. There just aren’t any differences between male and female plants until they’re a bit older.
This isn’t true. The plant’s sex is determined as soon as fertilization occurs.

Sexual dimorphism doesn’t first express until about a week, but that doesn’t mean the plant was in some sort of gender fluid state before that. A plant’s sex is already determined. There just aren’t any differences between male and female plants until they’re a bit older.

Quantum mechanics (andödinger's_cat thought experiment) went way over your head. Sorry about that boss.
Let me let you in on a little secret:

For about the first week of a cannabis seedling's life, the seed is neither male or female (could be argued that it is both simultaneously until observed to be otherwise). This would hold true for several more weeks until the pre-flowers begin to show. However, you could pony up for a sex test and learn the seedling's sex after that first week!
I just had a whole long post I wrote saying the same thing but then deleted it instead of posting it. Although I thought it was 2 weeks and not just one.
I was lucky to find 2 unique female phenotypes of the 5 Jelly Pie seeds I germinated. Ditto on the pheno you currently have -- it is artificially sweet at first with some real funk that really accents the sweetness. This other plant has a spicier rub to it with almost all the sweetness as her sister. Unmistakable grape flavor all the way.

I usually pop atleast 3 myself. Seems like when I pop only two. I get two males. But when I pop three I get 2 females and 1 male. Almost every time. It's weird. But the dude that said he gets 90% has more shit than a sack of assholes. It' determined male or female at conception. Whatever pair of chromosomes it receives in the pollen. Either xx fem or xy male.

Edit: now I did read somewhere hard stress can make a xx seed turn xy. I'm assuming hermie is my guess as to what they were meaning.
“The sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper, which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase. Environmental conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) may suppress the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely (sex reversal).”

External influences AND introduction of hormones can influence sexual expression in cannabis and is for sure not set in the seed. Seeds introduced to ethylene gas for long periods are known to increase female ratios by up to 50%
“The sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper, which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase. Environmental conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) may suppress the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely (sex reversal).”

External influences AND introduction of hormones can influence sexual expression in cannabis and is for sure not set in the seed. Seeds introduced to ethylene gas for long periods are known to increase female ratios by up to 50%
I believe I've read something similar, though without being able to recall the source it is just conjecture, that even though a plant receives xy chromosomes it doesn't necessarily mean it will express the Y chromosome if environmental factors are right. Thus ensuring the higher chances of producing offspring in years with drought/optimal conditions. More males in drought conditions, more females in wet conditions.
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it is just conjecture, that even though a plant receives xy chromosomes it doesn't necessarily mean it will express the Y chromosome if environmental factors are right. Thus ensuring the higher chances of producing offspring in years with drought/optimal conditions. More males in drought conditions, more females in wet conditions.

Essentially this is true. Not as simple as this since it can be many factors that affect the sexual expressions. But the other difference to note which seems to be misunderstood is that cannabis isn’t just diploidy (two sets of chromosomes), but can be a polyploidy. (More than two sets)
View attachment 4140049

Waiting patiently for hibernate to hit the auction
“The sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper, which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase. Environmental conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) may suppress the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely (sex reversal).”

External influences AND introduction of hormones can influence sexual expression in cannabis and is for sure not set in the seed. Seeds introduced to ethylene gas for long periods are known to increase female ratios by up to 50%

We’re getting into genotypic or phenotypic sex here. I am talking about genotypic sex, namely the presence or absence of a Y chromosome.

Cannabis clearly shows extensive levels of intersexual characteristics, but I’ve never heard of full sexual reversal occurring except when external chemical means are used. If it was common at all, we would see fem seeds coming from seemingly “male” pollen donors, and we don’t.

Regardless, even if full sexual reversal were to occur, taking a cutting from the same plant and growing it under ideal conditions, the plant’s sex will reflect the chromosomes present. For all reasonable circumstances, the plant’s sex can be boiled down to whether or not it has a Y chromosome.

Essentially this is true. Not as simple as this since it can be many factors that affect the sexual expressions. But the other difference to note which seems to be misunderstood is that cannabis isn’t just diploidy (two sets of chromosomes), but can be a polyploidy. (More than two sets)

Is there a conclusive case of polyploids in cannabis? Everyone calls fasciation or whorled phyllotaxy polyploids, but that’s incorrect. Plus, in the vast majority of plant species, polyploids cannot be bred with, so that point is moot.
I’ve never heard of full sexual reversal occurring except when external chemical means are used.

So the plants sex was “changed” from what the seed delivered. This is essentially the whole point. External factors, giberellic acid, ethylene gas, colchicine, radiation, uv light, can all have impact on sexual expression throughout growth.

If cannabis was only diploidy, which I do agree is a majority of the time, there would only be males and females.

More than likely the ol S1’s everyone bought were tetraploidy hermaphroditic females.
So the plants sex was “changed” from what the seed delivered. This is essentially the whole point. External factors, giberellic acid, ethylene gas, colchicine, radiation, uv light, can all have impact on sexual expression throughout growth.

If cannabis was only diploidy, which I do agree is a majority of the time, there would only be males and females.

More than likely the ol S1’s everyone bought were tetraploidy hermaphroditic females.

Or they was some bagged up bullshit cause the dude couldn't fulfill his order