My first very expensive closet grow with Blueberry


Active Member
Yep thats thats the one I want, the bluelab truncheon, The hydro shop I've been to has 4-5 hanging on the wall for £75 each, joke is that they didn't have any hydroton pellets!, I had to pay through the nose at B+Q in the end.


Well-Known Member
£75? you can pick it up cheap from the net unless you dont want it on the record (if you know what I mean) in which case you can pay cash, internet hydro store do accept cash in envelopes or postal orders even paypal.


Well-Known Member
Hey people hope your grow is in better shape than mine, seed still hiding in rockwool and it dries up pretty damn fast so I've placed the rockwool in a small plastic cup filled with water (a 1/4 of the cup) so the RW can absorb it when moisture is needed dont know if this is permissible but Im going to see what happens. Ill keep you all posted.


Well-Known Member
Its been nearly a week & nothing I think its dead because I fed it formulex.

Tomorrow Im going to start over but without any nutes Ill update tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt recommend giving ur plants anything except water in the first 3 - 4 weeks. little seedlings cant handle them.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of posting pics after my seed had shown a leaf but after my second attempt the seed in the rockwool does nothing (after germination process) Im convinced Im doing it wrong so from now on Ill be posting pics of every stage & I MEAN EVERY STAGE because Im gonna need your help since I dont know what Im doing...also Ive been waiting for my new hitech camera to arrive and I received it today (the same day my seed died, I guess the universe does balance itself out).

Im going to germinate another 2 Blueberry seeds tomorrow in the meantime my water is standing to free the chlorine. I find germinating easy but at the stage of placing it in rockwool and waiting a week or 2 to show growth is proving to be difficult, my seeds seem to die this has happened twice & I cant understand what Im doing wrong hopefully you guys/girls can give your input based on the pictures Ill be posting.

And so It begins...tomorrow that is LOL

P.S. Ill explain the specifics (equipment, nutes, layout etc) of the grow as I go along hope thats ok


Active Member
[FONT=&quot]I will be with you the whole way iloveit! I just started my cheep closet grow w/ two plants! Just give yourself time and your will get the hang of it. It sounds like you did enough research and/or are an experienced grower. If you are having trouble with the first stages of life; start out by soaking those awesome blueberry seeds in a warm glass of water for no longer than 24 hours! After the pre-soak do the ol’ paper towel trick in a nice glass jar. The trick is keeping the jar warm (not hot) for a little less than a week. I have had great luck with 5 days of germination. After you open up the jar and are happy with how your seedling is looking, take out the little guy and gently place it in the rockwool with just the green leafs sticking out. extreme caution should be given to the plant at this stage. Now the plant just needs light and water to grow big and strong. Just make sure the seedling is not getting too much light to the point where it could dry out or burn.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]One question… how did your last set die!?![/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]I will be with you the whole way iloveit! I just started my cheep closet grow w/ two plants! Just give yourself time and your will get the hang of it. It sounds like you did enough research and/or are an experienced grower. If you are having trouble with the first stages of life; start out by soaking those awesome blueberry seeds in a warm glass of water for no longer than 24 hours! After the pre-soak do the ol’ paper towel trick in a nice glass jar. The trick is keeping the jar warm (not hot) for a little less than a week. I have had great luck with 5 days of germination. After you open up the jar and are happy with how your seedling is looking, take out the little guy and gently place it in the rockwool with just the green leafs sticking out. extreme caution should be given to the plant at this stage. Now the plant just needs light and water to grow big and strong. Just make sure the seedling is not getting too much light to the point where it could dry out or burn.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]One question… how did your last set die!?![/FONT]

Hi there,
Ive been germinating my seeds in kitchen tissues which I then place in zip lock bags and then I place them in my heated propagator within 48 hours at least 1 seed will show a tap root. I place this seed in rockwool and immediately switch on the fluros (12/6), expecting it to show a leaf I keep it moist with watering it approx 3 times a day (distilled water and PH at 5.6 - 5.8) & the temp was a constant 27 C and humidity at approx 80% - 99% a week later and I get impatient so today I took a closer peek at the seed to find that the seed is in exactly the same condition as I placed it in, of course you can expect my reaction to be erm unpleasant... :cuss: ok so I was in a grouchy mood the entire day, I spent over 2000 for the entire setup (thats every part of the grow included)

I honestly dont have a clue why there was no reaction except I missed something out but the question is what?


Well-Known Member
Hi there,
Ive been germinating my seeds in kitchen tissues which I then place in zip lock bags and then I place them in my heated propagator within 48 hours at least 1 seed will show a tap root. I place this seed in rockwool and immediately switch on the fluros (12/6), expecting it to show a leaf I keep it moist with watering it approx 3 times a day (distilled water and PH at 5.6 - 5.8) & the temp was a constant 27 C and humidity at approx 80% - 99% a week later and I get impatient so today I took a closer peek at the seed to find that the seed is in exactly the same condition as I placed it in, of course you can expect my reaction to be erm unpleasant... :cuss: ok so I was in a grouchy mood the entire day, I spent over 2000 for the entire setup (thats every part of the grow included)

I honestly dont have a clue why there was no reaction except I missed something out but the question is what?
The temperature is correct.

The PH may be a little low.

Watering the rockwool 3x a day is probably too much. Read the FAQ for Al B Fuct. The rockwool should be damp, not wet. The cubes should weigh about 25-30 grams when they are correct.


Well-Known Member
The temperature is correct.

The PH may be a little low.

Watering the rockwool 3x a day is probably too much. Read the FAQ for Al B Fuct. The rockwool should be damp, not wet. The cubes should weigh about 25-30 grams when they are correct.

Al B does emphasise this point, although I watered 3 times a day I watered only to the limit that the RW absorbed.


Well-Known Member
Did you presoak ur cubes in 5.0 water?

I presoaked the RW in PH 5.8 although the excess run off water was increasing in PH so I presoaked a few times until the run off water was a constant PH 5.8.

Anyway way we will find out what the problem is soon, Im germinating a little later tonight.

Ill be back... Hee hee :eyesmoke:

Ehem excuse me:neutral:


Active Member
Sooo... are you soaking the seeds in some high quality H2O??? Even 4 hours wouldn't hurt!!!


Well-Known Member
Sooo... are you soaking the seeds in some high quality H2O??? Even 4 hours wouldn't hurt!!!

No dude my water is straight from the tap and I give it 24 hours to dissolve the chlorine but Ive noticed everytime I presoak RW cubes (I presoak for half an hour) it reacts to water by raising the PH.

Hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member

I was going to start a little soner but got hooked half way through a movie ("The people vs Larry Flynt") :roll:

Thought Id keep it short & simple:
I have just finished placing 2 Blubbery seeds for germination in my heated propagator with Chlorine free water (its just water left out for 24 hours) using the kitchen-tissue within ziplock bag method. This part of the cupboard is actually the clone chamber (take a look at the pics) hopefully Ill get to that level sooner rather than later.
I promise Ill keep you fellers posted all the way and upload plenty of pics.

All comments welcome as long as they arnt nasty :neutral:



Well-Known Member
Its been 24 hrs & I have check the seeds for tap roots but nothing as of yet, Ill give it another 24 hrs.

Over and out...