What did you accomplish today?

I went trout fishing today and caught 5 big rainbows. I brought the smallest one home to eat, released two and gave two to a guy who wasn't having much luck- he had just landed a small rainbow when I landed the last (and biggest) one and I asked if he wanted it- he said yes and came over to get it, meanwhile a blue heron was trying to make off with his stringer and another had grabbed the trout he landed and was flying off with it and his rod. The rod got stuck in a tree and the heron made off with the trout but at least he got his rod back, the whole thing was a hoot
Woke up, breathed, looked and saw two living, flowering, plants (plus the cherry tomatoes on the window sill chucking up a load of fruit, bloody things have gone feral), so that's the biggest and most important things taken care of.

And I found out how much invalidity pay I get, and I ain't complaining as it works out at an extra 200 or so a month more than I get now thanks to not having to pay tax any more.

I'm not complaining, that's an extra 20-25g per month
Mom used to get us sheet sets for Christmas. And then my wife bought me some after mom passed to kinda feel the void . So I have only bought maybe 15-20 sets in the last thirty years. I sure do miss Mom, and you folks would have loved her too. She used to tell me when I was teenager that the stuff I was smoking was shit and then she would tell me stories of aucapuco gold. So I would give her little bits of high grade and watch her stare off in space. Mom was cool......
I'd go with high thread count cotton, much nicer feeling.

I usually get the 600-1200 count , this new one is 900 but I have had more comfortable 600's . We'll see how long it lasts, I like to change mine every week and the ol' lady insist on seasonal stuff. I don't know why because I don't entertain company in the bedroom...... well sometimes I do but the sheets are not important at that point. I mean I have never been turned down because my sheets were out of season.
Read some reviews on different sheets, thread count and materials. A 600tpi in one material isn't going to feel the same as a 600tpi in a different material. And many manufactures aren't exactly truthful about thread count, "600tpi" could be 550, could actually be 620, it's just a standard number that's used to group similar sheets. I've had 400 that felt better then 900+ sets I've had just because of the material.