Now, listen carefully. I will use itty bitty word you are sure to understand, and make big letters so you can get the point.
(did you get it that time? You must be thick as Vi, neither one of you can obviously see a fact plain as day under your nose. Must be a requirement for right wingers, along with arrogance and intolerance.)
However, IF I did I COULD piss off stupid asswipes like yourself, and that has it's advantages. But if I write in a vote for Ron Paul, and not enough of us do, then it would ONLY be a 'vote for Obama' (by your warped logic)IF Obama wins, now wuddn't it? IF McCain wins, then I just 'voted for McCain,' unless you are already so sure of defeat. If you are sure of victory, then you should be glad it isn't for Obama, but that I would, lesse, how does the right like to put us independant voters, just 'throwing my vote away?' Now, I wuddn't be throwing it away if I DID vote Obama, and if I did, perhaps ignorant dumbasses like yourself don't get their way. WHile that does hold a powerful lure, I don't wanna use my vote outta spite. I wanna put my name down for the one person I would want. If it just upsets you so bad that I don't do as I'm told, get used to it. You are part of a totalitarian system every bit as bad (and becoming more and more) as Iraq's was. But please, go on with your sham.