More grounds for Impeachment?

You literally just admitted to being an uninformed sheep following the group think.
“Group think”
so Hannity;
“and now on this breaking news night” ( every fkin night it’s a breaking news night according to this overpaid cunt) democrats with their “group think” and their snowflake attitudes ... blah blah blah, guns are great beat your wife and call it evangelism
“Group think”
so Hannity;
“and now on this breaking news night” ( every fkin night it’s a breaking news night according to this overpaid cunt) democrats with their “group think” and their snowflake attitudes ... blah blah blah, guns are great beat your wife and call it evangelism
I reinforce mystatment there is currently a snowflake meltdown occuring right here.
I just read this article and wanted too scream, so I came here.

I want someone, anyone, to explain too me how the fuck this is happening today in the US.

Trumps sons, daughter and her husband flying around the globe making deals, all the while being protected by the Secret Service on the Americans taxpayer's dime.

Go on, all you Trump supporters (biting my tongue now @rollitup), defend him and his family now

This is bullshit.

this is a somewhat condensed yet thorough account of what's been happening all along, Jim.
You literally just admitted to being an uninformed sheep following the group think.
You do the same with nearly every post.

We point it out but you still steadfastly refuse to do any kind of actual research, lazily preferring to believe the right wing media propaganda machine.

The best part? You don't benefit in any way. You get fucked every day by the very clowns you so slavishly support as they gleefully steal your money and that of your children, unborn or otherwise.