

Active Member
Whats ya'lls take on soul mates? Do you guys think that there could be 1 person out there who you are destined to be with. That sometimes there is a love out there that is just bigger than you. And now what if you knew that person, but were marrying someone else?


Well-Known Member
Honestly no. Simply because it would be nice to find someone perfect; but that person doesn't exist. There are things that you wont like about the person. If you get to the point where you love every single aspect of a person then I feel that's lust and not love.
Love is something that's worked at. It may be easier for some than others, but love is a journey not a destination. True love anyway. Imho.


Well-Known Member
love is a pain in the ass.
u are so right. fuck love. im not sure about soulmates, but i definitely believe that some people are put here to be in each others lives. 2 of my best friends i consider to be my "soul friends". we really are the same soul inhabiting 3 separate bodies, we're so close, like im not even that close with my family. the only other people im that close with are my parents. we also seem to share a like we say the same shit at the same time at least 15 times a or if one of us is having a smart moment, the other 2 are having a not so smart its really funny...but the 3 of us were meant to find each sure of it...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
this is the greatest pic EVER. and it rings true for me and my friends...i would totally give my best friends one of my cheeseburger...which is a really big deal...cuz i *LOVE* my cheeseburgers...hahaha thanks for that pic :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm still undecided on this topic. I think there's a person in this world for everyone that is the most compatible out of everyone with them, but maybe you won't always meet that person. Maybe they live in Zimbabwe and you live in Wisconsin. Who knows.....