

Well-Known Member
You can but, by the time it's rooted and going it will be small and behind the game. Autos have set life cycle, the clone will be on the same timeline as the mother. Chances are you would have a very small clone that is in flower too soon.


Active Member
You can but, by the time it's rooted and going it will be small and behind the game. Autos have set life cycle, the clone will be on the same timeline as the mother. Chances are you would have a very small clone that is in flower too soon.
Thanks for the advice, now I have another question for you. How do I know if my plants are indeed autos? I've been in veg for about 45 days but noticed a lot of bud sites popping up on the plant while in veg. I just switched it to flower but how do I know? Take a look at these.



Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean, that you switched it to flower? An auto will flower without changing the light cycle to 12/12. You don't want to go 12/12 on autos. I mean you can but it will be smaller and finish quicker.


Active Member
Not sure what you mean, that you switched it to flower? An auto will flower without changing the light cycle to 12/12. You don't want to go 12/12 on autos. I mean you can but it will be smaller and finish quicker.
Oh wow.. I didn't know that. So should I keep it on 18/6 light cycle? And do they look like autos to you? Its a white widow strain.


Well-Known Member
Autos do best with a 24/0 light cycle. Toss the timer and leave the bulb on 24/7.

Good luck, BigSteve.

P.S.-- Autos are a bitch to clone. Also, they tend to be so small anyway that taking cuttings for clones will diminish what will probably already be a meager harvest.