Lucky Luke, Hi. My point was to make you aware that there is a globalist elite situated all over the world who want children for abuse and ritualistic practice.[Religion of Thelema, Aleister Crowley -- start researching who he was and why the illuminati like him so much -- "Do as Thou Wilt" was his motto in his teachings.] I was hoping seeing what's going on over in the UK would make you appreciate Trump and how he is the only person anywhere who is going after the world wide pedophile markets and taking the money and assets of anyone involved. Sadly there is also a terrible Pedophile network in the USA, Canada, Mexico, asia - it's worldwide and these children are raped, they are sacrificed in Luciferian rituals. They are beaten before they are killed. It's called Adrenochroming. When the adrenaline fills the blood. When the pedophiles drink the blood of the children they kill, they get a high from it. You guys really need to go beneath the surface and study what's really going on. Right now all you are doing is trying to promote a civil war in the USA and when that happens according to the clinton obama plan, the 800 FEMA camps and the many FEMA prison barges that can hold 2000 prisoners at a time, would begin to get rid of the homeless, get rid of those who are pro constitution, and you would then see them re-educate those they could into the new ways of the new world order as laid out on the Georgia guidestones in the USA...the plan by clinton and obama was to collapse the United States so that the nation would no longer exist. That was the plan. But Trump got in there and now like it or not, he wants his country to come back strong and he knows the deep state and what their intentions are. You guys are being played big time. Not one of you has said anything about why the USA has 800 plus FEMA camps or why there are so many FEMA prison barges. Who ordered those? It wasn't Trump...somebody else did this and it was several years ago that the order was given.
Rather than go back and forth with insults let me show you Trumps latest briefing as you are blaming him for the caged children when those pictures that hit the internet were taken during Obama's reign. So in fairness, you should listen to what Trump says and maybe just maybe you'll realize that the problem with separating kids from parents has been going on far far longer than you are saying...