Hello from Michigan! Hopefully we will be req legal on Nov 6 which is when the big vote takes place. So in preparations I decided to start looking at designing a grow room. I have a beautiful spot in my basement. We have a shelter under our pourch. Put in as a tornado shelter but am going to repurpose half as a grow room.
So as I am laying this out in my head I am thinking a seedling/clone/pre veg area, a veg area, and flower area, then an area to hang the harvest up. Each of the 3 growing areas will be a 2x3 maybe 2x4. Only looking to have 2 maybe 3 plants at each area except the seedlings area where I’ll have maybe up to six or so (not sure on that one).
So the lights I ordered are 2 x qb288 5000k for the veg area, 2 x qb304 2700k for the flower area, and 3 qb96 5000k which I was thinking of using 1 for the seedlings area then adding 1 in series with the qb288’s and 1 in series with the qb304’s to give more of color spectrum. Thoughts on this setup?
Also looking for advice on what drivers to use as I’m completely lost on that. Need to know what drivers will give the best wattage per square foot in these areas for best yield for 2 or 3 plants at each.
Any feedback is appreciated!
So as I am laying this out in my head I am thinking a seedling/clone/pre veg area, a veg area, and flower area, then an area to hang the harvest up. Each of the 3 growing areas will be a 2x3 maybe 2x4. Only looking to have 2 maybe 3 plants at each area except the seedlings area where I’ll have maybe up to six or so (not sure on that one).
So the lights I ordered are 2 x qb288 5000k for the veg area, 2 x qb304 2700k for the flower area, and 3 qb96 5000k which I was thinking of using 1 for the seedlings area then adding 1 in series with the qb288’s and 1 in series with the qb304’s to give more of color spectrum. Thoughts on this setup?
Also looking for advice on what drivers to use as I’m completely lost on that. Need to know what drivers will give the best wattage per square foot in these areas for best yield for 2 or 3 plants at each.
Any feedback is appreciated!