i know it sounds harsh, but that's exactly what's happening.
our "society" has gotten to the point where we can defeat natural selection, a good bit of the time. there are those that insist on killing themselves with stupidity, like the people who try to pet the lions on safari....or those that look into running jet turbine engines, just cause they wanna see whuts in thar.....but a good percentage that would have stuck an extremity into the machinery, who would have indeed jumped into the shark tank at the aquarium, who keep forgetting whether the green hand or the red hand means go in the crosswalk...they survive, and they find others like themselves and reproduce....
i say it's time for a hunting season for idiots. everyone in the nation has to take an iq test. anyone under 100 i.q. gets a maga hat to wear. anyone under 80 gets a maga hat, and instructions on how to wear it....