Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

54 ,we reached this age by not being stupid ,that being said some of you won't make it it's very clear
unfortunately, it's not quite the same as it used to be. warning labels, machine guards, fear of lawsuits...have all made the world way too safe, so while i feel like i made it here by not being a dumbass, i look around, and many of those that should have fallen to their own stupidity are still right there behind me, drooling and picking their noses.......
unfortunately, it's not quite the same as it used to be. warning labels, machine guards, fear of lawsuits...have all made the world way too safe, so while i feel like i made it here by not being a dumbass, i look around, and many of those that should have fallen to their own stupidity are still right there behind me, drooling and picking their noses.......
In the old days the weak fell by the wayside. Now they have a houseful of kids. Natural selection is fucked.
i know it sounds harsh, but that's exactly what's happening.
our "society" has gotten to the point where we can defeat natural selection, a good bit of the time. there are those that insist on killing themselves with stupidity, like the people who try to pet the lions on safari....or those that look into running jet turbine engines, just cause they wanna see whuts in thar.....but a good percentage that would have stuck an extremity into the machinery, who would have indeed jumped into the shark tank at the aquarium, who keep forgetting whether the green hand or the red hand means go in the crosswalk...they survive, and they find others like themselves and reproduce....
i say it's time for a hunting season for idiots. everyone in the nation has to take an iq test. anyone under 100 i.q. gets a maga hat to wear. anyone under 80 gets a maga hat, and instructions on how to wear it....
i know it sounds harsh, but that's exactly what's happening.
our "society" has gotten to the point where we can defeat natural selection, a good bit of the time. there are those that insist on killing themselves with stupidity, like the people who try to pet the lions on safari....or those that look into running jet turbine engines, just cause they wanna see whuts in thar.....but a good percentage that would have stuck an extremity into the machinery, who would have indeed jumped into the shark tank at the aquarium, who keep forgetting whether the green hand or the red hand means go in the crosswalk...they survive, and they find others like themselves and reproduce....
i say it's time for a hunting season for idiots. everyone in the nation has to take an iq test. anyone under 100 i.q. gets a maga hat to wear. anyone under 80 gets a maga hat, and instructions on how to wear it....
Not just stupidity. It's also the little things. Like allergies. Stuff that used to kill people before they had kids is treated now, and those genes are passed on.
I never got the hang of smoking cigs. Did smoke good cigars for several years. But when I went on the wagon from weed, I gave up the cigars at the same time. Back to smoking weed the last couple three years, but no tobacco for about 14-15 years. I've even gone to using weed for my burnt offerings when I say my prayers.
Good man. Buddha approves!
54 ,we reached this age by not being stupid ,that being said some of you won't make it it's very clear
Some got lucky, others live a sadly sheltered life.

50s aren't too much of an accomplishment unless your job description is 'mercenary soldier of Fortune'.

It is old enough to deal with your upbringing and decide what kind of person you want to be when you grow up...

if you want to grow up, lol
saw this article. how many of you had one of these laying around?


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/50-years-ago-whole-earth-catalog-launched-reinvented-environmental-movement-180969682/?utm_source=smithsoniandaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=07/18/2018 Daily Newsletter&spMailingID=35212419&spUserID=NzQwNDg0OTMzNzIS1&spJobID=1321997858&spReportId=MTMyMTk5Nzg1OAS2
Be 50 in October... Seen it, done it, lived through it... The ups, the downs, the smiles, the frowns... Been Waaaayyy up, been locked down, aftet 10 years, I just came back around... Just completed my first grow, got 5 ounces, what I was looking for in life I know I found it!!!
Be 50 in October... Seen it, done it, lived through it... The ups, the downs, the smiles, the frowns... Been Waaaayyy up, been locked down, aftet 10 years, I just came back around... Just completed my first grow, got 5 ounces, what I was looking for in life I know I found it!!!
Sometimes it really is the simplest of things, isn't it?
Be 50 in October... Seen it, done it, lived through it... The ups, the downs, the smiles, the frowns... Been Waaaayyy up, been locked down, aftet 10 years, I just came back around... Just completed my first grow, got 5 ounces, what I was looking for in life I know I found it!!!
Like that huh? I've got a million more bruh. Im a poet, and I'll be sure to let you know it!!!
IKR? And way back when, did you ever hear of a kid getting sick from a PB&J sammich and a glass of milk?

Never seen a bird in a wheelchair. Unfortunately not only are the weak kept alive, but you can't even tell somone their shoes untied without being consider a hate criminal. We need to tougher up the population, you bunch of sissies.
Never seen a bird in a wheelchair. Unfortunately not only are the weak kept alive, but you can't even tell somone their shoes untied without being consider a hate criminal. We need to tougher up the population, you bunch of sissies.
My aunt was a little deformed when she was born in the 1930's. Doctor gave Granny a dose of Black Drought strong enough to kill her. He said she would go to sleep and not wake up. Granny didn't give it to her, and my aunt died a few years back at 79 years old. She did have a bad speech impediment and it was hard to understand her if you were not around her a lot. Also her gait wasn't smooth. But she did everything an able bodied person could do with the excepting of running or climbing. She was by far the best and most beloved member of my family.

One problem with killing the weak, is the deciders might decide that a weak mind is sufficient reason.
Lol, I was wondering when this would become a eugenics thread. The whole reason for a society is to protect the vulnerable. Slaying people with allergies or other perceived imperfections to improve the genetic stock doesn’t have a good track record politically.
Never seen a bird in a wheelchair. Unfortunately not only are the weak kept alive, but you can't even tell somone their shoes untied without being consider a hate criminal. We need to tougher up the population, you bunch of sissies.
The Rocky Mountain Raptor Center takes in many wild birds who are sick or injured. There are many more like it across the country.

Sure is strange how right wingers are the most sensitive to dissent but they're the ones calling everyone else snowflakes...

Project much, tough guy?
My aunt was a little deformed when she was born in the 1930's. Doctor gave Granny a dose of Black Drought strong enough to kill her. He said she would go to sleep and not wake up. Granny didn't give it to her, and my aunt died a few years back at 79 years old. She did have a bad speech impediment and it was hard to understand her if you were not around her a lot. Also her gait wasn't smooth. But she did everything an able bodied person could do with the excepting of running or climbing. She was by far the best and most beloved member of my family.

One problem with killing the weak, is the deciders might decide that a weak mind is sufficient reason.
...or just the wrong opinion.