Jordan Peterson


Well-Known Member
Interesting tactic...

As if to suppose all the video evidence detractors post is automatically suspect at best, dismissed at worst. Even if the valid points made remain objective.

But you know most reasonable people will observe all evidence and determine its validity for themselves, right?


Well-Known Member
buck you do know that peterson uses the terms "postmodernism" and "neo marxism"

your cheap google search didnt show a list of peterson quoted saying "cultural marxism"

only time i have seen him use it i think was when it was used by someone else asking a question with that phrase


Well-Known Member
It's official;

Buck is the stupidest person on the internet and has virtually zero ability to understand the English language.

Jordan Peterson doesn't imply or explicitly state that he is against any race. He specifically states he is against post-modernists and neo-marxists. The fact that this is not sinking in isn't making us look bad, it's making you look even more retarded than you are.

Can someone make sure he's wearing his "typing helmet"?
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Well-Known Member
Jordan Peterson doesn't imply or explicitly state that he is against any race. He specifically states he is against post-modernists and neo-marxists.
"post-modernism in many ways, especially as it is played out politically, is the new skin that the old marxism now inhabits" - jordan "repackaging nazi conspiracy theories" peterson

too stupid to see that "post modernism" is just the new way of saying "cultural marxism" in your cult?


Well-Known Member
"post-modernism in many ways, especially as it is played out politically, is the new skin that the old marxism now inhabits" - jordan "repackaging nazi conspiracy theories" peterson

too stupid to see that "post modernism" is just the new way of saying "cultural marxism" in your cult?
Are you fucking retarded? Marxism is SHIT, and post-modernism is Marxism re-hashed.

What happened in Communist Russia was FAR WORSE than what happened Nazi Germany...

Jordan Peterson does not say a DAMN WORD about races causing the deterioration of the west. he specifically and succinctly states the ideologues and ideologies are destroying the west, and they are.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking retarded? Marxism is SHIT, and post-modernism is Marxism re-hashed.
post-modernism is just their new word for cultural marxism

still waiting for you to tell me all about the "nuance" that makes jordan peterson's crusade against the boogeyman of "cultural marxism" not a steaming pile of racist garbage


Well-Known Member
post-modernism is just their new word for cultural marxism

still waiting for you to tell me all about the "nuance" that makes jordan peterson's crusade against the boogeyman of "cultural marxism" not a steaming pile of racist garbage
You are a stupid person.



Well-Known Member
post-modernism is just their new word for cultural marxism

still waiting for you to tell me all about the "nuance" that makes jordan peterson's crusade against the boogeyman of "cultural marxism" not a steaming pile of racist garbage
well for a start its missing all the racism bit...

funny how the one person in this thread asking what the nuance is, flat out refuses to watch and actual research the thing he's asking about


Well-Known Member
Post-Modernism is the ridiculous idea that there is no objective reality. That everyone interprets reality differently and therefore everyone's interpretation of reality is equally viable.

It's stupid, and IMO anyone who is for it is an imbecile, misguided, or doesn't understand what they're supporting.