What Materials do I Need to Start Growing Outside?


Active Member
Hello, I am a begginer and i just purchased female Big Bud seeds. What other materials will i need to succefully grow my seeds outside?


Well-Known Member
well the number one thing is prob alittle common sense my freind and the desire to do alittle research on the growfaq :)

O ya you need some dirt and water too lol


Well-Known Member
wow jon. well first your location. have you found a location? oh yea and you might want to pick up some organic soil from a local nursery.second. do you grow indoors? cause i always start my plants indoors for about a month, than i take them outside everyother day to harden them off. third a shovel or thnigs necessary for planting them. fourth maybe some nutes after acouple months. but there are numerous other things you could need/use but this is a brief one. and a whole bunch of love from ofcourse..... YOU! hope that helps.. CRIP


Active Member
yea i no some of the marterials

seeds(big bud)
soil(what are good brands)
the sun

what other things will i need?


Well-Known Member
do some research. you will not grow good weed unless you know what to do or get lucky. however if you are in the northern hemisphere here is a place to start. Find a spot with good sunlight. go look at the sun right now. That is where it will be this time next year. a south facing hill is ideal because as summer turns into fall the sun goes from directly above to tilted over to the south. a spot with lots of sun in june isn't necessarily a good spot in October. You arent going to want to start your seeds until spring. this will give you lots of time to read and research. check out some of the pros on here and what they do. buy a book or video. some reccomendations that i can make are that 1. you mix your own soil. 2. use maxsea nutes 3. be sure your ph is always around 6.5-7 or at least check your tap water to be sure it is in these parameters. (it wont be =] ) 4. Dig a deep ass hole, you will get a bigger plant. 5. dont use pots unless you plan to move your plants, you will get bigger plants. (i have seen pictures that prove this otherwise but thats just because they used a progressively stronger nute solution almost like some hydro plants (small root system, big plant) and they probably had to water twice a day. 6. set up irrigation so your plants never go dry. if you dont know how to use pvc and solenoid valves just do something off of your garden hose. 7. have fun. growing weed will become addicting.

oh yeah and number 8. dont get caught dont place your polant in the middle of your lawn like i have seen a member do. place it in a place where an ordinary bush would grow. in a place that wouldnt catch the eye of an over head helicopter.

oh wait one last one 9. dont get jacked! theft is very common with marijuana. dont change anything on the outside of your house. make is invisible from the inside of your yard. if need be camp in a tent next to your plants during the final weeks. most theives strike at night.

you are definitely starting at the right time i wish you the best


Active Member
thank you and since its florida usually any time of year would be fine but winter best because the coldest is around 75 degrees


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with grows that far south but i know its humid and rains a lot. might want to consider a greenhouse.


Well-Known Member
I would think it would be way to late in the season to even think about growning outdoors.....The days are getting shorter and shorter. You would be basically going strait from sprout to flower. I would think you'd only end up with a 2 foot tall plant if you were lucky this time of year. If I were you, I'd wait like everyone else for spring to arrive. Good luck either way you decide to go.



Well-Known Member
you might want to consider veging the plant inside for at least a month. but like I said make sure weather permits. You will not get a huge plant plant starting now but you will get good bud. if i were you i would produce hella seeds right now and grow them all next season you will get hundreds if not thousands of seeds. you could produce many many pounds if you do it right. at most you will get 1-2 ounces per plant starting now. since summer is the rainiest time for you i would consider a green house.


Active Member
you might want to consider veging the plant inside for at least a month. but like I said make sure weather permits. You will not get a huge plant plant starting now but you will get good bud. if i were you i would produce hella seeds right now and grow them all next season you will get hundreds if not thousands of seeds. you could produce many many pounds if you do it right. at most you will get 1-2 ounces per plant starting now. since summer is the rainiest time for you i would consider a green house.

thank you, im getting in the how to gro dvd from hightimes and if you think it would be best for me to keep it inside for the first month what should i get to keep it in my closet?


Well-Known Member
er sry for that comment, I smoked a lot that day.

growfaq has all the answers pretty much.. oh dont forget google.


Active Member
Its all good jon2.
Alright I just got the Ultimate Grow DVD by Jorge Cervantes and am looking foward to learning new things, like before i mentioned:

7 Female Big Bud seeds
Foxfarm ocean forest potting soil
Bigbloom liqued food for the plants
I am going to get pots for outside grow(what size?)

if you could give any more hints for thins to get it woud be appreciated


Well-Known Member
dont do pots. if you want to transfer them than do it in bags, more effecent. btu i would jusst put them in the ground. hey can i borrow that DVD!?


Active Member
ya i cud let you get it after i learn how to but what do u mean about what you wrote, if its outside what should i keep it in if its nt pots?


Well-Known Member
use grow bags for the veg inside then transfer to a hole in the ground later. the size bag all depends on the light intensity you plan to use. A bunch of cfl's would probably be most efficient but a grow light would produce the most. also consider heat. please research before you ask more. everything you are asking has been answered. But as a rule of thumb for bag size.. at least one gallon per month. I would use 2 gallon bags. maybe 3.. have you checked out the grow faq?


Active Member
thanks for advice. Alright i just took a look at the growfaq and there is many things i no now then i did before, i just figured out that i will take your advice since you know more and start them inside in the growbags, could you give me some useful tip about growing them inside for the first month in growbags?