What Materials do I Need to Start Growing Outside?


Active Member
use grow bags for the veg inside then transfer to a hole in the ground later. the size bag all depends on the light intensity you plan to use. A bunch of cfl's would probably be most efficient but a grow light would produce the most. also consider heat. please research before you ask more. everything you are asking has been answered. But as a rule of thumb for bag size.. at least one gallon per month. I would use 2 gallon bags. maybe 3.. have you checked out the grow faq?
Do you think i would be able to keep it outside and when the sun is going down bring it inside and keep it under a grow light for an extra 4 or 5 hours then bringing it back outside?


Active Member
Alright ive done alot of research aswell as watching the Ultimate Grow DVD, I am going to grow them outside in 1 gallon nursery pots and add a gallon of FoxFarm Ocean soil or so every month until the 3rd month. I will bring them inside when the sun goes down and put them under a flourescent grow light for an extra 5 hours a day and return them back when there time is done and will do this for at least the first month and a half. Thanks for all the help, anything else helpful would be great and i will be posting pics as they develope.


Well-Known Member
yo man im here to help man. i start all of my babies inside. first off you wont need that big of pots first. first off germinate the seeds asap. get some paper towel and fold it in half until it could fit into a ziplock bag. than put the beans in between the paper towel and than dampen it so its all wet. than put it into a ziplock and give the bag a big blow from your lung than close and put in a dark area for the next three days. i would check it every now and than between those 3 days to maybe wet it more or blow air into it again. but once the taproot splits out of the seed you'll want to transplant! while these three days go by pick up the FF and so rather small containers to start the seeds off in. while your there you might as well pick up some growbags too, must come with drainage holes so your in luck! than plant the beaners into the small containers and make sure the soil is always moist until the taproot takes roots and it uptakes the soil. than about after a week or two they should be ready for transplanting into the growbags. its just easier for the roots to develope in some containers i think, than once you transplant the roots are cmpacted and reagy to reach out and grow! they should be ready in that time depending on the light intensity. what are you starting them under? get back at me i have alot more to tell you if you would like to listen, im here to help as stated above! peace



Active Member
Thanks, I am starting them under a 2 foot 2 inch flourescent grow light and the seeds are starting in a 3inch burpee seed starter until after the first week or so before being transplanted.


Active Member
ok. plan sounds good enough. but the thing that bothers me most is the trasplanting of you plants every single evening. dont you think its a tad risky. also, if you want to learn how to grow outdoors there are plenty of free documentaries about it for free on you tube. best of luck. oh one more thing. if you are using a nutrient rich soil you might want to only add a little bit of ferts at first.


Active Member
ok. plan sounds good enough. but the thing that bothers me most is the trasplanting of you plants every single evening. dont you think its a tad risky. also, if you want to learn how to grow outdoors there are plenty of free documentaries about it for free on you tube. best of luck. oh one more thing. if you are using a nutrient rich soil you might want to only add a little bit of ferts at first.
I wouldnt be transplanting them.


Well-Known Member
Alright ive done alot of research aswell as watching the Ultimate Grow DVD, I am going to grow them outside in 1 gallon nursery pots and add a gallon of FoxFarm Ocean soil or so every month until the 3rd month. I will bring them inside when the sun goes down and put them under a flourescent grow light for an extra 5 hours a day and return them back when there time is done and will do this for at least the first month and a half. Thanks for all the help, anything else helpful would be great and i will be posting pics as they develope.
for now I would go with crippled guys advise except for one thing. dont use grow bags. If you plan to bring them inside everyday the bag will wear. use a 3 gallon pot for each plant. This method of utilizing the powerful sun will produce a much larger plant than only veging it under a light. It is more efficient and cheaper. Your night time light doesnt have to be more than a few cfls or a couple fluorescent tubes.

I am going to grow them outside in 1 gallon nursery pots and add a gallon of FoxFarm Ocean soil or so every month until the 3rd month.
dont do this start them out in a 3 gallon pot. If done right 6 weeks from now that pot will be full enough to transplant.

take the ocean forest and mix a small amount of maxsea with your soil. add some perlite, peat moss, maybe some sand, you could experiment with worm castings or manure... your plants shouldnt need nutes for quite some time. when the time comes youll know it.


Active Member
Do your research bud.
You'll feel a lot more 'in control' the more research you do.
1st decision. Do you want to, are you able to and do you have time to dedicate to your crop to water it, tend to it, feed it and love it?
This will determine whether you take cuttings and sex and have an impact on the outcome of your crop.

2nd decision: Organic, chemical or let her fend for her self.

Organic is the best way to go and i'll assume you have the time and dedication to tend to your crop of you wouldnt be on this forum!

Germinate: Easiest and most successful method is with Jiffy Peat Pellets.

Prepare your site:
Use quality SOIL and potting mix
add some BLOOD and BONE
1/2 as much VERMICULITE as potting mix
a cup or two of EPSOM SALTS
a few kg of WORM CASTINGS
a few cups or BAT GUANO

this will get you well on your well to a decent crop and without much more than this you'll get a decent yield.
Do some research on compost teas and foliar feeding and you'll have yourself a fantastic yield for your first crop.

Remember: Search is your friend!

Best of luck and much sure to keep a grow diary to keep us updated on your progress.

Organic Outdoor growing is a thing of magic..... You really gotta be desperate to do it indoors imho!


Well-Known Member
tiger bloom will only be sufficient during the flowering stage. and still i promise you will have a nitrogen def. buy some maxsea. it has plenty of nitrogen. then switch to the bloom after they have been flowering for 2-3 weeks.

organic is a route that produces results different and lots of times better than a fert grow. Your weed burns better, tastes better and smells better. You get that true weed smell that defines what weed should smell like.

It is, however, a more difficult method. You have to premix your soil with a lot of natural sources of nutes. I would also advise against an organic nute formula. I experienced nothing but deficiencies with these. Organic plants rarely get as big as a fert one. big plants need lots of nutes. organic doesnt usually supply enough. For a beginner go with chemical ferts you will get much better results. after you have success with ferts then maybe you should try organic.