Is God responsible for EVIL in the world?

Evil originates not from God but from man.

well i have to disagree, because without god allowing evil in the world, we would not have it.

god created us in his own image so he must have some built up frustration inside. we must have inherited his ability to hate. cause he hates things in the bible, it says so...
Proverbs 6:16-19 ?
God has existed from eternity past as the Father, Son and Spirit, together in a relationship of perfect love. So love is the highest value in the universe. And when God decided to create human beings, he wanted us to experience love. But to give us the ability to love, God had to give us free will to decide whether to love or not to love. Why? Because love always involves a choice.
I answered the OP not to have a religious discussion. Have a great day :)
And please take your trolling bully attitude back to politics and stay there. We don't need your simple ways spreading any further :)
i had to go back to this post.

so man originated EVIL?

what else has man created?
The guy clearly doesn't understand the book he referenced.
Evil is a very important part of the plan. Without evil, there's no temptation and the game is over.

So if the devil wanted to completely screw up gods plan, all he would have to do is quit.
Just take the ball and go home.

*poof* everything is broken.
The guy clearly doesn't understand the book he referenced.
Evil is a very important part of the plan. Without evil, there's no temptation and the game is over.

So if the devil wanted to completely screw up gods plan, all he would have to do is quit.
Just take the ball and go home.

*poof* everything is broken.

very true...

God is responsible for EVIL in the world. thanks for confirming.

would love to hear from more christians?
God of Abraham.

Same one jews, muslims and christians all worship...
Well according to the story he can do anything.
He chose to give us free will then threatened to light us on fire if we used it in a way that pleased us.

His creation could have been perfect
But he went another direction all together.

Im on the fence