Ursus marijanus
Oh my. I never thought of the envelope bursting as a feature ...That's pretty interesting info, thanks!
I think the type of balloon you pictured there is the kind that stays up a while. The balloon bursting is integral to recovering amateur equipment since transmitting picture data back to earth is exceedingly difficult for amateurs (the theory is simple, the equipment weight is the issue). If you calculate wrong and the balloon doesn't burst, you have what they call a floater, and your stuff likely lands in the ocean.
If I was sure the next balloon wouldn't be found by a cop like the last one was I'd try and launch a seedling and recover it so I could claim to have weed from space. The temps inside my styrofoam box stayed within a range that a plant would survive, not love, but survive.
...shit now you guys got me thinking crazy stoner shit. Stop paying attention to me. It's going to my head lol.
lol space weed