The Nature Farm Genetics, is he legit?

I was also a Moderator on a MJ Forum in 2005 for a guy named Dan Van Pot, cant remember the name of site, but Dan had worked with BCBD and won the Indica Cup for God Bud, but BCBD ripped Dan off, so he left them an original mother, but took the father, and started his own forum, and business, but was shut down/busted in about 6 months. I was also a Mod at MJ Passion, and for Claude at Serious Seeds until I went back to jail. asrta007 was the guy who got me Mod Jobs.
Who says?? Hearsay. I guess you know him personally?

My buddies also grown his stuff.. Sk18, and NL5 x Sk18 , and I never smoked 1 plant that wasn't much better than good is all I can tell you.

I listen to 000 BS from people I don't know. And generally when people talk shit about others, says a lot about them, unless they have seen shit 1st hand.

Swami Organic Seeds also likes TNF, and I'll take Swami's word also.

Also weve had SKUNK here in East Ky since at least 1974.

I smoked my 1st Skunk, in 74. YEP. Just because you never saw it, doesnt mean it doesn't/didint exist then, as it did.. All kinds of shit I know is out there Ive not seen, heard of, or tried.

The Original Genetics came from Meigs County Ohio, which is about 90 miles North East of me. Near Athens Ohio. Also had 1 called Beach Ball which was an Afghan

At that time Meigs was known as the California of the East. Most all of their genetics came from PNW.

We had a lot of shit in my neck of the woods in the mid 70s.
You started smoking at the age of 8. Come on now. Skunk WAS NOT AROUND IN 1969. PERIOD. His 1969 skunk#18 ibl is str8 bullshit. He dated that about a decade to early. He was given cuts from shoe and told.not to breed with or sell. And he renamed it. And is now using it. The nature farm is a crock of shit. There only 5 pictures of his 69 skunk ibl and it doesnt even look like any type of skunk. He just showed up on IG with 500 elite cuts. Out of no where. And theres another post that got deleted. That had more than jus shoe and riot calling him out. Once he got called.out anand stopped answering questions bc je was answering them wrong. He deleted it. Loompa was on it calling him out as well. I mean if you wanna spend 80 bucks on a pack of 1969 skunk#18 ibl. I have some 1964 skunk #11ibl....

And what's even more funny, is he had an Instagram before. And he didnt have any elite cuts. Then he made another ig name. Same grow area, same everything. But different names on the cuts. Someone screenshot it and posted it. He had two pics of the same plant. Called two different names.

Do you have links for the posts of the same plants renamed? So far, all I’ve seen is crazy ranting on both sides. It’s hard to take anything seriously when it’s “verified that he beat his wife and kid” because.....uh....someone on IG said so.
Who says?? Hearsay. I guess you know him personally?

My buddies also grown his stuff.. Sk18, and NL5 x Sk18 , and I never smoked 1 plant that wasn't much better than good is all I can tell you.

I listen to 000 BS from people I don't know. And generally when people talk shit about others, says a lot about them, unless they have seen shit 1st hand.

Swami Organic Seeds also likes TNF, and I'll take Swami's word also.

Also weve had SKUNK here in East Ky since at least 1974.

I smoked my 1st Skunk, in 74. YEP. Just because you never saw it, doesnt mean it doesn't/didint exist then, as it did.. All kinds of shit I know is out there Ive not seen, heard of, or tried.

The Original Genetics came from Meigs County Ohio, which is about 90 miles North East of me. Near Athens Ohio. Also had 1 called Beach Ball which was an Afghan

At that time Meigs was known as the California of the East. Most all of their genetics came from PNW.

We had a lot of shit in my neck of the woods in the mid 70s.
I live 20 minutes from meigs county. And have family that live and own/operate one of the biggest farms in meigs county.
I live 20 minutes from meigs county. And have family that live and own/operate one of the biggest farms in meigs county.
And the dude who put all the work in the cut. That he gave to TNF. That he calls chem3. THE DUDE MADE THE STRAIN. TNF GREW IT OUT AND POSTED IT AS HIS OWN CUT OF CHEM3. IT DOESNT EVEN FUCKING LOOK LIKE CHEM. The who said. The fucking man that made it. And has grew umptin million times.
Who says?? Hearsay. I guess you know him personally?

My buddies also grown his stuff.. Sk18, and NL5 x Sk18 , and I never smoked 1 plant that wasn't much better than good is all I can tell you.

I listen to 000 BS from people I don't know. And generally when people talk shit about others, says a lot about them, unless they have seen shit 1st hand.

Swami Organic Seeds also likes TNF, and I'll take Swami's word also.

Also weve had SKUNK here in East Ky since at least 1974.

I smoked my 1st Skunk, in 74. YEP. Just because you never saw it, doesnt mean it doesn't/didint exist then, as it did.. All kinds of shit I know is out there Ive not seen, heard of, or tried.

The Original Genetics came from Meigs County Ohio, which is about 90 miles North East of me. Near Athens Ohio. Also had 1 called Beach Ball which was an Afghan

At that time Meigs was known as the California of the East. Most all of their genetics came from PNW.

We had a lot of shit in my neck of the woods in the mid 70s.
And if smoked skunk in 74 then you're right up the nature farms alley. You keep on believing whatever you want. You're entitled to your opinion. You're trying to give a history lesson to someone that's lived and run around meigs county for the last 30 years. So you keep on smokin that 69 and 74 skunk ibl.
Do you have links for the posts of the same plants renamed? So far, all I’ve seen is crazy ranting on both sides. It’s hard to take anything seriously when it’s “verified that he beat his wife and kid” because.....uh....someone on IG said so.
I nvr heard anything about him beating his wife n kids. It was a post on IG that posted the side by side pic. Idk who it was. Only reason i seen it. Was bc tnf was tagged in it. I'm sure he reported it. I could care less what he does. And what he calls what. Theres just too much drama surrounding him. To even deal with him.

Sk1 won the 1st Harvest Fest in California in 1967, and 1974 is 44 years ago. Not 30. I got all kinds of buddies in Gallipolis, buddies older than I played in bands in Athens in 68/69. Guys that are 70+ years old.
No I said I have run around meigs county for the last 30 years.
TNF here. Just to lay roots for you. Decide whay you like, i am a forum lurker, i am on all forums you can see my entry date 2010, all i do is read and scan for information and saw this, figured good place as any to drop knowledge even though RIU isn't my home. Ill answer the same anywhere because it's all truth. I don't block people on my page we have free open discussion. I dont hide a thing.
Back in 2012 is when I had first heard of shoe aka headiegardens, but it wasn't shoe that I was in contact with not Ever we never talked who i talked with was his partner Kaptain always kaptain, at the time they were growing in shoes mom's basement. They ran debt, and shoe was never working while Kaptain gardened, that is His name on breedbay, and we all met in the days of The Seed Depot if you remember that. His name is trinityhealthgroupcollective on IG since changed to Kaptain_buckyohare. he doesn't want to fuck with it anyways, everyone knows what really went down. This isn't the first time shoe came after the both of us and I'm glad they leave kaptain out of it he doesn't need the shit nor does anyone.
This is who i traded cuttings with and trade them is what I did, I never stole shit how do I steal cuts from mass to cali. Kaptain was living with his parents in arizona when i decided i wanted him to grow with me.
Anyways, I sent out some of my favorite cuts and shoe has grown a few of mine like 95' black Domina, purple Hindu kush, and a few others all himself even given them high praise as special medicine, shoe and I have honestly hardly shared a word we just don't vibe. Especially BDomina though, loved that shit because it's Narcotic potent.
Aside from that I was given some Bodhi cuts, and a few other cuts in trade, none of which I have today, past the Romulan I got permissions from seednoevil collective, Pagan to have that cut, and kaptain sent it to me once I did.
We traded 5 slips in total just Five, that was 5 years ago. I never renamed that sunshine 3 cut, and lost it 3 years ago.
The beef here, if your wondering the WHY is that I took in shoes old partner in after they split not amicably, when I grew a 20 lighter tapped down in Fresno for a friend I grew up with. Kaptain came to help me after him and shoe fell out by about 4 months.
These people did not have Breeder Cuts, as they were all just seed testers then thays what TSD Forum was. So that's where this animosity comes from I helped the person I actually was in communication with and all this can be verified.
I can tell you the cuts he sent me and the fact it was over 5 years ago, why would I just last year rename it, after I gave away seeds with the sunshine 3 cut x Mello platinum cookies, for free all the while keeping the names correct.
Renaming it never entered into my thought pattern there is no honor in chump shit like that. I am 32 but raised around old heads and spent my time in old Folsom on the 3 yard, I thrive off respect I don't know much else.
I brought that chem3 cut forward completely unrelated to the cut they claim and it is a damn nice Chemdog representation. I had given it to mrbobhemphill to try and confirm it.
It wasn't able to be confirmed, not until csi Humboldt was given it to confirm and he said it was not, I only passed that cut to eljefegardens and mrbob, 2 people. I will post eljefes messages to me here. He is close with Riot, riot has his connections, this in the only circle has anything to say about me and it's personal 100%.
The confusion is all stemmed from a fake confirmation on the chem 3 by eljefe, who is the other arm of this beef and for the record even TopDawg Seeds couldn't confirm it's that chem.
The sunshine 3 cut couldn't ever pass as as a real chem, bred by bodhi and is straight blueberries man strong SSDD influences there. It's good pot but I don't get to grow what I have, by renaming stupid shit like that, would not ever happen. Good time to spin a tale though I will give them that.
The cut that I brought forth was completely unrelated out of shasta and I did it because nobody has confirmed 3 cut last seen 12 years ago, to bring one fit the bill forward seemed pertinent to all involved, and the fact it isn't doesn't do anything to me but say OK, thank you for taking the time to run her and the confirm on her. It was most certainly appreciated from CSIHumboldt as he's about the only person could past JB himself. Chem 2 brought forth an entirely different person to csi, also fake, not real. It happens man.
Most all gear I run, all cuts are gifted to me from old heads in Shasta county Northern California where I have lived the past 10 years, my dad, 23 years. all my father's circle i do get access too and older men and women ive befriended over the years, plus the rare homie or two.
Most of my mentors are no longer with us. I do not trade for genetic off of Instagram I have no need for the Most part. I have supplied Coastal seeds with many old cuttings and that is all I do is revive old plants. They have given me fire back and some of our favorite plants came from one another.
For the last 8 years plus this is what I do and what I enjoy. Used to synthetic garden and past 5 years all Korean Natural Farming. Helping old genetic become right again using Nature Farming fermented methods from Dr. Cho, and living organic soil that's my passion.
I do not monocrop rooms, I revive and I hunt. I don't hold anything I don't love to smoke myself, all medicine to me. Many old, yes and somw not so old, but all medicine just the same. I've hunted clone only since I was 21 years old fresh out of prison for growing 99 with old man and took the wrap. Got 2 years with half, but ended up with 22 months total.
If I loose it all today might not matter man, and just last year I had lost every cut I had in my possession through Life and having to make more important decisions like family. I trust a higher power than I.
Year later I have most all my gear back from local, just about revived them all again. I dont Steal from people, i sure as fuck don't beat my family, I love my son as myself and I love my wife, 6 months in on my second son. End of story.
On the subject of uncle festers skunk#18. That is master Thais line given to him by his uncle, the timeline he puts on it is 1964 i am only regurgiating his tale and the genetic sure as fuck matches up. Also genome tested on two databases. Phylos and medicinal genomics. Just Google search and check it. Ive tested cannabinoids and terpenes. Completely unique.
He has also given me permissions via email back as far as 2013 to work with the festers line and I have. It is true old Skunk not roadkill but live skunk animal smells and skunk spray, kill old school SkunkBud.
They brought my family into this and attack me I have never seen this behavior in our community based off hearasay, there is and won't ever be back up too. most if not all have never met me past old associates that grudge talk and where my family was brought in, my wife handles them folks and has been blocked for commenting.
people close to them do not agree nor folks in my hometown those people are locked out who bring up personal, nor do some other bigger respected breeders but I am not here to sway opinion. I am here to just lay facts and here they are. I have no interest to post here after this but I may if pertinent.
They did get the U. Mello right. Have a good rest of your night. Peace.

*spell check and added Kaptains full IG handle


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TNF here. Just to lay roots for you. Decide whay you like, i am a forum lurker, sll forums you can see my entry date, all.i do is read and scan for information and saw this, figured good place as any to drop knowledge even though RIU isn't my home. Ill answer the same anywhere because it's all truth. I don't block people on my page we have free open discussion. I dont hide a thing.
Back in 2012 is when I had first heard of shoe aka headiegardens, but it wasn't shoe that I was in contact with not Ever we never talked who i talked with was his partner Kaptain always kaptain, at the time they were growing in shoes mom's basement. They ran debt, and shoe was never working while Kaptain gardened, that is His name on breedbay, and we all met in the days of The Seed Depot if you remember that. His name is trinityhealthgroupcollective on IG since changed to Kapt_ . he doesn't want to fuck with it anyways, everyone knows what really went down. This isn't the first time shoe came after the both of us and I'm glad they leave kaptain out of it he doesn't need the shit nor does anyone.
This is who i traded cuttings with and trade them is what I did, I never stole shit how do I steal cuts from mass to cali. Kaptain was living with his parents in arizona when i decided i wanted him to grow with me.
Anyways, I sent out some of my favorite cuts and shoe has grown a few of mine like 95' black Domina, purple Hindu kush, and a few others all himself even given them high praise as special medicine, shoe and I have honestly hardly shared a word we just don't vibe. Especially BDomina though, loved that shit because it's Narcotic potent.
Aside from that I was given some Bodhi cuts, and a few other cuts in trade, none of which I have today, past the Romulan I got permissions from seednoevil collective, Pagan to have that cut, and kaptain sent it to me once I did.
We traded 5 slips in total just Five, that was 5 years ago. I never renamed that sunshine 3 cut, and lost it 3 years ago.
The beef here, if your wondering the WHY is that I took in shoes old partner in after they split not amicably, when I grew a 20 lighter tapped down in Fresno for a friend I grew up with. Kaptain came to help me after him and shoe fell out by about 4 months.
These people did not have Breeder Cuts, as they were all just seed testers then thays what TSD Forum was. So that's where this animosity comes from I helped the person I actually was in communication with and all this can be verified.
I can tell you the cuts he sent me and the fact it was over 5 years ago, why would I just last year rename it, after I gave away seeds with the sunshine 3 cut x Mello platinum cookies, for free all the while keeping the names correct.
Renaming it never entered into my thought pattern there is no honor in chump shit like that. I am 32 but raised around old heads and spent my time in old Folsom on the 3 yard, I thrive off respect I don't know much else.
I brought that chem3 cut forward completely unrelated to the cut they claim and it is a damn nice Chemdog representation. I had given it to mrbobhemphill to try and confirm it.
It wasn't able to be confirmed, not until csi Humboldt was given it to confirm and he said it was not, I only passed that cut to eljefegardens and mrbob, 2 people. I will post eljefes messages to me here. He is close with Riot, riot has his connections, this in the only circle has anything to say about me and it's personal 100%.
The confusion is all stemmed from a fake confirmation on the chem 3 by eljefe, who is the other arm of this beef and for the record even TopDawg Seeds couldn't confirm it's that chem.
The sunshine 3 cut couldn't ever pass as as a real chem, bred by bodhi and is straight blueberries man strong SSDD influences there. It's good pot but I don't get to grow what I have, by renaming stupid shit like that, would not ever happen. Good time to spin a tale though I will give them that.
The cut that I brought forth was completely unrelated out of shasta and I did it because nobody has confirmed 3 cut last seen 12 years ago, to bring one fit the bill forward seemed pertinent to all involved, and the fact it isn't doesn't do anything to me but say OK, thank you for taking the time to run her and the confirm on her. It was most certainly appreciated from CSIHumboldt as he's about the only person could past JB himself. Chem 2 brought forth an entirely different person to csi, also fake, not real. It happens man.
Most all gear I run, all cuts are gifted to me from old heads in Shasta county Northern California where I have lived the past 10 years, my dad, 23 years. all my father's circle i do get access too and older men and women ive befriended over the years, plus the rare homie or two.
Most of my mentors are no longer with us. I do not trade for genetic off of Instagram I have no need for the Most part. I have supplied Coastal seeds with many old cuttings and that is all I do is revive old plants. They have given me fire back and some of our favorite plants came from one another.
For the last 10 years plus this is what I do and what I enjoy. Helping old genetic become right again using Nature Farming fermented methods from Dr. Cho, and living organic soil.
I do not monocrop rooms, I revive and I hunt. I don't hold anything I don't love to smoke myself, all medicine to me. Many old, yes and somw not so old, but all medicine just the same. I've hunted clone only since I was 21 years old fresh out of prison for growing 99 with old man and took the wrap. Got 2 years with half, but ended up with 22 months total.
If I loose it all today might not matter man, and just last year I had lost every cut I had in my possession through Life and having to make more important decisions like family. I trust a higher power than I.
Year later I have most all my gear back from local, just about revived them all again. I dont Steal from people, i sure as fuck don't beat my family, I love my son as myself and I love my wife, 6 months in on my second son. End of story.
On the subject of uncle festers skunk#18. That is master Thais line given to him by his uncle, the timeline he puts on it is 1964 i am only regurgiating his tale and the genetic sure as fuck matches up. Also genome tested on two databases. Phylos and medicinal genomics. Just Google search and check it. Ive tested cannabinoids and terpenes. Completely unique.
He has also given me permissions via email back as far as 2013 to work with the festers line and I have. It is true old Skunk not roadkill but live skunk animal smells and skunk spray, kill old school SkunkBud.
They brought my family into this and attack me I have never seen this behavior in our community based off hearasay, there is and won't ever be back up too. most if not all have never met me past old associates that grudge talk and where my family was brought in, my wife handles them folks and has been blocked for commenting.
people close to them do not agree nor folks in my hometown those people are locked out who bring up personal, nor do some other bigger respected breeders but I am not here to sway opinion. I am here to just lay facts and here they are. I have no interest to post here after this but I may if pertinent.
They did get the U. Mello right. Have a good rest of your night. Peace.

Thanks for coming on and sharing!!
These forums can be so brutal, and people think they know it all from what they read.
I personally feel that they just have to attack anyone that has anything good or certain genetics. They are just so eager to prove people wrong, they don't always want to hear the truth!!
Just keep doing what you love, and let the crap fall where it does!!
Keep up the good work!