Plant a garden and grow some of your own food! It's waaay easier than many people think. I started one a couple of years ago, and I just expand it a bit each year, so I don't have too much work to do at any one time (I'm a lazy mofo). I'd say my garden is providing about two grand worth of healthy food each year now. No, it's not a ton, but it's two grand more in my pocket than I would have had otherwise. And as some of the trees and shrubs I planted reach maturity, the amount of food (and savings) will only increase.
Peppers, broccoli, blueberries, beans, apples, walnuts, and hazelnuts -- I eat a lot of those, because they're free now, and healthy.
Back in WWII most everyone had a garden. They called them 'Victory Gardens'. We should, as a society, revisit that concept. It helps peoples' pocketbooks, saves gas transporting food (which saves the environment), and prolongs your life/health. When you can get a few hundred pounds of healthy food for ten bucks worth of seeds, well, why wouldn't you?