A postcard to all my friends.


Well-Known Member
Where I live now doesn't have s---..I'll post some pics from Italy this summer with rolliup


Well-Known Member
nothing beats a great smile like a swift steak in the face.

i want to see some of those crazy animals in Australia.

Italy will be awesome. have fun!!


Well-Known Member
I'd definitely post some pics of landmarks nearby if you guys like...roads...stores...empty fields, etc.


Well-Known Member
I'd definitely post some pics of landmarks nearby if you guys like...roads...stores...empty fields, etc.

that picture was taken with my cell phone. i figure in this day and age with all the cameras and the WORLD WIDE web i could travel the globe without ever leaving the couch. :mrgreen: plus i just love pictures. :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
fdd ill get some pic of our crazy aussie animals give me one week and ounce of widow and a camera and ill be back ..

heheh nah give me a few days ill get you your pics


Well-Known Member
a winery we bid on. didn't get the job. good thing too, they had a lot of tanks crammed into a very small area.

this is in Napa Valley, CA USA, a small town called Oakville.....



Well-Known Member
The other day I tasted this 1999 wine from beringer wines. It was damn good, a friend of mine got it for my birthday. I tink california wines are getting better and better,


Well-Known Member
The other day I tasted this 1999 wine from beringer wines. It was damn good, a friend of mine got it for my birthday. I tink california wines are getting better and better,

got some on the shelf out back. :mrgreen: we built a winery for them a few years back.

old photos are fine. SHOW ME THE WORLD.


Well-Known Member
2 years ago climbing the highest peak in the southern hemisphere
.Mt. kinabaloo in maylasia 4095m above sea level.

1st pic on the way up about 6 in the morn, the second playing with the filters on my camera as a storm came in. about 25 mins later



Well-Known Member
these are from thailand north of bangkok by about 2 hours
we visited a wildlife reserve where i was lucky enough to get to touch and play with real wild tigers.
i was using reiki at the time andi believe that this is why the tigers let me handle them.



Well-Known Member
another one playing with a female tiger i think she liked me, when it was time to go she bite my hand not hard but hard enought that i couldnt leave after about 2 minutes she let me go. i have a small scar on my finger still. the other one is of a gibbon, whos hands were tiny and amazing.



Well-Known Member
still in thailand
a temple that was so high i got dizzy looking up at it. it was so big i could get far enough back to capture the whole temple. and me and a snake that i picked up it was only a python so dont fear kiddies.

