sports franchises should have to pay a 50% tax. they're nothing but a huge luxury, and should be taxed as such. 25% to the state they're in, 25% to the fed. and the players should be taxed just like anyone else, (not saying they aren't) the more you make, the more you pay.
the tax rate ought to slide up to 40% for the top 1% . they apparently like making money, they ought to enjoy the opportunity to make enough to pay their taxes.
no more offshore shelters, no more financial wiggling, if you reside in this country, you pay taxes on your total yearly income. if you do business in this country, your business pays taxes on it's total yearly income.
no more tax breaks to incentive businesses, if no one is offering them, that makes it a fair playing field.
i don't have a problem with people who work hard and make themselves a lot of money. if you feel that drive, go for it.
what i do have a problem with is weaseling out of paying your fair share of the bill. you don't get to use this country to make yourself wealthy, then get out of giving uncle sam his cut. i say that's close to treason. and i say tRUMP is treasonous for that reason, among many others