
I tried helping you by telling you what was wrong, then you claimed you hadnt actually over fed it (though clearly you did)

How does you having pstd matter at all? Honestly...? Does that make you unable to listen to advice?
Listen man I ain’t gonna argue with you on here. Again first grow. Never fed a plant in my entire life. Did substantially less than manufacturer recommendation. And you come back with “figured you’d say something like this you’ll learn over time maybe...”. Such a dick thing to say to someone asking for advice I’m trying to supply myself with medicine to help. So it’s not about the advice given which is much appreciated. It’s about being a smart ass when a little advice is respectfully asked for


Well-Known Member
Listen man I ain’t gonna argue with you on here. Again first grow. Never fed a plant in my entire life. Did substantially less than manufacturer recommendation. And you come back with “figured you’d say something like this you’ll learn over time maybe...”. Such a dick thing to say to someone asking for advice I’m trying to supply myself with medicine to help. So it’s not about the advice given which is much appreciated. It’s about being a smart ass when a little advice is respectfully asked for
Well when your argue with the advice given, as people on their first grow do 95% of the time... it was a very expected noob move. And in time, you'll learn.
If you want respect it starts with you, smart ass.


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing, I've done this more times than I can count... I tried counting harvests an I got to around 80 an gave up. More plants than I'll ever be able to count. I can read the plant like a book an many others here can too.
Check it out, you feeding the plant AT ALL while it's so small in fox farms ocean forest is a mistake. So there it is. Nitrogen burn and lockout. You simply are too new to know what you dont know.
Here's the thing, I've done this more times than I can count... I tried counting harvests an I got to around 80 an gave up. More plants than I'll ever be able to count. I can read the plant like a book an many others here can too.
Check it out, you feeding the plant AT ALL while it's so small in fox farms ocean forest is a mistake. So there it is. Nitrogen burn and lockout. You simply are too new to know what you dont know.
thank you for the advice. That was all I needed. So just PHed water untill they actually need nutrients. It’s hard to judge anything from anyone because everyone has different opinions. I was told fox farm was hot soil for the first 3 to 4 weeks. Than give it nutrients. I also followed advice to not give it full strength nutes but rather 1/4 strength which is what I did. Everything was fine. I few small problems with temp and humidity which I was able to correct. This all started when I changed the light cycle. So were the plants in their way to lockout or did the change in light cycle somehow put them into lockout. I’m just trying to learn as much as possible so I can enjoy this as much as y’all do.


Well-Known Member
thank you for the advice. That was all I needed. So just PHed water untill they actually need nutrients. It’s hard to judge anything from anyone because everyone has different opinions. I was told fox farm was hot soil for the first 3 to 4 weeks. Than give it nutrients. I also followed advice to not give it full strength nutes but rather 1/4 strength which is what I did. Everything was fine. I few small problems with temp and humidity which I was able to correct. This all started when I changed the light cycle. So were the plants in their way to lockout or did the change in light cycle somehow put them into lockout. I’m just trying to learn as much as possible so I can enjoy this as much as y’all do.
Alright let's start fresh from here my dude, I def love to help people out, and I'm sure you can understand sometimes it's a headache to try to help people if they argue. So I'm happy to help you out.

You find it's less about a exact number of weeks with ffof, or any soil, it's the size of the plant in relation to the container size.
You'll actually learn to gage the shade of green the plant is, and only begin to feed it when it first begins to lighten to a lime green, from the lush green it will start out in in ffof. If you transplant into a larger size container of ffof, the process starts over an it can be a few weeks of just water again.
When your in soil, you dont really need to PH your water unless it's a rare case.
Depending on the brand of nutrients you will need very little, some brands only need added once per 2 weeks in early veg if they are chemical salts. The timing of feeding changes during the plants life so a "feeding chart" is only the toughest of guidelines..

This run is going to be a little hard to give advice on because you already started flower an we cant go back in time, I can only say to give it water for the next little bit then slowly reintroduce veg nutrients beside your flower nutrients. Nothing catastrophic has been done of course, but it's just really not how to want to start flower, issues tend to stack up ya know?

Next run try to get the plant around double that size at least for that size container before you flip to flower to avoid some issues that can sometimes develop.
Alright let's start fresh from here my dude, I def love to help people out, and I'm sure you can understand sometimes it's a headache to try to help people if they argue. So I'm happy to help you out.

You find it's less about a exact number of weeks with ffof, or any soil, it's the size of the plant in relation to the container size.
You'll actually learn to gage the shade of green the plant is, and only begin to feed it when it first begins to lighten to a lime green, from the lush green it will start out in in ffof. If you transplant into a larger size container of ffof, the process starts over an it can be a few weeks of just water again.
When your in soil, you dont really need to PH your water unless it's a rare case.
Depending on the brand of nutrients you will need very little, some brands only need added once per 2 weeks in early veg if they are chemical salts. The timing of feeding changes during the plants life so a "feeding chart" is only the toughest of guidelines..

This run is going to be a little hard to give advice on because you already started flower an we cant go back in time, I can only say to give it water for the next little bit then slowly reintroduce veg nutrients beside your flower nutrients. Nothing catastrophic has been done of course, but it's just really not how to want to start flower, issues tend to stack up ya know?

Next run try to get the plant around double that size at least for that size container before you flip to flower to avoid some issues that can sometimes develop.
Thank you for taking the time out to type all that out. So number one I need to completely forget about time and learn to read the plants. And I did in fact transplant back into ffof not thinking about the added nutes in the soil. So Two lessons learned. So I’ll use just water the next few times and slowly introduce nutes back in. I’m using xgrow and xbloom. I don’t have the ratios next to me or if your familiar with the brand but is there some advice you can give to the amount of each I add when I reintroduce them back in this process.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for taking the time out to type all that out. So number one I need to completely forget about time and learn to read the plants. And I did in fact transplant back into ffof not thinking about the added nutes in the soil. So Two lessons learned. So I’ll use just water the next few times and slowly introduce nutes back in. I’m using xgrow and xbloom. I don’t have the ratios next to me or if your familiar with the brand but is there some advice you can give to the amount of each I add when I reintroduce them back in this process.
I'm not familiar with them first hand no. But they sound like a chemical base nutrient in liquid form. Those tend to be a little less concentrated than chemical nutrients in powder form. You'll likely do something like...
Water feed water water feed water feed water water feed while in veg.
In early flower it will probably be water feed water feed water feed.
During extremely fast growth periods like week 1-3 flower you may use a little more nutrients if they look like they need it, and also during weeks 5 -6.5

Learning to read the plant is number one, there is a exact shade of green you want to keep it, nothing darker. Too dark green is actually worse than a little on the light green side, because it's much easier to give it a extra shot of nutrients next time, than it is to back off the nutrients.
I'm not familiar with them first hand no. But they sound like a chemical base nutrient in liquid form. Those tend to be a little less concentrated than chemical nutrients in powder form. You'll likely do something like...
Water feed water water feed water feed water water feed while in veg.
In early flower it will probably be water feed water feed water feed.
During extremely fast growth periods like week 1-3 flower you may use a little more nutrients if they look like they need it, and also during weeks 5 -6.5

Learning to read the plant is number one, there is a exact shade of green you want to keep it, nothing darker. Too dark green is actually worse than a little on the light green side, because it's much easier to give it a extra shot of nutrients next time, than it is to back off the nutrients.
Okay so I’ll just water untill they look healthy again. And than watch the leaves and give nutes as they change colors.


Well-Known Member
An smart question about how much to give the plants as you begin feed again. Trouble is it's hard to say... theres already a lot of nutrients in the soil right, I'm guessing recent transplant like you kinda mentioned earlier, so maybe you wont need to really do much for let's say another 2 weeks.. but your eyes will he the judge.. it's very easy to add nearly nothing, then add tiny bit more next time.
Even a single drop is more than zero ya know? Nutrients are not a all or nothing game thankfully. In future runs you may find your plant easily gobbling down 2x as much nutrients and happily than the bottle says, during peak weeks, if the plant is large enough to process them.

Keep in mind theres plenty of folks out there that let a fresh transplant into ffof at flower flip ride out till week 4 easily and happily. Myself I dont like to do a fresh transplant at flip, I tent to like my transplant done about 2 weeks before flip, sometimes a month before flip. If the roots have really dug into the dirt it's easier to control what they get an stuff
An smart question about how much to give the plants as you begin feed again. Trouble is it's hard to say... theres already a lot of nutrients in the soil right, I'm guessing recent transplant like you kinda mentioned earlier, so maybe you wont need to really do much for let's say another 2 weeks.. but your eyes will he the judge.. it's very easy to add nearly nothing, then add tiny bit more next time.
Even a single drop is more than zero ya know? Nutrients are not a all or nothing game thankfully. In future runs you may find your plant easily gobbling down 2x as much nutrients and happily than the bottle says, during peak weeks, if the plant is large enough to process them.

Keep in mind theres plenty of folks out there that let a fresh transplant into ffof at flower flip ride out till week 4 easily and happily. Myself I dont like to do a fresh transplant at flip, I tent to like my transplant done about 2 weeks before flip, sometimes a month before flip. If the roots have really dug into the dirt it's easier to control what they get an stuff
How long do you veg for usually? I let these go about 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
How long do you veg for usually? I let these go about 5 weeks
Well right now my girls get to veg a long time, they are currently in a 2 month rotation, veg and flower areas, so theres a minimum 2 months veg right there, but since not all my veg plants fit in the flower area some plants can veg 4 months while they wait for a spot in the flower tent. This winter I'll run 2 flower tents vs the single tent in summer, and hopefully I'll have them on a 1 month rotation during the bulk of winter, but many plants will still get a 3 month veg on a 1 month rotation I think.
Hope that makes sence...
I like big plants in a scrog. Much better yields and more uniform buds. If a bud isnt thumb size at harvest I'm kinda upset because I know it will dry into nothing... you lose about 3/4 size while it dries..


Well-Known Member
My current flowering plant is a extreme exception to my norm. It's over a year old, and already been flowered one time. It's in a 30 gallon container, and filling a 5x5 ft area. I expect a minimum of a lb from this single plant. My largest indoor plant was 830 dry grams, but I dont think this one will match that one. That plant for more light than this one is getting even though this current plant has more dirt and is older.
My current flowering plant is a extreme exception to my norm. It's over a year old, and already been flowered one time. It's in a 30 gallon container, and filling a 5x5 ft area. I expect a minimum of a lb from this single plant. My largest indoor plant was 830 dry grams, but I dont think this one will match that one. That plant for more light than this one is getting even though this current plant has more dirt and is older.
And I guess there’s no real way to gauge a harvest based on size of plant before flower right


Well-Known Member
And I guess there’s no real way to gauge a harvest based on size of plant before flower right
Only if you have experiance growing those clones in your own environment, otherwise it's just a guess.
I've had a 8 inch twig of a plant I thought was trash turn into a nearly 1 lb plant dry, and I've seen large bushes the size of a person turn into 4 oz. So much of it comes down to the grower personally and the strain.
Only if you have experiance growing those clones in your own environment, otherwise it's just a guess.
I've had a 8 inch twig of a plant I thought was trash turn into a nearly 1 lb plant dry, and I've seen large bushes the size of a person turn into 4 oz. So much of it comes down to the grower personally and the strain.
Ehh okay. I’m definitely a grasshopper than. Well I’m just hoping I didn’t screw this up to the point where I wasted almost 6 weeks and harvest next to nothing


Well-Known Member
Ehh okay. I’m definitely a grasshopper than. Well I’m just hoping I didn’t screw this up to the point where I wasted almost 6 weeks and harvest next to nothing
Cheaper than college is my motto. You'll waste time an lose money every time to start a new journey, not everyone will admit it though. Just keep your eyes open an learn from everything you can.


Well-Known Member
One more thing. So these plants are capable of bringing back and being successful from what you can tell as long as I learn to read the plants better
Yep plants recover an heal just like people do, an they do it best when young (in veg) just like people do. You want to enter flower with as strong and healthy a plant as possible for the best results.