”Feminized” or “Regular” seeds....and why?


Well-Known Member
GMO is when you go into the lab and ALTER the plants genes by splicing it's DNA. You usually make changes at the molicular level by removing code and adding new code in it's place. Like GMO corn that is disease resistant. It had it's code changed to resists disease. You can modify it's code to make bigger ears of corn. But crossing two types with pollen only only results in a hybrid cross. That's why there are so many different F1 hybrid crosses of cannabis. And femanized seeds are made by manipulating the hormones. HORMONES, not DNA. Femanized seeds are completely safe to use and a good choice for anyone limited on grow space that don't have room for males that will need to be culled.
I'm sorry blake, i totally disagree.
Mother Nature can't replicate selectively choosing sexual female chromosomes under a microscope. (call these chromosomes "traits" if you will")
Then doing the same with all the others to choose the mums.
Then walking out of the lab. Walking into the field. Kulling the labelled plants that were deemed undesirable.
Then letting this huge field of plants pollenate itself.

Just because we're not growing them in a test tube. Doesn't mean we can't genetically splice the chromosomes, and influence the field for desirable traits, in the future seed.

Please explain how this is impossible to do?

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Well-Known Member

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree.

I have to say biological theory doesn't agree either.
People interpret what is stated incorrectly.
Cannabis plants exist BOTH "sexually" (like we do), and "asexually" (true hermaphrodites).
Its much, much different in nature.

Firstly, in the wild an asexual plant could potentially catch pollen from thousands of different fathers. It only takes a single speck of pollen, and 1 ovule to create a seed. As we know a single plant is capable of producing thousands of viable seeds.

Secondly, with all "sexual" plants, they NEED a sexual partner to reproduce. Just like we do.

Thirdly, a genetic profile of an organism cannot be undone. An organism has a set number of chromosomes. Without this exact number, an organism simply can't exist or reproduce.

Now please explain to me some things,

1. HOW is it possible for an organism to exist both sexually, and asexually, simultaneously? An organism is either born sexual or asexual. This can't be changed, and they definitely can't change it on the fly.

2. If an asexual plant pollenates itself in an enclosed space, with no other plants around. HOW is it this plant will produce only female seeds?
How would this help the plants survival in the wild?
On the other hand if we had 2 unstable clones growing. One showed, and pollenated itself. BUT simultaneously pollenated the other clone as well. You tell me if its physically possible for the seed from each parent will be exactly the same.

3. I've NEVER had a male plant turn hermaphrodite on me before. Have you? Besides being impractical biologically, how would it even be possible? Males seem pretty damn sexually reproductive to me.

Why do you think feminized plants were notoriously hermaphrodite in the beginning? Why do you think it wasn't some freak accident? (Hint.....#2)
How can an organism exist sexually and asexually simultaneously? There are only so many chromosomes per organism, and this number is EXACTLY the same from plant to plant. Clone, female, male, or hermaphrodite (asexual).
Why do you think almost every breeder will avoid seeded bud, sold as sensimilla like the plague? (bag seed)

I said i would try to be politically correct. But biology doesn't care about being PC. Hermaphrodite human beings simply don't exist. Not biologically speaking. There isn't a single human being on earth who can mate with itself, and produce offspring. (unless Mother Mary was a hermaphrodite).

Also cannabis is an annual plant, as you're aware. Not only would the clones have to exist simultaneously during the same season. But mother nature would have to turn a fallen branch into a rooted clone. How likely do you believe this to be? Let alone forcing a sexually female plant to express its male genes. (the ones from its father) Im not suggesting clones are GMO. That is silly.

It's a great big industry myth. Monsanto style at its finest.
I don't know if any consumer laws exist for marijuana regarding lying about this kind of thing. Do you?
I don't know if there are any GMO laws to regulate smoke able products do you? Vegetables, and animals yes. Tobacco, and cannabis? Not so sure.

Take it from a guy who's had dozens, upon dozens of hermaphrodites for years, and had to learn the hard way.
Give me a male over a hermaphrodite plant, any single day of the week.

Please give me some scientific biological data from a university or the likes, to support the cannabis industry theory.
I challenge you to do so.



It's not gmo.

You still have the same number of chromosomes and such.

Gmo plants are modified by Gene splicing or altering dna.

Making fems is not modifing the DNA.

Using rodelazation makes fems. Most cannabis plants are capable of it. The process is to leave unpollinated plants long enough and they will throw pollen in a last ditch effort to make seed.

Most every strain I have tried it with will eventually do it.

They are not modified.


It can come down to semantics. Technically any plant you select certian traits is genetically modified.

Making fem seed was not started with cannabis. It was started with other crops. Fem seed are not gmo in the true sense of altered genes or dna.

I would be more worried about the gmo products in our food than fem seed.


Well-Known Member

This process naturally doesn't sit well with me.
As explained in the video above as well, i believe this can be manipulated.

I dont need the "is", or "isn't" to understand all this.
I need to know the "why".

It's all very well and good to say something is or isn't. But why?
I need to understand this process. So i stop questioning the matter.

Please dude. Im not trying to oppose you either. Im trying to learn.

Read my above post.

Technically anytime you breed for certain traits it's genetic modifying.

It's not the same as Gene splicing and such. It's just not.

The process exists in nature. Just naturally. Most just use a chemical to do it. It's not really modifying. It's just blocking something.

You get all the chromosomes or the plant wouldn't live.

To each thier own. Think what you want and that's fine but fem seeds are nowhere in the same ballpark as gmo where they manipulate genes by insterting genes genes from one species into another. That's gmo.


Well-Known Member
It's not gmo.

You still have the same number of chromosomes and such.

Gmo plants are modified by Gene splicing or altering dna.

Making fems is not modifing the DNA.

Using rodelazation makes fems. Most cannabis plants are capable of it. The process is to leave unpollinated plants long enough and they will throw pollen in a last ditch effort to make seed.

Most every strain I have tried it with will eventually do it.

They are not modified.


It can come down to semantics. Technically any plant you select certian traits is genetically modified.

Making fem seed was not started with cannabis. It was started with other crops. Fem seed are not gmo in the true sense of altered genes or dna.

I would be more worried about the gmo products in our food than fem seed.
Read my above post.

Technically anytime you breed for certain traits it's genetic modifying.

It's not the same as Gene splicing and such. It's just not.

The process exists in nature. Just naturally. Most just use a chemical to do it. It's not really modifying. It's just blocking something.

You get all the chromosomes or the plant wouldn't live.

To each thier own. Think what you want and that's fine but fem seeds are nowhere in the same ballpark as gmo where they manipulate genes by insterting genes genes from one species into another. That's gmo.
My problem with all this is-

We are potentially repeating this process an infinite amount of times.
Where does the sexaual male come into play here?
Where do asexual females come into play here?
We're trying to create 100% biologically sexual feminized seed.
Why would it be logical, to reintroduce a male, or asexual plant into this mix?



Well-Known Member
My problem with all this is-

We are potentially repeating this process an infinite amount of times.
Where does the sexaual male come into play here?
Where do asexual females come into play here?
We're trying to create 100% biologically sexual feminized seed.
Why would it be logical, to reintroduce a male, or asexual plant into this mix?

That's the reason I said comes down to what you want them for.

If breeding use reg seeds. Fems are just for growing. If I see a female I like I'll spray it and make a couple hundred seeds to grow out.

Also at any point you could take a fem seed and breed a male back to it.

Most fem seed for sale are s1 or F1 crosses. Same with corn and such. It performs fairly uniform and with hybrid vigor and keeps people coming back to buy more because if you make an f2 the phenos will be all over the place.

Just Google hybrid vs gmo seed. It gives a good insight to what gmo is.

Anytime I hear gmo it was made in a lab by splicing genes from one species to another.

Other than that fem seed is the same as the majority of vegetables, flowers and cannabis seed out there with the exception of the ones that were truly made in a lab.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I've been thinking about something regarding feminized seeds, and the context of GMO marijuana.....

If we bred them the same, as if selectively breeding fields in the wild. Would that be GMO?


A field of 10000 feminized seeds.
5 thousand feminized.
5 thousand feminized, but forced again.
Chose the traits we liked.
Kulled the rest.
Pollenate the whole field with itself. (Or huge grow houses).

Would this be GMO marijuana?

That's just not how fem seed is made or bred.

Fem makers are making F1 or s1 crosses. First generation. They then sell them.

I doubt there is one breeder doing that. First it would ruin the plant by breeding fem to fem for generations. The other being no way to control what pollinates your plants in a field.


Well-Known Member
That's just not how fem seed is made or bred.

Fem makers are making F1 or s1 crosses. First generation. They then sell them.

I doubt there is one breeder doing that. First it would ruin the plant by breeding fem to fem for generations. The other being no way to control what pollinates your plants in a field.
Right. Thank-you for clarifying.
As AK explained. It would take many generations.
As i stated as well "would this be GMO".

Thanks BB.
It confirms my hunch.
I wasnt aware of how exactly to splice the dna.


@whitebb2727 I think he's just fucked in the head!
First of all, i was asking you questions. You couldn't answer in details.
Secondly, i believe we've just got down to the nitty gritty of how to genetically engineer marijuana.
Thirdly, the way you typed that post. Either means your being extremely vain, ignorant, spiteful, or just plain naive.
Fourthly, your an arsehole troll.


Well-Known Member
Right. Thank-you for clarifying.
As AK explained. It would take many generations.
As i stated as well "would this be GMO".

Thanks BB.
It confirms my hunch.
I wasnt aware of how exactly to splice the dna.


First of all, i was asking you questions. You couldn't answer in details.
Secondly, i believe we've just got down to the nitty gritty of how to genetically engineer marijuana.
Thirdly, the way you typed that post. Either means your being extremely vain, ignorant, spiteful, or just plain naive.
Fourthly, your an arsehole troll.
Well there is gmo pot out there that has a patent on it like corn and such.

True gmo is made in a lab. They take a trait they like from one species like a fish and splice the gene they want into the corn or whatever they are making.

That is true genetic modification.

With a fem x a fem you are xx x xx. You still have the same amount of chromosomes as a male x a female.

No genetic splicing or modification.


Well-Known Member
Well there is gmo pot out there that has a patent on it like corn and such.

True gmo is made in a lab. They take a trait they like from one species like a fish and splice the gene they want into the corn or whatever they are making.

That is true genetic modification.

With a fem x a fem you are xx x xx. You still have the same amount of chromosomes as a male x a female.

No genetic splicing or modification.
Thanks man!

It makes sense now.


As i stated its a personal choice of mine.
Not to offend anyone out there. But my morals on the topic still havn't really changed, in relation to the threads heading.
I'm still going to choose, to say no to feminized seeds.
It's good they're not GMO.
They're just not organic enough for me. But i wont criticize, or judge anyone for using them, if they always bare these things in mind.

Take it easy whitebb2727,



Well-Known Member
Thanks man!

It makes sense now.


As i stated its a personal choice of mine.
Not to offend anyone out there. But my morals on the topic still havn't really changed, in relation to the threads heading.
I'm still going to choose, to say no to feminized seeds.
It's good they're not GMO.
They're just not organic enough for me. But i wont criticize, or judge anyone for using them, if they always bare these things in mind.

Take it easy whitebb2727,

No problem.

Lol. Now on to the organic. Thing. A fem is just as organic as a reg in my eyes. None of the silver is in the resulting offspring. Even silver itself is organic and people drink colloidal silver.

That's just me though. Nothing wrong at all with fems. Just don't breed further generations down the line with them.

To each thier own. What ever works is what works.


Well-Known Member
No problem.

Lol. Now on to the organic. Thing. A fem is just as organic as a reg in my eyes. None of the silver is in the resulting offspring. Even silver itself is organic and people drink colloidal silver.

That's just me though. Nothing wrong at all with fems. Just don't breed further generations down the line with them.

To each thier own. What ever works is what works.
<3 <3 <3



Well-Known Member
It's all good. Just thought it funny that we disagree on the digression.
I know what you mean, haha. XD

For me its because of how organic sexual intercourse feels, and is. As we all know.
For me its an emphasis on the word "sexual", while using the term "sexual intercourse" that feels so synthetic to me, regarding making the feminized seeds.



Well-Known Member
This thread is about as annoying as they come. All it took was one person to ask the same question 74 times. After that question was answered it wasn't good enough so said person asked the same fucking question 37 more times. Move on man, it's not fucking GMO


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, haha. XD

For me its because of how organic sexual intercourse feels, and is. As we all know.
For me its an emphasis on the word "sexual", while using the term "sexual intercourse" that feels so synthetic to me, regarding making the feminized seeds.

I don't know about you but I love me some girl on girl action.


Well-Known Member
This thread is about as annoying as they come. All it took was one person to ask the same question 74 times. After that question was answered it wasn't good enough so said person asked the same fucking question 37 more times. Move on man, it's not fucking GMO
Your being really spiteful dude.
That was myself and @whitebb2727 forming a peaceful resolution.
I was right in the middle of moving on, thank-you very much.

Either contribute.
Or respect we both a different opinion, and leave me the fuck alone.

I don't know about you but I love me some girl on girl action.

Fair play. Hows do they create the baby though?



Well-Known Member
Your being really spiteful dude.
That was myself and @whitebb2727 forming a peaceful resolution.
I was right in the middle of moving on, thank-you very much.

Either contribute.
Or respect we both a different opinion, and leave me the fuck alone.



Fair play. Hows do they create the baby though?

No! I'm being honest. You're just an irritant that doesn't know when to move on. How many times can you be told it's not GMO before you quit trying to tell everyone otherwise.