Canada’s New Cannabis Driving Law Allows Cops to Conduct Roadside Tests Whenever They Want


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As of December, Canadian law enforcement will have expanded powers to conduct roadside tests on drivers regardless of whether they show signs of impaired driving. The new regulations—put in place to prepare for cannabis legalization in the fall—also apply to drunk driving, eliminating what used to be a requirement of “reasonable suspicion” to conduct a sobriety test.

These newly expanded powers have been the subject of controversy and were initially removed from Canada’s impaired driving bill—a standalone alone piece of legislation known as C-46—by the Senate in June. But the Liberal government, led by pro-cannabis Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, put the provisions back in place insisting that law enforcement must play a crucial role in legalization.

Facing criticism from legal experts and reporters, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said that the impaired driving searches will be, “minimally intrusive, but the benefits in lives saved will be immeasurable.” Lawyers are expecting the law to be challenged for violating the unreasonable search and seizure protections under Canada’s Charter of Rights.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant Harold Fleiderer told the Globe and Mail that the federal force is focused on providing its officers with an online program which will keep them informed of the new impaired driving regulations. The government intends to spend $80 million in training for 750 officers.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the police force for the country’s largest province, says that they have ramped up training to ensure that all their officers are at least trained in basic drug recognition.

“Our goal is to ensure all front-line officers are trained in [standardized field sobriety tests] and to have an additional 74 officers trained as [drug recognition experts] each year for the next five years,” OPP Staff Sergeant Dionne told the Globe.

Even if these expanded powers are upheld by the courts, there is still a major issue with roadside testing for cannabis. According to an investigation by the CBC’s Fifth Estate, a roadside test conducted by a specially trained officer known as a drug recognition expert “can lead to false arrests, is prone to police bias and, according to one scientific expert, is no better at detecting high drivers than ‘flipping a coin.'”

LAPD police check drivers at a DUI checkpoint in Reseda, Los Angeles, California on April 13, 2018. California has had difficulty implementing regulations for impaired driving when it comes to cannabis. Now, Canada is dealing with similar challenges ahead of legalization in the fall. (Photo by Mark Ralston / AFP/ Getty Images)
“[Police are] not as prepared as they should be,” Raf Souccar, the former deputy commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and a member of the Prime Minister’s cannabis legalization Task Force, tells Herb. Souccar spent much of his 34 years at the RCMP enforcing federal drug laws and has been trained as a drug recognition expert.

Police have warned for months now that they are not prepared for the enforcement challenges cannabis legalization will bring. Still, Souccar, who is now CEO of a medical marijuana company, Aleafia, believes that “[drug impaired driving] is not a problem that legalization is going to bring. This is a problem that has existed for quite some time.”

The new impaired driving provisions will also allow officers to conduct roadside saliva tests for THC as well as other illicit substances like cocaine, though these tests will require that officers have “reasonable suspicion” of impairment.

Standardized testing devices are expected to be approved by the government and are currently being tested by the National Research Council, but a specific device has yet to be chosen. It’s unclear whether any are accurate and would survive a court challenge.

In June, the Ministry for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness announced that at least two saliva testing devices— tested on more than 1,000 Canadians—have shown promising results. Yet critics argue that the impaired driving devices only test for the mere presence of a substance, not intoxication.

Canadian politicians must also decide what level of THC is impermissible two hours before driving—a task that has proven difficult in legal states like California. Government officials have said that law enforcement will operate on a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to impaired driving until an official limit is set.

Initial recommendations suggest that THC levels of more than 5ng—an extremely low amount—result in mandatory impaired driving penalties with an initial fine of $1,000, 30 days in jail for a second offence and 120 days for a third offence. Provinces can add their own impaired driving penalties in addition to those set by federal law.


Well-Known Member
"Canadian politicians must also decide what level of THC is impermissible two hours before driving—a task that has proven difficult in legal states like California. Government officials have said that law enforcement will operate on a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to impaired driving until an official limit is set."

Wicked, looking forward to being charged with a DUI on my way to work 12 hours after smoking a doobie.

Go legalization!


Well-Known Member
The new impaired driving provisions will also allow officers to conduct roadside saliva tests for THC as well as other illicit substances like cocaine, though these tests will require that officers have “reasonable suspicion” of impairment.
...ummm are we testing for drugs or just the ones they don't like?..what about oxy and morphine and all the other shit that really impairs ones ability to drive...


Well-Known Member
Pfft road side blood tests. Bahahahah get a warrant for it or fuck off I will NEVER give a blood sample. Breathalizer, not a problem. But my own blood? Get fucked bud! All of a sudden you're health professionals? Fucking LAUGHABLE. Ive seen some nurses who take a few tries to draw blood. And theyve been doing it for years. Totally sanitary road side blood worries folks
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the failure to provide sample charge is the same as getting charged with DUI, except they know you did it and don't have to submit much evidence other than you declined. However if they had no reason or grounds to swab you, then that might be a workable defense to the charge of "failure to provide sample". That and any constitutional violations along the way.

However not providing a sample just because you don't want to is not a defense to the charge, but there may still be other way to defend against it. Depending on the cop, the circumstance, etc. it may be better to get swabbed and take your chances that the cop is not going to take you to the station because the cop doesn't think you are actually impaired. The roadside test device can not be used in court as evidence against you. I personally know people who have blown red at the road more than once and never been charged with DUI. But a lot of innocent people are going to get totally fucked over by this.


Well-Known Member
Does the law really change the current behavior of the police officers or are we getting worked up over something that they have always done. Police here in Colorado have been arresting people for drug DWI'S since at least the 60's. In the 70's they performed "vehicle safety checks". The check consisted of headlights, tailights, turn signals, horn, windshield wipers, tires etc. It also happened to include a conversation with an officer where they "may or may not" smell alcohol, drugs or think your impaired.


Well-Known Member
Does the law really change the current behavior of the police officers or are we getting worked up over something that they have always done. Police here in Colorado have been arresting people for drug DWI'S since at least the 60's. In the 70's they performed "vehicle safety checks". The check consisted of headlights, tailights, turn signals, horn, windshield wipers, tires etc. It also happened to include a conversation with an officer where they "may or may not" smell alcohol, drugs or think your impaired.
Hell ya it does EH

give them an inch and they;ll take your life! lol

fact is we're not impaired but are said to be when we're not
its not about crazy ass backwards shit like some states have.
Some Canadians have brains and know shit laws when they see them
hell we have you guys to do it first and we learn from you(:
Id have this law tossed so fast they wouldn't be able to blink..!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like our laws are similar to yours: .: Colorado law specifies that drivers with five nanograms of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their whole blood can be prosecuted for driving under the influence (DUI). However, no matter the level of THC, law enforcement officers base arrests on observed impairment.


Well-Known Member
CORRECTION: While the Attorney General has given notice of her intent to approve the device, it has not yet been formally approved. This story has been updated.

sorry folks


Well-Known Member
"Canadian politicians must also decide what level of THC is impermissible two hours before driving—a task that has proven difficult in legal states like California. Government officials have said that law enforcement will operate on a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to impaired driving until an official limit is set."

Wicked, looking forward to being charged with a DUI on my way to work 12 hours after smoking a doobie.

Go legalization!
I’m looking forward to telling them to go fuck themselves the first time I’m stopped.
Unfortunately the failure to provide sample charge is the same as getting charged with DUI, except they know you did it and don't have to submit much evidence other than you declined. However if they had no reason or grounds to swab you, then that might be a workable defense to the charge of "failure to provide sample". That and any constitutional violations along the way.

However not providing a sample just because you don't want to is not a defense to the charge, but there may still be other way to defend against it. Depending on the cop, the circumstance, etc. it may be better to get swabbed and take your chances that the cop is not going to take you to the station because the cop doesn't think you are actually impaired. The roadside test device can not be used in court as evidence against you. I personally know people who have blown red at the road more than once and never been charged with DUI. But a lot of innocent people are going to get totally fucked over by this.
what exactly is the difference anyway.
If a med patient has followed his drs orders he’s 100% guaranteed going to swab positive and most likely way over the allowable limit and be on the upper end of the fine scale.
I’ll take my chances with a lawyer, my doctors and the court.
No swab or blood test on me without a warrant or a tranquilizer dart.
I asked my dr about this and he legit laughed and said unfortunately it’s gonna be a tax payer funded cash bbq