Bud Candy overpriced garbage?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
my plants don't smell like cotton candy yet, lol. I thought it was to replace the Big Bud and Carbo Load, Im trying that lil bitty bottle size this time, not sure yet if I can tell a difference, but Im keepin it kinda light on the dose, just in case. Molasses is still the cheapest route, but look out for pecker gnats, I tried bat guano this time also, just a lil and i think the plants liked it also. I'll have to give an update when this round all done.
And tell me, "just what is that molasses doing for you?"

REALLY, I want to know what you think it's doing for you and why..

Bud Candy? Really?

"They" say it's a carbo loading.....Ever look at the label? Where's the fucking "carbs" listed?

It contains Magnesium at .5%
NO SULFUR? But, if it contains no sulfur.....It does less good overall!

What did it cost you?

I can make in my kitchen, a 1.5% Mag, 2% S, that contains more actual sugars (carbs) at far more effective ratio's. For less then a buck a gallon!

This mix will do FAR more for your plant then any AN bud this or that!

Oh, you want that formula?

I should start my own supplement lines! Charge HALF what the big guys do and STILL make money. LOTS of money!

Waiting for the formula still?

Search for home made sweet raw - on this site...


Well-Known Member
fair enough, sir, sorry to bother you. It was JME. It was the lil bitty trial bottles anyway and half are left. I still may try the flawless finish, just so I can tell the combo pack don't work too. I had used molasses before, and sweet, but to tell you the truth, and way back used budswel, and had someone give me some other quano and between that and liquid karma. I'll keep trying the guano I got and micros if needed and get by. Thank you though for the great info. Peace and karma

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You can do the SAME SHIT with unsulphered molasses, cane sugar , honey or some simple sugar extract. It only makes the myco in your soil happy - like junk food. Plant will pull some sugar but NO WAY enough to change the terp profile or “ make a mid strain a premium “ ...


Utter nonsense. If you that hard up to use SWEETNERS , Flavor boosters , terpinator or unicorn cum .... just make a simple tea or solution ( water , kelp , 1 tsp molasses ) and do in between waterings.
Well, sulfur use in the base chemical compound will effect taste/terp profiles. The profiles are effected by the different chem's as to what profile they effect best...Think differing sulfate's.

These types of manipulations in plants, are done by several industries world wide... The manipulation of some of these chemicals are now done specifically to enhance single chemical production by plant matter in fucking test tubes! How my last job slipped away....I saw the music on the page and retired before the farms were shuttered and sold off.

To apply that ideal to what we do. Is basically done by actual trial and error on the grower level....
Some of these ideals/practices have been around a long time, ie; The use of ratio'ed amounts of Fe and Mn to manipulate THC/CBD ratio's.

Nuff said


Well-Known Member
I would not use any AN product, all of it can be done cheaper while certain products are not necessary anyway. But no need to be stupid over it, if you already have it, use it. Just get over the idea that paying more yields more, that's utter bullshit.

Ironically a lot of AN users will yield more+potency by going to something simple like canna A+B and nothing more start>finish. Pretty hard to fuck that up with any strain.
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Well-Known Member
Not entirely on topic but another consideration with all these chemical manipulators people pour on their plants is that many of them were designed for greenhouse flowers not intended to be smoked or eaten and as such, are chock full o' shit that would never be approved for crops intended for human consumption. You can do some research on it but there's even a syndrome connected to it although correlations aren't clear yet.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Not entirely on topic but another consideration with all these chemical manipulators people pour on their plants is that many of them were designed for greenhouse flowers not intended to be smoked or eaten and as such, are chock full o' shit that would never be approved for crops intended for human consumption. You can do some research on it but there's even a syndrome connected to it although correlations aren't clear yet.
Hmm, you got my attention but, you gave no links to any story on that subject...

The chemicals I speak of, for manipulating plant production of differing, natural plant products. Are limited to ONLY chemicals used BY the plant to grow. Organic or synthetic.


Well-Known Member
Not entirely on topic but another consideration with all these chemical manipulators people pour on their plants is that many of them were designed for greenhouse flowers not intended to be smoked or eaten and as such, are chock full o' shit that would never be approved for crops intended for human consumption. You can do some research on it but there's even a syndrome connected to it although correlations aren't clear yet.
that's the one's you know about. FIrst dispensary in Gold Hill in OR I used to chat the owner, it was like the first one to startup back in the day, and he claimed over half product submitted when opened was turned away due to mold, mites, and pesticides, especially the outdoor. Now that labs are more frequent, its easier to actually see what's on the plant as opposed to hearing someone trying to sell you the plants, lol


Active Member
Well, sulfur use in the base chemical compound will effect taste/terp profiles. The profiles are effected by the different chem's as to what profile they effect best...Think differing sulfate's.

These types of manipulations in plants, are done by several industries world wide... The manipulation of some of these chemicals are now done specifically to enhance single chemical production by plant matter in fucking test tubes! How my last job slipped away....I saw the music on the page and retired before the farms were shuttered and sold off.

To apply that ideal to what we do. Is basically done by actual trial and error on the grower level....
Some of these ideals/practices have been around a long time, ie; The use of ratio'ed amounts of Fe and Mn to manipulate THC/CBD ratio's.

Nuff said
Off topic but we’re u able to stay in the biz after full rec legalization?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Off topic but we’re u able to stay in the biz after full rec legalization?
I'm guessing you think the "farms" were cannabis?

No, they were Yew's. Used for the production of TAXOL. That is a breast cancer drug. I ran a massive farm system in West MI that grew yews for Bristol Myers, Squibb.
The whole farm system was sold off and now much of it is vacant land or leased to conventional farmers or farmed by flower and landscape companies.
The compound is now produced by "test tube" production. It is the enhanced chemical manipulation of the cells that produce the Taxol in lab settings. Far more effective in production amounts and in shorter times. Saved the company millions in production costs.

For years, you could drive west down M45, just after 104th street. The main farm location began. Both sides of the road and for miles., The fields were 40 to 100 acres deep. We had other large locations in the area also...

At one point we had over 24 MILLION Yews in various stages of growth.

One of the landscape companies, still have some rows of yews from our work. They are used for ornamental use around homes etc.


Well-Known Member
I think AN is a good nutrient line but all of the extras arent necessary. I just use micro grow bloom which cost 40 bucks for a liter of each and lasts the entire grow so I dont really consider that expensive.
I use the "hobbiest line."
Sensi grow a and b

For flower
Sensi bloom a and b
Big bud

A bit expensive compared to others, but FAR better results than other lines i have tried...


Well-Known Member
Think I'm going to try the greenleaf megacrop that a lot of people talking about. Its supposed to have everything the plant needs for veg and flower all in one powder. Doesn't get any easier than that.