official scorecard

We had affirmative action at General Motors back then too. They would give a black accountant or dealer rep working in their offices a company purchased dealership as a partner with no investment.

Don’t you remember affirmative action? It’s why you got your free education and promotion you brag so much about.
Yeah, that damned affirmative action is why you aren't a wealthy car dealer-owner.

in 1980, there were 250 black owned automotive dealerships in the US. In 2000 there were 530
In 1980, there were 33,000 dealerships in all. In 2000, there were 26,000

The overall industry shrank by 8,000 dealers while black owned dealerships increased by 280.

So, yeah, affirmative action helped a little bit. Is that what you are complaining about? That it worked to help grow black ownership in a sector that prior to 1980 was negligible due to the effects of racism?

You were quite rightly pummeled, mocked and ridiculed for the obvious racism in the latter part of your post so I won't comment on that right now. Just saying that your version of reverse racism in the automotive dealership sector is just racism in another form. How about blaming the ham-handed (disproportionately white) management of the US auto industry for the loss of 8,000 dealerships instead of focusing on 280 black owned businesses? To racists it's always about race and never their fault. Seems to suit you just fine.
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Yeah, that damned affirmative action is why you aren't a wealthy car dealer-owner.

in 1980, there were 250 black owned automotive dealerships in the US. In 2000 there were 530
In 1980, there were 33,000 dealerships in all. In 2000, there were 26,000

The overall industry shrank by 8,000 dealers while black owned dealerships increased by 280.

So, yeah, affirmative action helped a little bit. Is that what you are complaining about? That it worked to help grow black ownership in a sector that prior to 1980 was negligible due to the effects of racism?

You were quite rightly pummeled, mocked and ridiculed for the obvious racism in the latter part of your post so I won't comment on that right now. Just saying that your version of reverse racism in the automotive dealership sector is just racism in another form. How about blaming the ham-handed (disproportionately white) management of the US auto industry for the loss of 8,000 dealerships instead of focusing on 280 black owned businesses? To racists it's always about race and never their fault. Seems to suit you just fine.

Never wanted to own a dealership. And the rest of your post has nothing to do with me or my comment either. But when has that stopped you from telling it “like it is”.

no one likes you

No evidence but you and a couple of butthurt socks saying so. I’m always welcome everywhere. You just don’t like it for some personal hang up with me.

Crossing every line you can to pretend to win whatever you think you get from this eh?

Is it working for you?