Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Registered/Master guide?
I'm a Class A assistant myself (mostly brown bear & goat) - the only thing I can't do (and dislike anyway) is setting up contracts & the money end.
I'm just in it for the hunting tbh.

As for the Goats I've taken, really enjoyed eating the meat - not a tough one in the bunch.
Different browse maybe?
Registered/Master guide?
I'm a Class A assistant myself (mostly brown bear & goat) - the only thing I can't do (and dislike anyway) is setting up contracts & the money end.
I'm just in it for the hunting tbh.

As for the Goats I've taken, really enjoyed eating the meat - not a tough one in the bunch.
Different browse maybe?

I never go off of anyone who says this meat or that meat isn’t very good, as there are a lot of factors that come into it after you touch off a round.
But I have heard a lot of the same reports.
Very tuff. My goat came from southern BC
I’ve only very taken 1 . In AB it’s a once in a life time draw, and I figured if I wait, it might never happen.

I am in no way trained or licensed as a guide, but I could make a phone call and have a guiding job in a second. ($250 a day? No thanks)
I’m a self taught mtn hunter, and have taken 4 rams in 10 yrs. Here , everytime you take a ram, you have to sit out the next yr, to stay in shape , I make personal agreement with friends to help them Close the deal.
The guy I’m taking this yr has been at it for 8 years, he’s ready to get it done.

I’m just a guy who like to get really stoned on a mtn n glass, n glass n glass, watch a type of animal enough, you should start to figure them out.
If you have common sense, it’s going to make it easier. That goat was late October.
I was only allowed to hunt one valley , one side got sun, the other side didn’t,
Where would you look?

I was also told ten years ago, if I wanted a real hunt , to stop chasing deer n look for rams, also told it would take me probably 5-7 years to get my first one.
I don’t like being told I can’t do something, then I did it over n over again ;)

There’s a lot of talk about shutting down almost a 1/3 of the mtn zones, my 1/3.
I might be hanging up my boots .
As I get older , sleeping under a cold tarp gets less n less appealing .
This year I got my buddy to get me a new tent n stove n food n put some work into my camps & pack it in for me n cashe it .
6man ice shack, I sewed a stove hole into it. Used metal ducting for a case to protect it n wrapped in gorilla tape. Fuck you mice.
This is gonna be a game changer 81955F78-B876-471A-BD94-0FEBAEA5641C.jpeg
It was even painful to watch, he finally has the hunger to make it happen.
I can’t wait to put him on a ram, the look on his face when the band came into the area, I thought he was gonna cry .
He kept say how do you do it .
2 weeks before we went to a different area, n I showed him 22 .
Check this one outE5878607-AEC0-4DCF-A8A5-B9145912C4DA.pnginjury ? Birth defect ? IDK

I tell everyone sheep hunting is a lot like punching yourself in the face, it’s more fun when it’s over, but I can’t wait for for it to start !
"MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, WY - Last night, August 2, at approximately 10:45 p.m., Glacier National Park rangers apprehended Raymond Reinke, age 55, from Pendleton, Oregon. Reinke was wanted following an incident earlier this week at Yellowstone National Park when he was captured on video harassing a bison."

I think they should let the guy try this again, but this time in a grassy field versus a blacktop road.

Let that bull get traction and he can turn on a dime & give that dumb-ass 9 cents change.
Would make the outcome much more interesting.
I think they should let the guy try this again, but this time in a grassy field versus a blacktop road.

Let that bull get traction and he can turn on a dime & give that dumb-ass 9 cents change.
Would make the outcome much more interesting.

IKR? They equate big with slow and dumb, not always the case even when you know what you're doing
Tough year for many Alaska salmon runs

We’ve done ok, we’ve maybe 40# of kings and reds in the freezer already and landed another 9 silvers last week in almost as many hours of Small Craft Advisory. Fishing was so slow we even kept a couple pinks to smoke up for Outside friends. Seems lotsa folks are having trouble finding fish, and it was Totally weird to be the only folks cleaning fish at the small boat harbor! Very few trailers even, which is Eerie heading into the Seward silver salmon derby next week... It should be packed! :shock:
For dinner I kabobbed The last strap of our 2017 caribou, at our camp on the resurrection river... yes we’re the proud camp with the ironing board buffet table lol
We went out yesterday fishing as well taking 6 Newbies from inland/lower 48 - I didn't fish, just did the deck hand thing as these guys & gals had no concept of down riggers (and we run 4 on this boat).
Several didn't even know how to hold a trolling rod so you can imagine the chaos.
Halibut were spotty & we got our limit in about an hour & a half, trolling for salmon after that was off the hook! Found a pod of Grey whales feeding along the kelp edge so we hung around them banging the crap out of the Kings & Silvers.

We could have deck loaded, but didn't want to push our luck.

Sorry, no pics - I was too busy untangling lines, setting gear & bleeding/boxing fish.
Should have though, we were so close to the whales the rotten herring breath (or were those whale farts?) was overpowering at times.
We went out yesterday fishing as well taking 6 Newbies from inland/lower 48 - I didn't fish, just did the deck hand thing as these guys & gals had no concept of down riggers (and we run 4 on this boat).
Several didn't even know how to hold a trolling rod so you can imagine the chaos.
Halibut were spotty & we got our limit in about an hour & a half, trolling for salmon after that was off the hook! Found a pod of Grey whales feeding along the kelp edge so we hung around them banging the crap out of the Kings & Silvers.

We could have deck loaded, but didn't want to push our luck.

Sorry, no pics - I was too busy untangling lines, setting gear & bleeding/boxing fish.
Should have though, we were so close to the whales the rotten herring breath (or were those whale farts?) was overpowering at times.
You fish out of Valdez?
Before someone crawls up my butt for being a trophy hunter, I'll qualify this by saying I'm a meat hunter. I utilize every animal I harvest & if it happens to have nice horns or antlers then its a bonus. I've fed my family for over 25 years mostly on wild game & I have to say we eat good !
Here is a couple shots from last fall - the moose has a 46" spread (not a monster but Lots of fantastic eating). My Dall sheep is 36" with 13" bases and talk about tasty - some of the best meat you've ever eaten.
We'll start with that.
Hello, I am from the uk, hunting is illegal here . It has has been centuries since bear’s were here. We have wild hog’s and big bird’s etc... I love the lifestyle you lead, where live are you in Alaska ?
Registered/Master guide?
I'm a Class A assistant myself (mostly brown bear & goat) - the only thing I can't do (and dislike anyway) is setting up contracts & the money end.
I'm just in it for the hunting tbh.

As for the Goats I've taken, really enjoyed eating the meat - not a tough one in the bunch.
Different browse maybe?
I see that , you like frank frazzetta’s art work , looking at you’r picture,