Chicken wire. Bait poison. You could hook an exhaust pipe up to an old junk vehicle hole and poison (CO) them that way. You could fill the hole with acetylene and blow them up.
I like to use spring traps. You need two traps. First, identify the tunnel going both ways, then place a trap facing either way in the tunnel. If the tunnel is active, you will catch a gopher. Then just kill 'em quick and move on.

I'd use poison as an absolute last never know what other animals might stumble onto the poison. That and I think it's cruel. Gophers are pests, and I will kill them without a second thought, but there's no need to be cruel. Just throwing that out there.
Dry Ice (co2) down the hole and seal it.
Co2 is heavier than air and will settle at the bottom. It will expand at the entrance filling the top, and the rush to the bottom , warm up and expand again, displacing all oxygen. With you pounding on the entrance filling it with ProMix, they will be at the bottom on adrenaline with no air. Couple minutes, tops.
Chicken wire. Bait poison. You could hook an exhaust pipe up to an old junk vehicle hole and poison (CO) them that way. You could fill the hole with acetylene and blow them up.
Haha, they are tough bastards. You've had a real good looka those teeth,I can tell and that fur is like light body armor. Heavy goose load seems best for above ground.
By "gophers", you mean prairie dog types, or Groundhog type, because goose load will throw a bit too much punch for little varmints, skeet loads are perfect for action shooting.
Best .22 ever made, Ruger 10/22 and any of their .22 pistols.
I had a 72 original all tarted up for Gopher war. Laser, folding stock, custom ground hair trigger, springs,extractor, hooded iron glow sights for glare in sunny fields,etc.
Built it up during the long winter, had it on the lawn tractor, popped them when they came out of hibernation. Holy Cow, that thing could hit them on a roll 3 more times just twitching my finger a bit.

They could live in the field, but broke the rules and hibernated in the barn foundation where I couldn't gas them.
Try being nice and shooing them off with a stick, but they feint and go for your ankle tendons every time, and run like linebackers.
I got a remi bolt repeater (from the 30's) as my first and then graduated to the semi auto. My friends and i would sit out in this cattle field and shoot all day drinking and smoking in the shade. It was a pretty big ranch, big enough to camp and hike all day. Man, the good old days.

Barn kitties work good too. Feed and water them them just enough to keep them around as active hunters.
Yea, i got 200k+ rounds thru that Ruger and had a 1917 Stevens .22 short single at age 5..could open carry at age 6 to the pond or gravel pit.
I remember the teacher and principal being pissed at someone in 4th grade, they had to put it in the custodial closet. The school isn't set up for firearm storage, leave it in a friend's car next time was their advice.
You could only open carry to school during hunting season provided you were with a responsible gun toting teenager who could store your gun in their car was the rule.
Casterbeam plant. Works great and grows fast. Gophers hate them. Your best friend if you have gophers in your yard and can't get rid of them .
I like to use spring traps. You need two traps. First, identify the tunnel going both ways, then place a trap facing either way in the tunnel. If the tunnel is active, you will catch a gopher. Then just kill 'em quick and move on.

I'd use poison as an absolute last never know what other animals might stumble onto the poison. That and I think it's cruel. Gophers are pests, and I will kill them without a second thought, but there's no need to be cruel. Just throwing that out there.
When i was young I would go to my families cattle ranch and hunt ground squirrels with a ruger 10/22. That thing was accurate!
Human urine
Lol bro I just seen this and just had flashbacks of me and my cousins we used to piss through out my rows and I'm sure this Comment you left was 100% the reason I did it.It really helped thanks B4 it was prohibited to piss back there lol