Thank you for all answers, sorry for being absent for so long.
Good suggestion, I hit a brick wall when looking for around 30mA adjustable LED drivers, this has 30mA as it's minimum(31mA actually IIRC) which might work just fine. Although this suggestion sparked ideas that has now ended up in me thinking that I will be best of using a simple LM317(or similar) linear voltage regulator in the "constant output current" configuration which simply connects a resistor between the regulators output and it's ADJ terminal/pin to regulate the current out of the output.
I will need to create a around 12V rail for my system anyway and it seems far easier to use such a DIY'ed linear constant current source than to buy a DC-DC converter although in the end a switching DC-DC converter of one kind or another will be used.
I have been talking to a guy at a hydro store and he's idea is similar to at least 1 of the answers in this thread, which is to not do as I first intended and calculating the amount to the best of my ability with the intention of running the UV LED's the hole time the white COB's are lit and instead run them something like 30min each time and x times a day and experiment to see when the leafs start to show sun-burn which apparently should be very visible and easy to spot. Experiment with the duration of each period and also the number of periods, or just decide upon 30min 3 times a day and if that isn't too much then test 40min 3 times a day, or similar.
But I am considering to not get one of those
I'll also like to add that I am far from a beginner when it comes to electronics, I am very comfortable with this situation and I foresee no problems or hazards to my person.
But I do have gotten a headache from this LED selection, oh wait, first up, why don't I go with tubes?
Well I already have problems from my grow light being too strong and in that situation I really don't need the extra 400nm - 700nm light, instead I really like to avoid that.
Also my budget is such that LED's although possibly more expensive in the long run is cheaper in regards to the initial investment which I am able to afford right now.
But I am already in week 3 of flowering and I had hoped to be able to expose the plant to UV the last few weeks, if I decide upon a solution(which LED's and what drivers) then I can have the system up an running within a week.
But it almost sounds as I might be too late already for this grow?
In any case, these are the range of choices.
LST1-01G01-UV01-00, 365nm, 875mW $21.80
LST1-01G01-UV02-00, 385nm, 1015mW $11.48
LST1-01G01-UV03-00, 395nm, 1015mW $11.48
LST1-01G01-UV04-00, 405nm, 930mW $11.48
at Digi-key)
MTSM340UV-F5120S, 340nm, 55mW $57.8
at Digi-key)
MTSM275UV-F1120S, 275nm, 2mW $54.60
MTSM285UV-F1120S, 285nm, 2mW $54.60
MTSM295UV-F1120S, 295nm, 2mW $54.60
MTSM310UV-F1120S, 310nm, 2mW $54.60
at Digi-key)
RVXP1-280-SB-075408, 280nm, 18mW $81.00
at digi-key)
But I am considering to not get one of MTSMxxxUV-F1120 UVB LED's and instead maybe get one of each of:
If I would go with all 4 LST1-01G01 UVA LED's which I think(without actually having a clue) would be much more than enough if driven at 500mA which at an unknown distance sums up to(according to the datasheet, if the values are simply added):
I don't know if it is even relevant that around the equator at sea-level the surface of the earth sees about 6% UV out of which 5,7% is UVA and 0,3% is UVB, but I have found other values which was sort of 50% of those numbers.
I am sort of considering ether getting all those 4 previously mentioned UVA LED's or to get 1 RVXP1-280-SB-075408 which outputs 18mW and 1, maybe 2 of the UVA LED's.
But I find that 340nm 55mW LED(MTSM340UV-F5120S) to be interesting, I have read some claims that UVA can do the same job as UVB but I don't know what to believe, at least that one is in the lower spectrum of UVA closer to UVB than the others.
I am quite confused right now so I will sleep upon this, but if anyone have any suggestions or opinions regarding what you would think is a good choice granted that I can spend max $100, sort of I would love to hear what you think.
Thank you very much for all the activity in this thread, I really appreciate and enjoy the conversations.