How can we achieve a living wage?

Did they ever let you build that trailer park?

Nah, county regulations. So I bought established homes that were already producing rent income. That trailer park deal would have retired me the day it went up, so i guess I'll have to grind another 10 years. 50 aint a bad jump off point, but 40 would of been sweeter.
Nah, county regulations. So I bought established homes that were already producing rent income. That trailer park deal would have retired me the day it went up, so i guess I'll have to grind another 10 years. 50 aint a bad jump off point, but 40 would of been sweeter.

just make sure not to get busted for tax evasion and get your ass sent to prison, klanman

The Republicans are actively destroying what's left of unions nationwide.

The Democrats are busy ignoring them.

The only ones representing unions and workers? Progressives...
I agree that all workers should have collective bargaining, perhaps a state wide unit for convenience stores (as an example) that have few or part time help. As for the progressives being th only ones backing organizing I can’t answer that. As a person who switched to management I see a lot of shit happening I would never agreed to or did back in the day but I also see techs being hired that are not techs but more door to door sales, and happy to be working, even with the shit :(.
Nah, county regulations. So I bought established homes that were already producing rent income. That trailer park deal would have retired me the day it went up, so i guess I'll have to grind another 10 years. 50 aint a bad jump off point, but 40 would of been sweeter.
Do you have rent controls in place where you are?
Nah, county regulations. So I bought established homes that were already producing rent income. That trailer park deal would have retired me the day it went up, so i guess I'll have to grind another 10 years. 50 aint a bad jump off point, but 40 would of been sweeter.
You could probably be able to retire sooner in Idaho.
Ha! Rent controls? That's funny ...

because there are fewer than 2 million people in his entire State!

My city has more people than that.


4 million.


And there is a state law prohibiting rent controls.

Not that that liberal hotbed called Portland hasn't found ways around it.
You could probably be able to retire sooner in Idaho.

Maybe. But I wouldn't choose to live in those homes you posted. Those are for renting.

Maybe like a custom log cabin. Where is the big fishing in Idaho? Sun Valley has all the famous peoples. Find me a cabin there and call the realtor for me as well. Needs to be within 15 minutes of a fishing hot spot or Im not interested.
Maybe. But I wouldn't choose to live in those homes you posted. Those are for renting.

Maybe like a custom log cabin. Where is the big fishing in Idaho? Sun Valley has all the famous peoples. Find me a cabin there and call the realtor for me as well. Needs to be within 15 minutes of a fishing hot spot or Im not interested.

I wouldn't want to try to talk you into property you can't afford.
Well I guess the people this thread is about, the people needing a living wage will never have to worrie about what house to buy. One less thing for them to stress over.
unionizing is the only way to achieve a living wage (with a pension). not to mention actively organizing new companies that come into your local area that do the same type of work that you do that way you can protect the current companies you work for that are signatory to your local union that way other companies cannot underbid by paying poverty wages and putting you on the couch. although this is harder to do the larger the geographical area/population. just my two cents.
That union leader definitely came out against tariffs and against Trump. I thought he represented the people he works for very well when he said:

SHAPIRO: ...Unions are typically a Democratic voting base. President Trump of course is a Republican president who is giving you this policy that you have been seeking. Do you think we're witnessing a political shift here?

GERARD: No. I think that you're going to see a political shift over more than tariffs. I think that there's a lot of other issues. And I know that our members aren't necessarily uniformly moved by those actions 'cause they got a lot of other things that they're concerned about like a huge tax cut that's going to the rich, like the dismantling of our health care system, like cutting back on safety laws at the workplace and a whole bunch of issues. I don't think we've ever been nor will we ever be a one-issue union.

Translation: Trump and GOP are bad for working people.