White widow week 4 of flower


Well-Known Member
Okay guys my ph level in soil is 8 which is way to high and my moisture level says wet. So obv I overwatered it and the ph is off. What is the best way to fix this problem and get ph back to 6.3-6.5 the plant is in week 4 of flower and don’t wanna replant and put it into shock?
Let it dry out completly then water with phd water


Well-Known Member
Okay guys my ph level in soil is 8 which is way to high and my moisture level says wet. So obv I overwatered it and the ph is off. What is the best way to fix this problem and get ph back to 6.3-6.5 the plant is in week 4 of flower and don’t wanna replant and put it into shock?

When soil pH is too high balance my feed solution to 6.0

When soil pH is too low balance my feed solution to 7.0

This will keep your soil between 6 and 7 without having to do anything too crazy. Let that soil dry before you do anything!!