Using UVC light to treat powdery mildew


New Member
This is kind of a continuation of my previous post about treating PM. (I can’t post links yet ). But after reading more about UVC light treatments for PM, etc I thought I’d make a post more focused on that.
A lot of what I’ve read about talks about how effective UVC light exposure is at killing bacteria, specifically PM, but the majority talk about how dangerous it is and that they are scared to use it, etc. I thought these type of lights were super expensive, which is why I didn’t start with this path, but I’ve seen more affordable hand held UVC lights. However, they all seem be only 3w and I’m not sure if it will be effective enough to kill this PM. If it is possible for a light with this power to kill PM, how long should I be exposing the plants to it?
From reading, PM needs to be exposed to about 1800 uW of UVC per square cm to be destroyed. Using an 11w UVC light, a quick once over (basically a second or so I guess) is supposedly enough to kill it. So if using 3w, how long of a light exposure is needed for the same effect? 3-4 times as long? There is a post on thcfarmer about this (again, no link).
As with everything, knowledge is key. UVC light is dangerous, but it looks to be extremely effective at killing PM without having to spray liquids all over the flowers and leaves.
Any knowledge and/or experience with using UVC light to treat PM is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


New Member
Get a brain, stop being a whiny bitch and wasting everyone’s time. Please only respond if your IQ is more that 1 digit. In other words, fuck you prick. How are you “well known”? Must be for being an arrogant shit. I come on here for some help and compassion, and I get this immature bullshit. How disappointing.


Well-Known Member
Get a life dude. Seriously. Go critique someone else’s post for grammar. That’s what this forum is for right, English lessons.
You may not realize it right now, because your throwing a tantrum.....


I was actually trying to help you get more people reading your threads, By telling you no one likes reading big jumbled posts .

But hey, good luck getting the answers your looking for ... Maybe try google.

Fuck, even google tried to fix your spelling. That wont work.

Maybe the library would be the best place.


Well-Known Member
Ahh typical know it all fucking newbie! If your high horse is so damn great, why the need to come here and ask questions.

Way to ask for help.
Please NO ONE help this fool just out of principal alone
Shit you've been flagged.

How long befor we see a Redhead9 account asking for help?


New Member
Why are you guys being assholes? Instead of reading what I wrote, you bitch me out and call me a know it all noob cuz I didn’t make enough paragraphs? Who’s on the fucking high horse? What arrogance.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if the truth hurts. Do someone need a fucking hug and kiss to make them feel better inside?

Fucking snowflakes

Directed solely at red-tip dick


Well-Known Member
Fuck you dude. What a fucking joke. Such a let down cuz I got great help from ppl that aren’t stupid pieces of shit.

Whos the one with PM asking about uvc light.

Had you did your own SEARCHING, you wouldn't need to come on here all mighty and shit.
Now go take your nap snowflake



New Member
Of course I searched, extensively actually. Asking dickless fuckheads like you is obviously a last resort. Go fuck with someone else. All this over paragraphs. And you weren’t even the person who bitched. You just jumped on the insult bandwagon like some mindless fuck on your anonymous internet pedestal. Keep on posting fuckface, it just further confirms how pathetic you are.


Well-Known Member
Of course I searched, extensively actually. Asking dickless fuckheads like you is obviously a last resort. Go fuck with someone else. All this over paragraphs. And you weren’t even the person who bitched. You just jumped on the insult bandwagon like some mindless fuck on your anonymous internet pedestal. Keep on posting fuckface, it just further confirms how pathetic you are.
Lol man you gotta switch to indica

And take the advice.