America Is a Failed State

you are a garbage person

i'm not saying you provide a valuable service like hauling away people's garbage, because you are unemployable

i'm saying you are a person made of garbage

i hesitate to call you a person

WTF? Bucky!!!! you are SO mean. this world has gone insane.
We aren't talking about Hillary Clinton dude. Stay with me here stay on topic. Hillary isn't my representative and I didn't vote for her. We are talking about Tulsi Gabbard who is my representative and who doesn't do her job right. We are talking about your clear ignorance to heed my warning even though you have no personal experience with Ms. Gabbard yourself. But this is democracy you can vote for whoever you want but your ignorance is showing my friend.
Ok bruh, every rep should take the time to deal with the thousands of crazies who email them every day your right.
I'm sure every morning they have a meeting and her assistants read your mons email to her an they all say, wow you should really get back to her on this she has a point! An tulsi says, nah, fuck that bitch imma wat cake.

Get a clue man this is every rep in every state..
Ok bruh, every rep should take the time to deal with the thousands of crazies who email them every day your right.
I'm sure every morning they have a meeting and her assistants read your mons email to her an they all say, wow you should really get back to her on this she has a point! An tulsi says, nah, fuck that bitch imma wat cake.

Get a clue man this is every rep in every state..

No man you get a clue. They are suppose to get back. I've had other representatives personally email me back. If it worked the way you say it works then there wouldn't even be a point in making an informed decision. There wouldn't even be a point in voting. I'm sure you're one of the beautiful people who play connect the dots on your voter card, or just pick because their name sounds nice.
No man you get a clue. They are suppose to get back. I've had other representatives personally email me back. If it worked the way you say it works then there wouldn't even be a point in making an informed decision. There wouldn't even be a point in voting. I'm sure you're one of the beautiful people who play connect the dots on your voter card, or just pick because their name sounds nice.
Is there even a point to voting? Maybe you should sit the next ones out ;)
Ok bruh, every rep should take the time to deal with the thousands of crazies who email them every day your right.
I'm sure every morning they have a meeting and her assistants read your mons email to her an they all say, wow you should really get back to her on this she has a point! An tulsi says, nah, fuck that bitch imma wat cake.

Get a clue man this is every rep in every state..
Cory Gardner responds every single time we contact him
Sounds like hes not busy doing any real work then. That or your being lied to. Maybe encourage him to run for prez? Or I thought we were tired of old white men in office... what is it again we want?
We just want you to stop pretending to be a liberal you unemployable sack of shit
I like candidates who get more votes than any white male ever could
Mmmk. Let's see how that works out in 2020.
Your the biggest trump fan here if you support a rematch.. she does nothing but lose. Lost every time shes ran. She cant get the votes where they count. Winning a few densely populated areas means nothing... not sure if you've ever figured put how our elections work or not, but your welcome to continue to indirectly support trump if that's what you really want to do I guess..
I like candidates who get more votes than any white male ever could
The result was trump : 304 vs Clinton : 227

That's not even very close... and you want a repeat of that...
That's stupid. Dems need a candidate that can win. The best thing in the world for trump would he for Clinton to run again in 2020 an everyone with a brain knows that.
Mmmk. Let's see how that works out in 2020.
Your the biggest trump fan here if you support a rematch.. she does nothing but lose. Lost every time shes ran. She cant get the votes where they count. Winning a few densely populated areas means nothing... not sure if you've ever figured put how our elections work or not, but your welcome to continue to indirectly support trump if that's what you really want to do I guess..

Clinton's not running in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard might and she's your idea of a great candidate? I must beg to differ. She endorses the strange idea that Syrian rebels faked Sarin gas attacks in a false flag conspiracy theory in order to discredit Assad and Putin. She's OK in most areas but I can't accept somebody who sucks up to those two. That and why did you get so hot about @Lurpin saying that she doesn't listen to the people of her district? After all, that IS her job.

Clinton's not running in 2020.

Tulsi Gabbard might and she's your idea of a great candidate? I must beg to differ. She endorses the strange idea that Syrian rebels faked Sarin gas attacks in a false flag conspiracy theory in order to discredit Assad and Putin. She's OK in most areas but I can't accept somebody who sucks up to those two. That and why did you get so hot about somebody mentioning that she doesn't listen to the people of her district? After all, that IS her job.
Mmmk well it's all these clowns keep talking about is Clinton running so that's what I'm saying is stupid.
How about these clowns actually present a candidate instead of constantly bitching and moaning..