just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 43 16.6%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 47 18.1%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 82 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 26.6%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 10.8%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 59 22.8%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 105 40.5%

  • Total voters
this was just a month ago or so, RIP, Cairo (Neptune Spear)


What job did the dog have (anti-explosive? Defense and attack?). Could you tell me what gadgets he wears in his vest?
French mastiff(dogue de bordeaux)

Well, mastiff n dogos are diferents breeds/races. In fact are no race called "French Mastiff", but when people sais " French Mastiff" they are refering to the (in Spanish) "Montaña de los Pirineos". " Montaña de los Pirineos" are completly diferent from "Dogo de Burdeos": the first is bigger, with long hair n totally white colour.
Beatiful Burdeos, anyway.
Well, mastiff n dogos are diferents breeds/races. In fact are no race called "French Mastiff", but when people sais " French Mastiff" they are refering to the (in Spanish) "Montaña de los Pirineos". " Montaña de los Pirineos" are completly diferent from "Dogo de Burdeos": the first is bigger, with long hair n totally white colour.
Beatiful Burdeos, anyway.

I/we usually call them Dogue de Bordeaux, but when people ask it is sometimes easier to just say French Mastiff, which they also are :-) an ancient French mastiff breed from the Bordeaux region ;-)
Same way the Cane Corso IS the Italian Mastiff.
I/we usually call them Dogue de Bordeaux, but when people ask it is sometimes easier to just say French Mastiff, which they also are :-) an ancient French mastiff breed from the Bordeaux region ;-)
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Same way the Cane Corso IS the Italian Mastiff.

Aha. Well, as I said you before, dogos are diferents from mastiffs.
Here nobody would call to a Corso "Italian Mastiff" (even not "Italian Dogo", but this name is more right).
If you sais " Italian Mastiff" we think in the Napo ( "Napolitan Mastiff").... As well we think in the "Montaña" is you said "French Mastiff" ("French Dogo" would be more right)...
Anyway, it dosent matters: I love dogos n mastiffs.
Thanx for you reply.
Bests wishes to you n your dogs.
Sergeant Stubby. Pitbull Highest decorated dog ever, and earned it on the front lines.

The General Pershing Personally presenting Stubby with his medals. WW1

Stubby was also probably an early Pitbull Boston Terrier dog, PB was bred to a With English Terrier, French Bulldog in the mid/late 1800s, and many crosses were still around. Boston Terrier was a cross of a fighting PB, French Bulldog and an English White Terrier. Many Pure early PBs only weighed 15lbs, and as large as 100+. PB has the widest weight range, and color of any breed.
Original Boston Terrier could be as large as 44lbs.

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The Pitbull have a lot of Spanish Alano n Spanish Presa blood too.
English exported a lot of dogs from Spain to do it. "León" was one of the most famous dogs that English bougth here to it.


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PB was around long before the Presa.

PB has been around much longer than many know.

All of the PB type breeds originally came from Mastiffs.

Originally Mastiff meant Mongrel dog, because there was so many of them.

All Mastiffs were also not large/huge.

Many feel the Alano is more closely related to the Bully Pits, which aren't purebred PBs, but many get registered, mucking up the bloodlines.
Most PB people think is bunk that a Bulldog, and a Terrier were bred in the 1800s to create the PB.

Its historical fact that there are stone carvings in the PYRAMIDS, that show War Dogs that look EXACTLY like the modern day APBT.

But PB history is murky, and disputed.

Mine are Old Family Red, Honey Bunch, and Carver

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PB was around long before the Presa.

No my friend. I think youre refering to "Presa Canario", n I was talking about " Presa Español": "Presa Español" & "Alano Español" exits at least since 1.100 A.C.
My link (that explained it) is from the (in Spanish) Federación Internacional del American Pit Bull Terrier, I think, but I cant find the English versión.