bodhi seeds

Sorry mate, next question, are they simple to dial in :-D
Sorry for all the Q's, but you have me interested in these now....
Same. I am looking into getting the Blumats. Not a fan of gravity feed though. But I guess all I would need to do is put the resivoir up higher than the pots.
Sorry mate, next question, are they simple to dial in :-D
Sorry for all the Q's, but you have me interested in these now....
Same. I am looking into getting the Blumats. Not a fan of gravity feed though. But I guess all I would need to do is put the resivoir up higher than the pots.
I’m happy to talk about blumats but rather than clog this thread head over to the Aussie Growers thread and I’ve posted most of the details there or ask and I’ll help out if i can
People need to realise tone doesnt always come across well in text. I have aspergers so struggle at the best of times to not come across like a dick.
It took me a long time to figure out how to interact on forums without causing a hubbub. Sometimes you just have to sit on your hands.
Although im sure ozcocoloco can verify i could still take my own advice sometimes lol

I am right there with you.
My son and I both have some form of the spectrum.
I can't tell you how many girls I lost to my not understanding socially what to say, or when.
Nice little tin there... Im still not sure if that makes you more or less retarded for having 15+ packs of a breeder who you feel "just chucks" and has no smell/taste, but to each their own..
well its not easy with people like you giving me a hard time haha :) I think mostly it was the SL crosses I am bored of, went through lots of em and not my thing I guess, thought a lot were boring/bland, but as you see ive got lots to go through yet..
Also if you really act like this you aint gona have many fans, I know ur more of a sweetheart irl hah :bigjoint:
So I guess Im more retarded for commenting how I did, and when ive got a bunch of other males to go through from him, and like ive been saying I know there will be some good stuff, Ive just had to search more, but again that is probably cause I went with a lot of SL x which imho were average...
And who wouldn't be disappointed after trying several packs that didn't impress...
You say im retarded but that's what a thread like this/hype does, now don't get me wrong I know there will be some fine plants outta this many seeds, but I wouldn't have went through as many SL x as I did if I tried em first rather than being a sucker to hype, that's all im saying my dude...
Also someone can have the best review of all time on a strain but you don't know if that's the first decent cannabis they had or what they are used to..
I honestly felt like I made a mistake and didn't want others to go the same route, I use to only have gage and bodhi but that changed and Im happy to try more variation!
I think Im less retarded for showing I at least have a collection and therefore have possibly tried some bodhi before, which I have, so I feel I can at the least say, I was not impressed with his SL male yet...
I didn't take good pics of any of the SL x cause they weren't all that.. well jabbas was great euphoric, feel good giggly weed, relaxing and some solos stash I had that were the same feeling without the relaxation and more social.
Im very picky and did like some of them but of course they were the two that were less stable, no herms just light nanas, i'll will try update once I see several more of his newer and appy crosses,
happy growing :mrgreen:
People need to realise tone doesnt always come across well in text. I have aspergers so struggle at the best of times to not come across like a dick.
It took me a long time to figure out how to interact on forums without causing a hubbub. Sometimes you just have to sit on your hands.
Although im sure ozcocoloco can verify i could still take my own advice sometimes lol

Thank you for this post, It takes some balls to come out and admit flaws, I can definitely relate bro :clap:
Im like that haha, even in real life Im very blunt and can offend people without realizing, Im a kind and forgiving person though but just straight to the point and really no filter! If something is up I will let that person know efficiently and passionately some people can easily take it the wrong way..

Oz yea buddy I can def see why you think that but really I am not like that, and butting anymore heads for me when I came in hot isn't a great idea hah, was just trying to help, I feel it can be a common thing indoors that people leave a few too many lowers on so its always on my mind to point out :)

Im about to look through some silver mountain, which was was one my better pheno hunts ever, and some heaven mountain, which I remember awhile back strayfox saying it was some really nice plants...damn its so hard making choices I always change my mind, then end up getting more seeds and changing mind again haha
I am right there with you.
My son and I both have some form of the spectrum.
I can't tell you how many girls I lost to my not understanding socially what to say, or when.

lol women. the one thing i dont think i will ever understand properly

Thank you for this post, It takes some balls to come out and admit flaws, I can definitely relate bro :clap:
Im like that haha, even in real life Im very blunt and can offend people without realizing, Im a kind and forgiving person though but just straight to the point and really no filter! If something is up I will let that person know efficiently and passionately some people can easily take it the wrong way.

i dont think of it as a flaw, i think there is a lot of pros that come with it. i watch all the normal people. im not sure i would want to be one lol
the 88G13HP is very good genetic,
but the G13 government history is meybe one of the first marketing history for only sell more seeds or cuts,

g13 a good indica like others but nothing secret,

the most real history is the UW cut meybe the same that G13 and meybe the same Hasplant PNW,

UW is for University of Washington and the cancer program,this is the most real and official history what you can check,

the Hashplant PNW cut is pure, pre Neville
neville travel to europe with this cut and others,
the 88G13HP is not pure, because sensi use Northern Lights to cross
but urban leyend is the cannabis soul.....
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Hey ya'll, just got home from a 5 day trip. Gardens looked good! only 2 were wilted, the J1hp and the HADD. otherwise looking good! really starting to notice two different pheno's of the Soar. One is less of the long donkey dick shape, and has more singular, evenly spaced out nugs down the stems. both are smelling similair so far. Neither soar is as resinous or sticky as teh other two, but they are hairy as hell. I have high hopes for all. Testers are growing in super duper stretchy.
Can anyone help me find some clusterfunk seeds man that’s one i have been trying to get and not much luck if anyone can help me out or help find them dm me please seems like a hard to find strain
hey all, been meaning to do some updates, but have been waiting for the plants to get some more size, for a better picture, first- they just aren't where they should be, and I think it's because i didn't let my soil cook long enough before transplanting. when I first transplanted them, they got some burns, but all went away in about a week. They didn't really start taking off for about 2 weeks though. hope it isn't anything more serious- it is a new mix, so... ... they are all showing sex though, so I figure it's about time. i'll put up some pics later.