Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, bad shit and it could have come from a spider bite. I'm glad you sought care early and they got you on the right antibiotics. This is why antibiotics should NEVER be given without a culture and sensitivity except in extremis. That's how we ended up here. This bacteria is now part or your resident fauna so never let a potential source of infection go. Be very proactive in terms of treating cuts.
I had to go to the ER last week monday because it was getting worse really fast, I had no primary care because my last one left the network and all the docs up here aren’t accepting new patients. The ER doc prescribed 2 dif antibiotics, without culture, thank god one was the right one. Lucked out and found a new primary care about 30miles away who would do the follow up. First thing he did was take a swab of the sore.:-)
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I had to go to the ER last week monday because it was getting worse really fast, I had no primary care because my last one left the network and all the docs up here aren’t excepting new patients. The ER doc prescribed 2 dif antibiotics, without culture, thank god one was the right one. Lucked out and found a new primary care about 30miles away who would do the follow up. First thing he did was take a swab of the sore.:-)
That is an example of what I meant by extremis. The ER doc knows what he's dealing with in your area. A regular primary care one would have been a mistake to see. This really was a case for the ER.

Edit: Finish both antibiotics and then take some live culture yoghurt.
Compromised IS response; you have to be on top of any injury bro, no John Wayne macho crap
Back then, the doctor treated me for blood poisoning, which i also had. I guess they dont always look for bone poisoning. The nail went all the way through the joint of my big toe. Mother fuckers be leaving boards with long ass nails laying around, in a field. Wtf
You should see me on a jobsite. I’ll fucking kick some ass motherfuckers be leaving shit with nails in it.
Back then, the doctor treated me for blood poisoning, which i also had. I guess they dont always look for bone poisoning. The nail went all the way through the joint of my big toe. Mother fuckers be leaving boards with long ass nails laying around, in a field. Wtf
You should see me on a jobsite. I’ll fucking kick some ass motherfuckers be leaving shit with nails in it.
When I was an apprentice carpenter, first job for a solid week was, removing nails from useable lumber and bending them on scrap; for that reason. What drove me crazy was that all new guys had to do that, and new guys were ALWAYS busy doing it smh
When I was an apprentice carpenter, first job for a solid week was, removing nails from useable lumber and bending them on scrap; for that reason. What drove me crazy was that all new guys had to do that, and new guys were ALWAYS busy doing it smh
You’re a good man for it! Nails should be removed/ pounded over immediately. Allz it takes is one second on the ground someones gonna get it.
You’re a good man for it! Nails should be removed/ pounded over immediately. Allz it takes is one second on the ground someones gonna get it.
What got me was the laziness of the Journeymen/masters. It was a great idea to do it, but my point was that there was plenty of work for the new guy. I was on that job for 2 years and even then new guys were fucking with that. The attitude was "fuck it, the new guys will fix it"
Back then, the doctor treated me for blood poisoning, which i also had. I guess they dont always look for bone poisoning. The nail went all the way through the joint of my big toe. Mother fuckers be leaving boards with long ass nails laying around, in a field. Wtf
You should see me on a jobsite. I’ll fucking kick some ass motherfuckers be leaving shit with nails in it.

I'll get sideways fast if someone leaves dangerous materials and potential trip hazards
laying about the 2nd time I have to ask something be put away or moved.

Remember, i got Pseudomonas in my foot when i was a kid from a nail. 2 operations and 6weeks in the hospital for continuous IV.
I have all the luck i tell ya.

I got Pseudomonas fluorescens in my finger from cleaning out a dirty pool filter with an open cut some years ago. Apparently not an easy one to get. But I'm lucky like that. So lucky infact the doctor thought we might need to cut it off for more good luck. Luck had it that I got to keep it though.

I hope you're on the mend.
Back then, the doctor treated me for blood poisoning, which i also had. I guess they dont always look for bone poisoning. The nail went all the way through the joint of my big toe. Mother fuckers be leaving boards with long ass nails laying around, in a field. Wtf
You should see me on a jobsite. I’ll fucking kick some ass motherfuckers be leaving shit with nails in it.
Be very careful, keep H2O2 with you in a cooler and wash out any injury immediately and immediately go into urgent care and keep pics on your phone of this MRSA cellulitis and the pics of the antibiotics.
I got Pseudomonas fluorescens in my finger from cleaning out a dirty pool filter with an open cut some years ago. Apparently not an easy one to get. But I'm lucky like that. So lucky infact the doctor thought we might need to cut it off for more good luck. Luck had it that I got to keep it though.

I hope you're on the mend.
I am colonized with Serratia Marscesens. When I finally die I'm going to turn a really ugly orange and boy won't they be puzzled LOL
I got Pseudomonas fluorescens in my finger from cleaning out a dirty pool filter with an open cut some years ago. Apparently not an easy one to get. But I'm lucky like that. So lucky infact the doctor thought we might need to cut it off for more good luck. Luck had it that I got to keep it though.

I hope you're on the mend.
You got the pseudomonas too!!! The doctor made it sound like i was lucky to have kept my foot. :hump:
Turns out what I thought was a spider bite a couple weeks ago is actually MRSA :-(
MRSA is some bullshit man. Feels way better the last few days.
This was a week ago
View attachment 4185220
This is right now. Much better
View attachment 4185221

Damn bro, that looks bad. Take care of that shit.

My wife's uncle got that and fought it for months but couldn't shake it.

I had a bone infection a couple of years ago and I lost fifty pounds, Dr said he wanted to take my left arm but I said hell no. I think it made my arthritis much worse.

Speedy recovery bro.