Hypothetical grow notes


Well-Known Member
I planted a few seeds in cups today. (first time trying pointy end up) I used Ass Cheese Blues for burnt offerings.

6 Gorille Endormi {GdR X Sleepy}
6 Poly Shunk 1 f2's
6 Chicken Stink #2 f2's
6 Gorille Endormi X (AF Shunk)
3 Mystery Boggle
3 Sleepy Ass Blues Boggle
Do you notice any difference in orienting your seeds that way? Personally, I've never paid attention to the direction of any seeds when planting, and I've only ever had one plant grow upside down to the point where the taproot came out the top. I get the reasoning behind pointy end up, I just wonder if it really matters.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Do you notice any difference in orienting your seeds that way? Personally, I've never paid attention to the direction of any seeds when planting, and I've only ever had one plant grow upside down to the point where the taproot came out the top. I get the reasoning behind pointy end up, I just wonder if it really matters.
I had never thought of it one way or the other. Until I heard Sub Cool on his weed nerd show saying to plant them pointy end down. It made sense to me, so I did them that way for 2-3 years. Recently several folks {who should know what they are talking about} have said to plant pointy end up. Their reasoning is the soil holds the seed husk in place better. It allows the sprout to leave the husk easier.

I have done the handful method a lot in the past. Toss a handful of seeds in a pot, and transplant the seedlings when they come up.


Well-Known Member
And that makes perfect sense, helping to shed the husk better. I'll be interested to hear from you if it reliably works better than just tossing a seed in the medium any which way.

too larry

Well-Known Member
And that makes perfect sense, helping to shed the husk better. I'll be interested to hear from you if it reliably works better than just tossing a seed in the medium any which way.
Some one had posted a video with a breeder. He explained it. Can't remember what thread it was on.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I was a half mile into my walk when I realized I didn't have my camera. So no pictures today.

At the FB patch the Sour Wreck {or what ever is in the double hole where the AF Shunk was} had twisted and fell down. I staked it up and packed dirt around the stalk. The same thing as what happened to the Ass Cheese It was pulled down and the roots gave {or got ate by termites} and it twisted. I poured lots of cinnamon in case it was termites. It hadn't been on the ground long enough to cause much damage, I hope.

too larry

Well-Known Member
And in the FP patch, it looks like I was too late to get the TP #3 f2 pollen. Most had released already. It was too wet to collect any while I was there, and I didn't get a chance to get back later in the day.

I did pull the G13 X TP male while I was there. After he had shot his wad, he was done.

All the young transplants in both of these patches were alive and well. 2 in FP and 6 in FB.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I had 2-3 inches of rain over the weekend. The trays of cups drained, but still. That is a lot of water for cups to handle. Yesterday I loosened up the dirt where it was compacted. This morning saw 3-4 sprouts. Didn't look to see what was what.

Had about an inch additional rain today.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I have forgot about this plant so often, it's a wonder it's still kicking. I think it's a Gorille Endormi {GdR X Sleepy}, but I don't want to dig down looking for the label and disturb the roots. I need to look back and see how long it's been flowering. Seems like a good while.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I didn't look this morning, but yesterday I had 9 sprouts out of 30 cups. Not too good. Several of the sprouts are Gorille Endormi {GdR X Sleepy}.

too larry

Well-Known Member
It was almost dark when I got to the FP and FB patches last night. I did see this brown bud on one of the Sour Moon Wrecks. I snipped it off and looked at it later. It had a tiny little bud worm in it. So at 0500 this morning I was back in the woods with my spray bottle of BT. Moon was full, so I only got lost to the point I had to turn on my headlamp a couple of times.
