Trump cfo weisselberg granted immunity


Well-Known Member
He sucks Bondi in Florida to keep any scrutiny of his "foundation" work there at bay. Anyone who has not read the archived series by Robert Farenthold on the WaPo should do so if possible.

Facts are facts even when reported in a real newspaper. Real news.

Time to dust off and trundle this out. Gingrich prefers feelings over facts. The entire vid is worth watching but Oliver makes much hilarity but otherwise destroys Gingrich and Republican abuse of truth and facts between 6 minutes and 9 minutes in the vid below:


Well-Known Member
whole family is shitting bricks now
"All the best people" are in this for the same thing Dotard is; their own self interest. There is no honor among thieves and nobody is going to "take a bullet" for the most corrupt person to hold the office of president. They will follow their own self interest and squeal. Who wouldn't? They're not stupid and know Drumpf won't have their backs and can't even, with State prosecutions. The family should eat more vegetables to help the bricks pass. #Justice.


Well-Known Member
Martha Stewart has my respect for going to jail, such as it is for rich whites, instead of shitting on a person who did her a favor. Illegal favor and she did the time. Snoop digs her. Nobody digs these rats. Started smoking at 14 on the border. We did what we had to do in a place where a joint could get you life. This was 1963 and anyone doubting that can use Google.

You did not see anything or hear anything. Ever. If you did and your family was lucky jackrabbit hunters might notice vultures. Usually they weren't so lucky. Better to do a few and not have to watch your back.

Like said above there's no honor among this bunch.


Well-Known Member
No fear either . A bunch of rich fat marshmallows that will settle for badmouthing at brunch over Mimosas at the club. Pansy ass fucks.


Well-Known Member

Time to dust off and trundle this out. Gingrich prefers feelings over facts. The entire vid is worth watching but Oliver makes much hilarity but otherwise destroys Gingrich and Republican abuse of truth and facts between 6 minutes and 9 minutes in the vid below:
It's like a new unending Batman movie.


Well-Known Member

Time to dust off and trundle this out. Gingrich prefers feelings over facts. The entire vid is worth watching but Oliver makes much hilarity but otherwise destroys Gingrich and Republican abuse of truth and facts between 6 minutes and 9 minutes in the vid below:


Well-Known Member
Martha Stewart has my respect for going to jail, such as it is for rich whites, instead of shitting on a person who did her a favor. Illegal favor and she did the time. Snoop digs her. Nobody digs these rats. Started smoking at 14 on the border. We did what we had to do in a place where a joint could get you life. This was 1963 and anyone doubting that can use Google.

You did not see anything or hear anything. Ever. If you did and your family was lucky jackrabbit hunters might notice vultures. Usually they weren't so lucky. Better to do a few and not have to watch your back.

Like said above there's no honor among this bunch.
Martha Stewart served time for committing the securities fraud of insider trading. I don't respect that. If she truly were interested in reforming herself she should have reported and testified against the people that helped her. Security fraud hurts retirement funds -- basically it impoverishes people who were working hard and plays by the rules. Fuck the vampires who do that.


Well-Known Member
Martha Stewart served time for committing the securities fraud of insider trading. I don't respect that. If she truly were interested in reforming herself she should have reported and testified against the people that helped her. Security fraud hurts retirement funds -- basically it impoverishes people who were working hard and plays by the rules. Fuck the vampires who do that.
She refused to reveal her source. I respect that .


Well-Known Member
Stewart was found guilty in March 2004 of felony charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators,

She was never convicted of insider trading.



Well-Known Member
Talk about your fucking hypocrites.
How is supporting repeal of drug laws but wanting people who commit security fraud prosecuted a hypocritical position?

In the case of drug crimes - distribution, sale, purchase and use are not intended to harm anybody.

Security fraud basically takes money away from investors to enrich somebody who deliberately breaks the law.