McCains Funeral


Well-Known Member
You've got no room to call anyone else a kek, banana boy! :roll:

In just one month, you have posted about several of your personal issues, as if anyone wants to hear about them.

So we get it, you have serious issues. Mission accomplished.

Kek means LoL in Korean. You're not very culturally sensitive. :(


Well-Known Member
Your statement shows you don't understand the difference between probability and certainty.
Tell that to the company who didn't vote because of a sure thing. Lefty candidates should win all the time because they outnumber righties two to one. The only reason lefties lose is apathy by not showjng up. Look how apathetic they are now. But just watch the DNC will probably pick Moonbeam Brown and lose again just as spectacularly.


Well-Known Member
kek is the international call of the lonely nazi incel

Not true, snowflake. Kek has been a gamer joke for over 20 years as a response to LoL and isn' t racist no matter how much you want to make it into a microaggression. Kek.

"The expression kek, used in the context of gaming, originated from Blizzard’s 1998 real-time strategy game Starcraft. The game did not support the Korean writing system, so the Korean equivalent to the English “hahaha,” or ㅋㅋㅋ, became written as “kekeke,” and soon became an in-joke to gamers who didn’t speak Korean.

A later Blizzard game, the 2004 massive multiplayer World of Warcraft, furthered kekeke. In the game, players can be on one of two opposing teams, the Horde or Alliance, who are unable to talk directly to each other through the chat box. When a player of the Horde team, which contains the Orc character type, types in the popular acronym LOL, the other team sees it as KEK, apparently programmed by Blizzard as a humorous reference to Starcraft."


Well-Known Member
Not true, snowflake. Kek has been a gamer joke for over 20 years as a response to LoL and isn' t racist no matter how much you want to make it into a microaggression. Kek.

"The expression kek, used in the context of gaming, originated from Blizzard’s 1998 real-time strategy game Starcraft. The game did not support the Korean writing system, so the Korean equivalent to the English “hahaha,” or ㅋㅋㅋ, became written as “kekeke,” and soon became an in-joke to gamers who didn’t speak Korean.

A later Blizzard game, the 2004 massive multiplayer World of Warcraft, furthered kekeke. In the game, players can be on one of two opposing teams, the Horde or Alliance, who are unable to talk directly to each other through the chat box. When a player of the Horde team, which contains the Orc character type, types in the popular acronym LOL, the other team sees it as KEK, apparently programmed by Blizzard as a humorous reference to Starcraft."
like i said, international calling signal of the lonely incel nazi virgin



Well-Known Member
Tell that to the company who didn't vote because of a sure thing. Lefty candidates should win all the time because they outnumber righties two to one. The only reason lefties lose is apathy by not showjng up. Look how apathetic they are now. But just watch the DNC will probably pick Moonbeam Brown and lose again just as spectacularly.
Interesting how you just repeat right wing propaganda and not really say much at all.

Actually, not interesting.


Well-Known Member
Interesting how you just repeat right wing propaganda and not really say much at all.

Actually, not interesting.
I'm actually ultra far left.But unlike you guys I despise the authoritarian state. I'm not under the delusion that magically all problems go away if big good statist government takes over capitalism. The problem is the capitalist class of they few with the most money and power, not who controls them like you seem to think.

I don't see it as white people are the problem like you do, nor that white people are solution like the ultra right. The problem is class division, not racial division.

Patriarchy or rape culture isn't the problem, and feminism isn't the solution. Again the real problem is class division, and the solution isn't division but inclusion for all in an egalitarian society that recognises that the differences in the sexes is a beautiful thing and doesn't force you to be one or the other.

But do go on about forcing others to think exactly like you do and wonder why your side keeps losing.


Well-Known Member
I'm actually ultra far left.But unlike you guys I despise the authoritarian state. I'm not under the delusion that magically all problems go away if big good statist government takes over capitalism. The problem is the capitalist class of they few with the most money and power, not who controls them like you seem to think.

I don't see it as white people are the problem like you do, nor that white people are solution like the ultra right. The problem is class division, not racial division.

Patriarchy or rape culture isn't the problem, and feminism isn't the solution. Again the real problem is class division, and the solution isn't division but inclusion for all in an egalitarian society that recognises that the differences in the sexes is a beautiful thing and doesn't force you to be one or the other.

But do go on about forcing others to think exactly like you do and wonder why your side keeps losing.
The far right white supremacists do at times say the same as the far left. That's the only similarity alt.right boy.

You know, your alt right held some demonstrations in Portland the other day. They were quite earnest about something but nobody could understand through their rhetoric what they were demonstrating for. They were hollering and carrying on with hateful language, scaring our kids and elderly so the good people of Portland kept them bottled up until the Police finally told them to go back to their hovels.

What is it that those white supremacists and other bigots that make up that group want?


Well-Known Member
The far right white supremacists do at times say the same as the far left. That's the only similarity alt.right boy.

You know, your alt right held some demonstrations in Portland the other day. They were quite earnest about something but nobody could understand through their rhetoric what they were demonstrating for. They were hollering and carrying on with hateful language, scaring our kids and elderly so the good people of Portland kept them bottled up until the Police finally told them to go back to their hovels.

What is it that those white supremacists and other bigots that make up that group want?
Since when do the alt-right want to demolish the capitalist class power system? Which alt-right protesters are promoting an egalitarian system? Which one of those Proud Boys looks like he eats 70% bananas and afterwards chants Namo Amituofo, then goes on a nature walk? Which one of those neo-nazis stand with Sea Shepard against the illegal Japanese dolphin and whale hunting who the US statists government refuses to let us stop them even though they violate international treaty? Which one of those alt-right boys is standing up for you right to smoke a fatty?

Those are all the things I do.


Well-Known Member
Since when do the alt-right want to demolish the capitalist class power system? Which alt-right protesters are promoting an egalitarian system? Which one of those Proud Boys looks like he eats 70% bananas and afterwards chants Namo Amituofo, then goes on a nature walk? Which one of those neo-nazis stand with Sea Shepard against the illegal Japanese dolphin and whale hunting who the US statists government refuses to let us stop them even though they violate international treaty? Which one of those alt-right boys is standing up for you right to smoke a fatty?

Those are all the things I do.
Your theory doesn't fit the facts.