Dismal intercourse

How dismal?

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Well-Known Member
So I should just try to chant their double standard it's wrong to be racist exept whites?.Or how they threw gays under the bus ever since they got their "equality" just because they can get married?

Sometimes even a Buddhist needs to get mean in response to such petty nonsense of equality through attrition and Machiavellian served your purpose we don't need you anymore. Or the best one is formerly opressed Asians now try too hard so there's too many of us that get accepted for computer science and engineering degrees. Where even the "white devil" has a better chance of acceptance.

You're already losing the oppression olympics as a white woman. You like being a second class citizen?

"I will always call on my Black women students first. Other POC get second tier priority. WW come next. And, if I have to, white men."

Isn't it so humanitarian she even lets white men live?

Unless we all speak up for all forms of impression, even against those we might think deserved it, hate continues. Marijuana users are still considered losers no matter what and get sent to jail for months or years because of the fact they dared to toke up. Once you have a felony, you're ruined for live with a mediocre job, and almost impossible to get a place to rent that isn't in a crime infested shithole.

All because people don't care and don't mind their own buisiness, trying to serve their own sense of warped morality.

But I'm the bad guy for hurting their feels?



Well-Known Member
How many people have raped you today or ever over cultural Marxism? Funny how you mock me when you claim something that isn't a conspiracy theory is one. You're like Milo Stewart who's a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. But she's actually funny, you're not.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I might not agree with all or many of what he does, and practically none. But I do admire how he makes those like you foam at the mouth, while claiming untruths.

He's not a dictator, he's not forcing anyone and most of his trolling isn't doing shit, getting struck down.

How has that wall, banning muslims, deporting all the undocumented, and taking away the "right" to murder your baby come along? He's doing a really shitty job of being a fascist leader. Hitler was at least voted Time man of the year. Did you forget the award Time gave Trump? A Photoshop picture!

Do you get that "liberals are foaming at the mouth: rhetoric from Right wing radio shows or Breitbart or where?
Because I was a life long Republican until I saw what the Republican party was embracing in Trumpski
So does that mean I was a foaming at the mouth Republican then?
I'm curious how a "skippy" like you gets al this jargon?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Certainly not judgemental lefties like you that may at most read a summary, or the dhammapada, but certainly have no clue about the real Asian Buddhist culture.

"Here in North America, there are large numbers of registered Republican Buddhists. Many of them are Asian-Americans, immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who fled left-wing violence in their native countries. One can only believe that Buddhists are naturally aligned with liberalism if no time has been spent among Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, or other Asian-Americans. Anti-Communism drives many such Buddhists into the Republican Party, as does similar views on traditional values, economic policy, patriotism, and other issues."

See that? I know first hand how vile communism is and would rather risk getting a fascist, which Trump is no where close to but it's funny many accuse him of being so, than even one step towards what communism has done to my people.

But either way I'm an anti-capitalist socialist libertarian. So Hillary isn't a shill for the corporations? Those leaked emails prove otherwise. But I also get a chuckle out of "bleeding heart" liberals whose only blood is green from their greed who don't care but say they do because then they'd look like the asshole they know they really are.

I'm here to laugh at those who do, and are utterly full of it. So thanks for playing.

I stopped at “judgemental lefties.”

-The Right is associated with condemnation of gays, people of color, the poor, etc.

-The Right takes a tough-on-crime approach

-The Right wants to kick out all the people of color and non-Christians and let in only people from Scandinavian and European countries.

You are blind. You are pure Ego. You have a lot of learning to do.


Well-Known Member
I might not agree with all or many of what he does, and practically none. But I do admire how he makes those like you foam at the mouth, while claiming untruths.

He's not a dictator, he's not forcing anyone and most of his trolling isn't doing shit, getting struck down.

How has that wall, banning muslims, deporting all the undocumented, and taking away the "right" to murder your baby come along? He's doing a really shitty job of being a fascist leader. Hitler was at least voted Time man of the year. Did you forget the award Time gave Trump? A Photoshop picture!

Oh, hi

I was wondering if you could answer a question for me, it being that you are the RIU's pet alt.rightie. Why is it that you guys (and they are always guys) you know, white supremacist guys get all angry and drive cars into crowds?

Also, what do your kind mean when they say "we worship housewives"?.


Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I’m an Advaitin, by the way, not a Buddhist. I have read and understood many of the Great Books, Rishis, and Sannyasi. It is clear that you do not.

“Ayam Atma Brahma.”

“This Soul is Brahma.”

Advaita means “Not-Two.” The One without a Second. It is one of the oldest extant forms of Hinduism and, at its root, Vedic thought from 5,500 years ago (~3,500-3,800 BCE), including Buddhism.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
See, the problem with Capitalism is, it is a concept. It exists only of the mind. Money has no inherent worth. It is backed by “faith.” It exists to help society, but when it no longer serves society, and instead victimizes most of society, it is no longer a philosophical good and must be disposed of. Capitalism is a system that has been hijacked by the people who have most of it at the expense of those who have the least of it. If this system, a product of the mind, is being wielded against the People—Souls, Purusha, Brahma—it should and will eventually be destroyed and recreated.


Well-Known Member
In my best "Michiganmedgrower whine " you just insulted my wife she is retarded and you just insulted her"

It’s going to be Michiganmedgrower Wine. After the storm we found vines of Concord grapes strewn all over the woodsy side of our yard.

Seriously. All in the bent and fallen trees are big bunches of grapes. Even 30’ up in a swamp willow.

Also your comment is rude and ignorant and makes little sense.


Well-Known Member
Certainly not judgemental lefties like you that may at most read a summary, or the dhammapada, but certainly have no clue about the real Asian Buddhist culture.

"Here in North America, there are large numbers of registered Republican Buddhists. Many of them are Asian-Americans, immigrants or the descendants of immigrants who fled left-wing violence in their native countries. One can only believe that Buddhists are naturally aligned with liberalism if no time has been spent among Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, or other Asian-Americans. Anti-Communism drives many such Buddhists into the Republican Party, as does similar views on traditional values, economic policy, patriotism, and other issues."

See that? I know first hand how vile communism is and would rather risk getting a fascist, which Trump is no where close to but it's funny many accuse him of being so, than even one step towards what communism has done to my people.

But either way I'm an anti-capitalist socialist libertarian. So Hillary isn't a shill for the corporations? Those leaked emails prove otherwise. But I also get a chuckle out of "bleeding heart" liberals whose only blood is green from their greed who don't care but say they do because then they'd look like the asshole they know they really are.

I'm here to laugh at those who do, and are utterly full of it. So thanks for playing.

White Supremacist is embarrassed by the photo that people most certainly interpret as the face of white supremacists rage. He wants everybody to know that it's the liberals who made him make that face. It wasn't his fault. It's never their fault. Liberals made them do it.

If only (insert minority group here) didn't try to take away my rights I wouldn't be so angry.(snicker)

White supremacist who marched in Charlottesville: 'I'm not the angry racist they see in that photo'

"I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was," Cvjetanovic told Channel 2 News in Nevada. "I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I'm not the angry racist they see in that photo."

The hater traveled from Nevada to participate in that rally in Virginia. Bought a shirt too. The upside down pyramid is a symbol the alt.right uses to collect concession money from white fools who think their entitlement is being threatened.
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