Well-Known Member
Been fighting with a Mach 1 and a deadline. Prepping for the paint. She's gonna be beaut! Fast too! Into the paint booth tomorrow.
I finished some more paintings. @curious2garden I didn't forget to mail it I've just been really busy this past week. Look on the bright side, now I'm mailing you a couple of paintings instead of one.
Hey I'm cool with waiting, no rush at allTake your time.
I'm sensing a little sexual tension here...
Why do y'all keep repeating the same sin over and over I've told y'all about ASS-U-MEtions. Since I have never given you any true personal information, you can't know me then huh stop before y'all become parrot people. Ask... And I'll tell. Don't turn U or ME int Ass'sS.W.I.M has looked for shit that was not lost.
Have you ever met someone looking for their glasses? While wearing them?
YesAnyone else havin trouble uploadin pics?!...just keeps telling me "an error occurred"
hey, if you don't tell us about yourself, we can't do anything but make assumptions.Why do y'all keep repeating the same sin over and over I've told y'all about ASS-U-MEtions. Since I have never given you any true personal information, you can't know me then huh stop before y'all become parrot people. Ask... And I'll tell. Don't turn U or ME int Ass's
Blue Wizard said: ↑
I finished some more paintings. @curious2garden I didn't forget to mail it I've just been really busy this past week. Look on the bright side, now I'm mailing you a couple of paintings instead of one.
so....what kind of paintings are these?
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I've been painting lately. This is my favorite out of the bunch so far. I still need to clear coat it, I have some clear coat somewhere I just need to find it.
I'm building a 347 out of a 302 for a f150 I have. It's not hard. You just have to take a Dremel and make clearance for the crank.My '70 Impala had a 400 , I sold the Impala but I still have the 400 sb. Thought about combining a 350 with the 400 to make a 383 but I ain't never done it and it is just a thought really.
kind of like Francis Bacon and Georgia O'keefe collaborated on a new version of starry night?Definitely a blurry penis surrounded by floating lady parts...'s what makes hand made items worth having.Trying to make these symmetrical is pretty tough considering I can't draw a circle or cut a strait line with scissors (gimme a saw that's a different story?).
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I think they do in's what makes hand made items worth having. think the pros eyeball that shit?
kuwait isn't that big, and it's right on the persian can't get fresh fish when the ocean is less than 150 miles from you at all times?I think they do in Kuwait.